Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Walkthrough Comments


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    2 Anonymous@Game8almost 3 yearsReport

    This is a great tip, Coffee Goblin. We just checked and indeed doing the "Gotta Hoard Fast!" event quest guarantees a Golden Egg as a quest bonus if you get an S+ rankiing. Making it easier to farm zennies when doing this quest on multiplayer. Thank you for this awesome tip! We will update our guide above with this.

    1 Coffee Goblinalmost 3 yearsReport

    With the release of the Sonic the Hedgehog quest You now want to run the Low Rank event quest for Sonic Sub 2 minutes completion guarentees you a Golden Egg which is Whopping 20,000 Zenny (and takes under 2 minutes per run) for very very minimal work can make 100k in under 15 mins

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