Genshin Impact

Phobos Story and Profile

Genshin Impact Phobos Story and Profile

The Phobos in Genshin Impact is the power of Symphony created by Remus and Sybilla. Check out the Phobos' story and lore, along with its in-game quest appearances here in this lore guide!

Phobos Character Information

Phobos Character Profile

Genshin - Phobos Nation: Fontaine
Element: N/A
Faction: Remuria

Phobos Story and Lore

The Grandest of Melodies

Genshin Impact Phobos Story and Profile - The Grandest of Melodies

Phobos is the coalesced form of Symphony, that Remus Sebastos, or simply the Sebastos, created to give Remurians an edge against fighting Fortuna, or Fate.

Cassiodor, a former Harmost who served directly under Sebastos, referred to it as the Grandest of Melodies, being formed from an interwoven, and overlapping melody that could bring everyone happiness.

A Guiding Entity of Remurians

Genshin Impact Phobos Story and Profile - A Guiding Entity of Remurians

At the citizens of Remuria's behest, the Imperator compiled all Melodies, and created Phobos, as a result. The Phobos then became a guiding entity for most Remurians. This created an extreme dependence on Phobos, which ultimately led to Remuria's fall.

Sea of Bygone Eras and Remuria Map Guide

Ate Boethius

Genshin Impact Phobos Story and Profile - Ate Boethius

During the Fortune Plango Vulnera, the manifestation of Phobos talked to Cassiodor about the true will of Remus, and how Sybilla's wisdom gave birth to it.

Since Phobos was made out of Remurian emotions and desires, Phobos was programmed to realize the deepest needs of Remurians, no matter how asinine they may be.

This resulted to Phobos consuming Boethius, and assimilating his will, turning him to a puppet that acts at the beck and call of Phobos.

Fortune Plango Vulnera Quest Guide

Destroyed Because of Cassiodor

Genshin Impact Phobos Story and Profile - Destroyed Because of Cassiodor

Cassiodor entered the heart of Phobos, and assimiliated with him just like Boethius. However, Cassiodor's deepest desire is to carry on Remus' final legacy, which ultimately led to the Traveler defeating Phobos (and the then-assimilated Cassiodor) in the process.

Played the Requiem for the Fallen Remuria

Before Cassiodor faded, and dissipated into the great sea, the Harmost requested the Traveler to play Requiem, which is also the Lacrimosa Music Score that instructs the Phobos to self-destruct.

Phobos In-Game Mentions & Appearances

Canticles of Harmony Quest Line

Quest Name Type
Shadow Over Petrichor World Quest
Underwater Nocturne World Quest
The Last Day of Remuria World Quest
Gradus ad Capitolium World Quest
Fortune Plango Vulnera World Quest

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