Genshin Impact

The Farmer's Treasure World Quest Walkthrough and Rewards | Old Stone Slate Puzzle Guide

Genshin Impact - The Farmer

The Farmer's Treasure is a World Quest in Genshin Impact. Learn how to unlock this Quest and where it is found, as well as its rewards and a full walkthrough for completing the Quest.

The Farmer's Treasure Basic Information

Quest Details

Quest Type World Quest
Location Jinren Island, Inazuma

How to Unlock

In order to unlock this quest, you will first need to complete some unlisted objectives.

Free Saimon Jirou

Investigate the Missing Person Bulletin Board in Konda Village.
Head to Jinren Island and climb the highest point there to find someone trapped in a cage.
Tip Genshin - The Farmer
To climb up faster, go around the enemies and climb up the side of the island with this ladder.
Climb the marked tree to find the Cage Key and use it to free the trapped person.

Collect 4 Stone Slates

The first Old Stone Slate can be found during the A Strange Story in Konda quest.
Tip Genshin - The Farmer
The entrance for the caverns where the slate can be found is the well behind the Village Elder's house.

The second one can be found near the Waverider Waypoint north-east of the Kamisato Estate.
The third one can be found during the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual quest. It is found on a pile of rubble near a Cube Device puzzle
Tip Genshin - The Farmer
Enter through the cyiindrical ruin to get inside the cave system containing the slate.
The fourth one can be found in the wreckage of ships near the Teleport Waypoint where the Perpetual Mechanical Array is.
Tip Genshin - The Farmer

You can enter through this side of coastline, as well as from the Araumi ruin entrance as well.

Only after completing the above objectives will you be able to find the quest in your logs.

The Farmer's Treasure Walkthrough and Rewards

The Farmer's Treasure

Saimon Jirou, a son of a farming family, dreams of finding treasure, but has met with an unexpected crisis instead...

The Farmer's Treasure Objectives

  • Report back to Saimon Jirou
  • Find the fifth stone slate
  • Confront Saimon Jirou
  • Find Saimon Jirou on Jinren Island
  • Confront the Kairagi leader
  • Defeat all opponents
  • Open the "treasury" front door using the key
  • Open the stone gate of the "treasury"
  • Find the treasure
  • Report back to Saimon Katsumi in Konda Village


Once you have all 4 Stone Slates, talk to Saimon Jirou.
Go to the marked location and look for the 5th Stone Slate.
Go back to Jinren Island and confront the Kairagi leader.
Defeat 4 waves of opponents.
Use the Treasury Key to open the gate.
Place the 4 Stone Tablets on the ground and step on all of them to open the Stone Gate.
Open the Common Chest inside.
Go back to Konda Village and talk to Saimon Katsumi.


Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP ×500 Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×60 Genshin Impact - Saimon Heirloom Blade Diagram Image Saimon Heirloom Blade Diagram ×1
Genshin Impact - Northlander Sword Billet Image Northlander Sword Billet ×1

The Farmer's Treasure Tips & Strategies

Amenoma Kageuchi Weapon Blueprint

Genshin Impact - Amenoma Kageuchi.png

Completing the quest will reward you with a weapon blueprint to craft a new sword.

Amenoma Kageuchi Weapon Guide

Genshin Impact Related Links

Genshin - Slim Partial Banner - Quests

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3 Anonymousabout 1 year

Oh and The Perpetual Mechanical array cant be accessed if you don't do the "Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual" till that point.

2 Anonymousabout 1 year

(see other comment first) -on how to get the waypoints. The other one, the first tablet, if you just collect all the treasure in the room under the well you will grab it.

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