Genshin Impact

Octave of the Maushiro Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - Octave of the Maushiro World Quest Guide

Octave of the Maushiro is a Tsurumi Island quest in Genshin Impact. See how to solve the mystery of the stones, how to unlock, use the feather, and rewards list in this guide!

Through the Mists Quests
Particular Author Octave of Maushiro
Sea of Fog, Rite of Trees Sun-Wheel & Mt. Kanna

Octave of the Maushiro How to Unlock

Complete A Particularly Particular Quest

Genshin Impact - A Particularly Particular Quest Guide
Octave of the Maushiro is a time-locked quest. You have to complete the Particularly Particular Author quest and wait for Octave of Maushiro to appear in your quest menu after Server Reset.

A Particularly Particular Author Guide

Octave of the Maushiro Walkthrough

Talk to Sumida

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to Sumida and the Group
Go to Sumida's location in Inazuma city and talk to her and the group of other NPCs.

Travel to Tsurumi Island

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Go back to Tsurumi Island
Go back to Tsurumi Island. It will look all foggy on the map again, so just use the Statue of the Seven to teleport. You will get the Nihil Sub Caligne Novum Achievement here, too!

Proceed to the marked location and cross the big stone gate again to clear the fog.

Talk to Ruu

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro Talk to Ruu

Obtain the Peculiar Pinion Gadget from Ruu

Talk to Ruu. You'll need to defeat the Hilichurls nearby before you start the conversation. During the conversation, your Peculiar Pinion will be turned into a gadget!

How to Use the Peculiar Pinion Gadget

Go to Your Destination and Use the Feather

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Use the Peculiar Pinion on Statue
Open your Gadget inventory, equip the Peculiar Pinion, and use it on the Bird Statue near Ruu.

Talk to the Illusion

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to the Kama Illusion
Talk to the Kama illusion by the dead tree and finish the conversation to proceed.

Try to Look for Buried Objects

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Dig to get Maushiro
After the conversation ends, interact with the glowing spot where Kama's illusion used to be. You'll be able to dig up the Maushiro.

Go to the Ceremonial Site and Listen in on the Locals' Conversations

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Talk with the Group of People
Go to the ceremonial site and talk to the 3 groups of people there. You can talk to them in any order.

Go to Wakukau Shoal and Solve the Puzzle

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Wakukao Shoal Bird Statue
Go to the marked location in Wakukau Shoal and look for a Bird Statue. Use the Peculiar Pinion near this Bird Statue to trigger more illusions.

Use the Feather to Search for Clues

Wakukau Shoal Puzzle Solution

Seelie Hint

Puzzle Solution

There will be a puzzle near the illusion's location. Use the Peculiar Pinion on the Bird Statue to spawn an Electro Seelie. Follow the Electro Seelie around and prepare to fight Rifthounds that appear in tthe area!

After following the Electro Seelie, there will be another Bird Statue. Use the Peculiar Pinion on it to reveal a puzzle pattern.

Solve the Mystery of the Stones

Go back to the location of the Ishine Script stones where the Electro Seelie spawned and hit the stones in the order you saw on the wall.

Go to Oina Beach and Solve the Puzzle

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Oina Beach Bird Statue
After the cutscene, go to Oina Beach and look for a similar Ishine Script stone puzzle. Use the Peculiar Pinion near the Bird Statue again.

Use the Feather to Search for Clues and Solve the Puzzle

To solve the puzzle, move the stones and follow the order in the image above!

Go to the Autake Plains and Solve the Puzzle

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Head to Autake Plains
Finish the conversation with the illusions, then proceed to the Autake Plains.

Light Up the Stormstones Along the Way

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Light up the Stormstones
This area will be covered in thick fog. Staying in the thick fog for too long will teleport you back somewhere else, so light up any Stormstones you see along the way.

Continue Looking for Clues

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Autake Plains First Bird Statue
Follow the Stormstone path until you see a Bird Statue. Use the Peculiar Pinion near it to spawn illusions. After the cutscene, use your Peculiar Pinion on the next Bird Statue. This Ishine Script stone puzzle is missing some stones.

Find the Missing Stones and Return Them to Their Rightful Place

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Follow the Seelie
Follow the Seelie to the locations of the Autake Slates, go back to the Ishine Script Stone puzzle, and use the Autake Slates where the Seelie are floating.

Solve the Mystery of the Stones

To solve the mystery of the stones, use the three Autake Slates for a pattern to appear on the wall behind the Bird Statue. Follow it and hit the Ishine Script stones in the correct order!

Return to the Ceremonial Site

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Return to the Ceremonial Site
After the cutscene, return to the ceremonial site. It will once again be deserted.

Talk to Sumida

Genshin - Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to Sumida to Finish Quest
Return to Inazuma City and talk to Sumida again. Finish the dialogue to complete the quest, and wait until after server reset to unlock the next quest in the series, the Sea of Fog and the Rite of Trees!

Octave of the Maushiro Information

Sub-Quest of Through the Mists

Genshin - Through the Mists

Octave of the Maushiro is the second subquest of the world quest chain, Through the Mists, which clears the fog in Tsurumi Island and uncovers its mysterious past.

Through the Mists Quest Guides

Octave of the Maushiro Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Slim Partial Banner - Quests

All Quests and Quest Types

Other Through the Mists Quest Guides

Through the Mists Quest Guides
A Particularly Particular Author Octave of the Maushiro The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees
The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna

Through the Mists Quest Line Guide

All Inazuma World Quests Guide

Inazuma World Quest Guides
"Eye of Watatsumi" "Fang of Watatsumi" "Fin of Watatsumi"
"Heart of Watatsumi" "Tail of Watatsumi" A Particularly Particular Author
A Strange Story in Konda Battle of Revenge Chisato's Letter
Clean House Cleansing Defilement Divine Plant of the Depths
Dreams of Sword Art Fate of a Fighter Fertilizer... Salesperson?
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Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away Gourmet Supremos, Assemble! Gourmet Supremos: Of Shrines and Sakura
Hiromi's Watch In Another Land International Travel Log
Katheryne in Inazuma Neko is a Cat Neko Is a Cat: A "Good Turn" Comes Late
Neko Is a Cat: Cat and Stone Neko Is a Cat: Ding-a-Ling Metal Ball Neko Is a Cat: Offering Box
Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Canteen Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe Neko Is a Cat: Stone Human's Troubles
Neko Is a Cat: The Children Neko Is a Cat: Wooden Rack O Archon, Have I Done Right?
Octave of the Maushiro Omni-Ubiquity Net Orobashi's Legacy: Part I
Orobashi's Legacy: Part II Orobashi's Legacy: Part III Orobashi's Legacy: Part IV
Orobashi's Legacy: Part V Orobashi's Legacy: Prologue Phantom Flow: Phantasmal Blade
Pizza From Another Land Relics of Seirai Reminiscence of Seirai
Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual Sacrificial Offering Sakura Arborism
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Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV Shuumatsuban Operations Sinister Instruction
Solitary Sea-Beast Storytelling Method Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest
Tatara Tales Tatara Tales: Data Collection Tatara Tales: Final Preparations
Tatara Tales: Functional Test Tatara Tales: Priority Investigation Tatara Tales: Process Is Everything
Tatara Tales: Purification Device Tatara Tales: The Last Act Temaria Game
The Art of Horticulture The Commission's Commission The Farmer's Treasure
The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road The Gourmet Supremos: The Deep Divers The Gourmet Supremos: The Importance of Eating Well
The Gourmet Supremos: The Seashore Strider The Moon-Bathed Deep The Narukami Trail
The Replacement's Secret The Ritou Road The Saga of Mr. Forgetful
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The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna The Very Special Fortune Slip Treatment on the Island
Where the Dandelions Find Rest Yae Publishing House's Invitation Yougou Cleansing

List of World Quests


3 Anonymousover 3 years

i only have in quest part of the bag but not in gadget and i completed the octave event too but did not get the feather gadget

2 Anonymousover 3 years

i completed the octave quest but did not get the feathers to do the seven crest quest

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