Genshin Impact

''Omni-Ubiquity Net'' World Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Genshin Impact - Omni-Ubiquity Net World Quest Guide

''Omni-Ubiquity Net'' is a World Quest in Genshin Impact 2.3. Learn how to unlock Omni-Ubiquity Net through the Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog event, the quest locations, a full quest walkthrough, all quest rewards, how to use the Omni-Ubiquity Net, and more in this guide!

Omni-Ubiquity Net Quest Information

Quest Details

Quest Type World Quest
Location Inazuma City, Inazuma
Required AR 30
Quest Giver Sango

How to Unlock Omni-Ubiquity Net

Complete the Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog Event

Genshin Impact - Bantan Sango Case Files Event Guide
To unlock the Omni-Ubiquity Net World Quest, you'll need to complete the Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog Event! After the event, the quest should unlock!

Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog

Omni-Ubiquity Net Walkthrough and Rewards

Omni-Ubiquity Net

Sango says that her friend would like to modify the Ubiquity Net...

Omni-Ubiquity Net Objectives

  • Talk to Sango
  • Look for Wakamurasaki
  • Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net to capture small animals
  • Report back to Wakamurasaki
  • Talk to Sango

Omni-Ubiquity Net Walkthrough

Head to Inazuma City and talk to Sango.
Go down towards Byakko Plain, Inazuma and talk to Wakamurasaki. She will give you one Omni-Ubiquity Net to capture an animal's essence with it!
Capture a small animal using the Omni-Ubiquity Net. There will be a fox nearby you can capture. You'll also get an achievement for it! Click to jump to the Achievements.
Report back to Wakamurasaki.
Talk to Sango then finish the conversation to complete the quest!


Total Rewards
Genshin - Omni-Ubiquity Net Image Omni-Ubiquity Net x10 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x3 Genshin - Mora Image Mora x30000

How to Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net

Omni-Ubiquity Net Walkthrough

Omni-Ubiquity Net Guide Summary
Go to your Inventory and to the Gadgets category. Select the Omni-Ubiquity Net and equip it!
Tap the Omni-Ubiquity Net, and it will replace your Elemental Skill!
Get close to a small animal, hold on the Omni-Ubiquity Net button to aim it, and catch the small from a distance!

Full Omni-Ubiquity Net Item Guide

Buy Omni-Ubiquity Net from Wakamurasaki

Genshin - Buy Omni-Ubiquity Net from Wakamurasaki
After completing the quest, you can buy the Omni-Ubiquity Net from Wakamurasaki! She can only sell a limit of 5 nets but her store refreshes every week so you get more of it.

How to Place Animals Inside the Serenitea Pot

Genshin - How to Place Animals Inside the Serenitea Pot
To add animals inside your Serenitea Pot, you only need to acess your placement screen, then select the animals you want to place in your Realm! Note that you can't use the Omni-Ubiquity Net inside the Serenitea Pot.

Serenitea Pot Guide

Omni-Ubiquity Net Achievements

“Trying to Tame Me?” Achievement

Achievement Rank Primogem Reward
Completed Achievement"Trying to Tame Me?" ★★★ 5 Primogems
Objective : Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net Item to capture 1 wild animal.

List of All Achievements and Rewards

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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

I didnt get the quest even though i already have kageroumaru, can anyone check this out?

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