Genshin Impact

Liben the Merchant's Story and Profile

Genshin Impact - Liben the Merchant

Liben is a Traveling Merchant featured in Genshin Impact's Marvelous Merchandise events. Learn about Liben's story and lore, his character profile, and a list of in-game appearances in this NPC lore guide!

Liben the Merchant's Character Information

Liben Character Profile

Traveling Merchant
Genshin - Liben the Traveling Merchant Nation: Liyue
Faction: None
Element: None
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Liben is a traveling merchant originally hailing from Liyue. He most often shows up in Mondstadt during the Marvelous Merchandise Event.

Liben the Merchant's Story and Lore

Who is Liben the Merchant?

Genshin Impact - Talk to Liben the Traveling Merchant
Liben is a Traveling Merchant who originally hailed from Liyue. He has since traveled to different regions to conduct business, including Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, and Mondstadt where the Traveler sees him often.

He's often unlucky with business ventures

He used to sell 'curios' but has since tried to look for bigger business ventures, often ending up scammed or tricked. Whether it be by false information from the Liyue Qixing and Ningguang, to getting his business deposits stolen in Inazuma.

Despite his misfortunes, he is fair to the Traveler and makes sure that they are rewarded properly for taking on his tasks.

Featured in Marvelous Merchandise Events

Genshin - Marvelous Merchandise

Liben regularly does business with the Traveler during the Marvelous Merchandise event, which is the only time Liben can be found within the game. In the latest runs of Marvelous Merchandise, he is always in the same spot in Mondstadt, near the Market Stalls.

Marvelous Merchandise Event Guide

Liben Box O' Marvel Rewards

Liben Event Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Image Primogem Genshin - Mora Image Mora Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit
Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore Teachings of FreedomMondstadt Talent Materials Teachings of ProsperityLiyue Talent Materials

Liben rewards travelers who help him acquire common items with valuable Primogems, Mora, and even materials for leveling up characters, talents, and weapons.

Liben In-Game Appearances

All of Liben's In-Game Appearances

Quest Name Type
Marvelous Merchandise Version 1.0 Event
Marvelous Merchandise Version 1.2 Event
Marvelous Merchandise Version 1.4 Event
Marvelous Merchandise Version 2.3 Event
Marvelous Merchandise Version 2.6 Event
Marvelous Merchandise Version 3.2 Event
Marvelous Merchandise Version 4.3 Event
Marvelous Merchandise Version 5.1 Event

Event Appearances

Marvelous Merchandise 1.0

Liben first appeared in Version 1.0 during the initial run of the Marvelous Merchandise event. He introduced himself as someone who ''used to sell curios.'' When asked, Liben explained that ''the rarer something is, the more expensive it is.''

Acting on insider information he got from Ningguang, Liben launches the Marvelous Merchandise event to try and profit from it. The information turns out to be false and was leaked purposefully to trick him.

Marvelous Merchandise 1.2

In Liben's second Marvelous Merchandise appearance in Version 1.2, he was preparing for a trip to Sumeru, which he described as a region that ''is all rainforest and desert.'' He also mentioned not needing mushrooms, implying that Sumeru had an abundance of it.

Marvelous Merchandise 1.4

Upon Liben's return in Marvelous Merchandise 1.4, he said he had a bad experience with mushrooms and no longer liked them. When asked about his trip to Sumeru, Liben said that the trees looked exceptional.

Liben also mentioned that ''Sumeru has a whole tribe of experts dedicated to the protection of merchants like myself. There are a lot of rules to observe, but safety is not an issue.''

Marvelous Merchandise 2.3

After receiving a license to do business in Inazuma, Liben received a Commission from a researcher in Sumeru to deliver a ''prototype card game'' to the Yae Publishing House in Inazuma City.

Unfortunately, he once again ran into misfortune when he attempted to buy and sell Ms. Hina publications and Taroumaru Coins, only for the deposit for the coins to be stolen.

Marvelous Merchandise 2.6

When Liben returns to Mondstadt in 2.6, Liben mentions that he left Sumeru because strange people appeared and an ''ominous air'' was hanging over the nation. He warns the Traveler not to go to Sumeru because it was dangerous as of late.

Liben was considering whether to go to Fontaine instead via Qiaoying Village even if he's unsure what business to do there. The village, famous for it's tea, is located in northern Liyue where it intersects with Fontaine and it's the fastest way to get to Fontaine.

He gives a hint that after his stay on Mondstadt he will travel back to Sumeru and then stop by Inazuma. Liben said that the Ms. Hina Merchandise didn't sell well in Mondstadt, Liyue, or Sumeru.

Marvelous Merchandise 3.2

In 3.2 Liben is once again in Mondstadt! When the traveler talks to him, he says he found some luck in selling his Inazuman Merchandise in Fontaine. He did a quick run in Inazuma to restock after leaving Sumeru.

He said he decided to try his luck in Fontaine since the situation didn't look good in Sumeru. He was surprised to find out that the locals of Fontaine really loved the Inazuman goods he brought there! They liked the Ms. Hina merchandise because it sold out!

In regards to the situation in Fontaine, he said that ''things feel oppressive and dangerous'' he likened it to a storm about to break out. The locals there feel antsy and said that ''judgement was soon to come.'' After that, Liben warned the Traveler not to go there.

Marvelous Merchandise 4.3

In Version 4.3, Liben pointedly mentioned not wanting to go to Natlan, but didn't cite a reason. He talked about falling into a hole and staring at the stars until a passing Adventurer saved him.

He pulled the Traveler into a conversation about what lied amongst the stars, whether there were worlds that could be explored there. The Traveler then jokingly asked Liben if he were to 'Trailblaze a new trade route.' This could be a reference to HoYoverse's newest game, Honkai Star Rail, where the main character is also called the 'Trailblazer.'

Marvelous Merchandise 5.1

In Version 5.1, Liben returned to Mondstadt bearing news of his ventures in the city of Nod-Krai, found south of Snezhnaya. Liben mentions getting robbed just outside the city, and being helped by the Voynich Guild in getting all of his things back.

Unfortunately, on his way back out of the city, Liben got robbed again.

Marvelous Merchandise Guide

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