Genshin Impact

Zhiqiong Story and Lore

Genshin Impact - Zhiqiong Story and Profile

Zhiqiong is an Adventurer and a member of the Chasm Exploration Team in Version 2.6 of Genshin Impact. She is a key NPC in The Chasm Delvers quest chain and the Valor's Afterglow quest chain. Learn about Zhiqiong's story and lore, her character profile, a list of in-game appearances, and other details in this lore guide!

Zhiqiong Character Information

Zhiqiong Character Profile

Liyue Adventurer
Genshin - Zhiqiong Nation: Liyue
Faction: Adventurer's Guild
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Zhiqiong Story and Lore

Map Maker of The Chasm Exploration Team

Genshin - Zhiqiong Lore - welcome to the exploration team

Zhiqiong was assigned as the Map Maker of The Chasm Exploration Team, in charge of charting the Underground Mines after it was shut down due to the appearance of Dark Mud.

Zhiqiong got along well with the other members of the Chasm Exploration Team such as Jinwu, who is in charge of maintenance and security, and the Traveler. However, Zhiqiong did not get along with Clitopho, a later addition to the Exploration Team due to their need for a Demolitions Expert.

The Chasm Map Guide and How to Unlock

A Desire to Be Remembered

Genshin - Zhiqiong Lore - don

Zhiqiong had a strong desire to be remembered, hence her decision to be a part of The Chasm Exploration Team in the first place. This trait led her to explore the depths of The Chasm that others deemed too dangerous, and caused her team members to grow more concerned for her.

Zhiqiong In-Game Appearances

Warning! The Chasm Quest Spoilers up Ahead!

All of Zhiqiong's In-Game Appearances

Quest Name Type
The Chasm Delvers Quest Chain World
Valor's Afterglow Quest Chain World

World Quest Appearances

The Chasm Delvers

Genshin - Zhiqiong in The Chasm Delvers Quest

In the Chasm Delvers quest chain, Zhiqiong is one of the main guides for the player while unlocking and traversing the Underground Mines in the Chasm.

Zhiqiong is the one to invite the Traveler to join the Chasm Exploration Team, and is also often the first one to venture deeper into the Underground Mines despite the many dangers they encountered. This would eventually lead her to start feeling ill, and being forced by Jinwu and the Traveler to go back to their camp to rest.

''The Chasm Delvers'' Quest Chain Guide

Valor's Afterglow

Genshin - Zhiqiong in the Valor

Valor's Afterglow is a quest that unlocks after completing the Chasm Delvers quest chain. This continues the story from where the Chasm Delvers left off, this time with placing beacons for further research in the Underground Mines.

Soon after this, Zhiqiong disappears, only leaving a letter saying she found a path deeper into the mines, but the Traveler would fail to find the path she took. It is unknown if a future quest will reveal her whereabouts or not.

''Valor's Afterglow'' Quest Chain Guide

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