Genshin Impact

Who was Deshret, The Scarlet King?

Genshin Impact - Who was King Deshret the Scarlet King

King Deshret was The Scarlet King of Sumeru's Desert area in Genshin Impact. He is revered by The Emerites, who have vowed to exact revenge against the worshippers of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata.

Deshret, The Scarlet King Character Information

The Scarlet King's Profile

King Deshret
The Scarlet King
Genshin - Unavailable Nation: Sumeru
Element: Unknown
Faction: Deshret Desert
Status: Deceased
Gender: Male

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Deshret, The Scarlet King Story & Lore

Worshipped by The Eremites

Genshin - Sumeru Desert Pyramid 2

King Deshret is the ruler of Sumeru's Desert region, with the devout followers of Ayn Al-Ahmar (faction of The Eremites) as his loyal subjects. The Desert civilization had advanced technological advancements even greater than present-day Sumeru.

Sumeru Desert Map Guide

Vengeance Against Greater Lord Rukkhadevata

Genshin - Sumeru Greater Lord Rukkhadevata

The Eremites claim that Greater Lord Rukkhadevata betrayed King Deshret. She apparently destroyed their ancient civilization, forcing them to flee until King Deshret's eventual death, though the exact cause is unknown.

Due to their resentment for Rukkhadevata, there exists a plan by the Ayn Al-Ahmar that would punish devotees of the Greater Lord as revenge for the events in the past.

Who was the Greater Lord Rukkhadevata?

Impending Resurrection

Genshin - Sumeru Desert Pyramid 2
During the events of the Archon Quest, when the Traveler and Paimon was conversing with The Eremites in Port Ormos, they mentioned about The Oracles foreseeing his return.

Power Transfered to Apep

Genshin - Apep Dragon

In Nahida's Act 2 Story Quest, King Deshret (also known as Amun) was an ambitious being who gained power through forbidden knowledge. They created a powerful kingdom in the domain of Apep, the Dendro Dragon.

This is only under the condition that Apep will claim Amun's power and knowledge after their death.

Nahida Story Quest Act 2 Guide

King Deshret In-Game Appearances or Mentions

Name Type
Gilded Dreams Artifact Set
Through Mists of Smoke and Forests Dark Archon Quest
King Deshret and the Three Magi Archon Quest
Homecoming Archon Quest

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