Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Arko Unu Black Layered Weapon Appearance and Forging Materials

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This is a guide on the Arko Unu Black Layered Weapon (Bow) in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. See what the Arko Unu Black looks like, find out how to get and unlock it, as well as its forging materials by reading on!

Arko Unu Black Layered Weapon Appearance

Arko Unu Black
MH Rise Sunbreak - Arko Unu Black Bow Layered Weapon Image
Weapon Type Bow

Arko Unu Black Stats and Upgrade Materials

How to Get Arko Unu Black Layered Weapon

How to Get
Crafted at the Smithy.
Forging Materials
Cost 3000z

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

Layered Weapons Partial Banner

List of Layered Weapons

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Rosenzichel Insurgent Bow Untergang
L' Innocence Royal Order's Bow+ Abyssal Gale Bow
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List of All Layered Bows


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