Genshin Impact

Chuychu Story and Profile

Genshin Impact Chuychu Story and Lore

Chuychu in Genshin Impact was a doctor specializing in Abyss Corruption who is also the sister of Chasca. See Chuychu's story and lore here in this guide!

Chuychu Character Information

Chuychu Character Profile

Genshin - Chuychu
Faction: Flower-Feather Clan
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Chuychu Story and Lore

Sister of Chasca

Genshin Impact Chuychu Story and Lore - Sister of Chasca

Chuychu is the sister of Chasca, one of the 6 warrior heroes of Natlan. Although Chuychu and Chasca aren't sisters by blood (as Chasca was adopted), the two stood by each other throughout their whole lives. Chuychu would often engage into heated arguments with Chasca, which is her way of dealing with the Abyss Corruption that dwells inside her sister's body.

Chasca's affliction also likely contributed to Chuychu's choice of profession, being a renowned doctor specializing in Abyss Corruption.

Chasca Release Date, Element, and Profile

Killed During the Abyss Invasion

Genshin Impact Chuychu Story and Lore - Killed During the Abyss Invasion

During the Despair Engulfs the Heavens quest, Chuychu died from the amount of Abyss Corruption that ended up inside her body from fighting the corrupted monsters. Despite the attempt of the Traveler to cleanse her body of the corruption, Chuychu's body gave up before the cleansing was complete.

Moments later, Chasca was acknowledged by her Ancient Name, under the hero, Menilek.

Despair Engulfs the Heavens Quest Guide

Chuychu In-Game Mentions

All Mentions of Chuychu In-Game

Quest Name Type
To Reclaim an Ancient Name Archon Quest
Past and Future Archon Quest
The Flickering Light Splits in Twain Archon Quest
The Rainbow Destined to Burn Archon Quest

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3 Anonymousabout 2 months

Everyone got depression from that quest

2 Anonymousabout 2 months


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