Genshin Impact

Madame Ping (Streetward Rambler) Story and Profile

Genshin Impact - Madame Ping (Streetward Rambler) Story and Profile Lore Guide

Madame Ping (Streetward Rambler) is an adeptus that now dwells at Yujing Terrace. Check out who Madame Ping is, her story and lore, and all Madame Ping's in-game quest appearances here!

Madame Ping Character Information

Madame Ping Character Profile

Madame Ping (Streetward Rambler)
Genshin - Madame Ping - Streetward Rambler Nation: Liyue
Title: Streetward Rambler
Affiliation: Adepti
Gender: Female

Madame Ping Voice Actors

Language Voice Actor
Japanese Momone Iizumi
(飯泉 桃音)
Chinese Ji Zhou

List of Voice Actors

Madame Ping Appearance

Genshin - Younger Madame Ping (Streetward Rambler)
Madame Ping refer to her younger self as a vain beauty. In the old times, she is seen weaing a blue robe and often carries a zither across her back. Upon persuading Zhongli to give her the cleansing bell, Madame Ping ties the said bell to her waist.

Genshin - Older Madame Ping (Streetward Rambler)
At the present time and upon arriving at Liyue Harbor, you can see Madame Ping tending to the Glaze Lilies at Yujing Terrace. She is wearing a long dark-green dress with a brown shawl, a maroon-colored waistband and collar, and wears her grey hair in a low, tucked bun.

If Madame Ping is an Adeptus, why did she age?

Normally, the adeptus' age doesn't show in one's appearance. It is highly likely that Madame Ping chose her older appearance for a reason.

Madame Ping Story and Lore

Adeptus in Guili Assembly

Genshin - Madame Ping (Streetward Rambler)
Madame Ping, or Streetward Rambler, is an adeptus that lived in the Guili Assembly. Tied to her title, she often plays the zither and believes that music is an expression of one's soul, and it cannot be replicated using bland machinery.

Madame Ping and Guizhong

Genshin - Madame Ping and Guizhong
Guizhong (Haagentus) is known to be an expert of mechanical arts. She and Madame Ping would often bicker as Guizhong believed that the bell she created is capable of creating melodies. Morax, or Zhongli, had to confiscate the bell and had it use for ceremonial use only.

Genshin - Madame Ping and Guizhong
Not long after, the two were seen enjoying each other's company, talking about music, machines, and even the mortal realm.

The Archon War

Genshin - Guizhong at the Archon War
The Archon War devastated not only human survivors, but also the Gods and Adepti that lost their comrades. Madame Ping is no exception as once she arrived at the scene, Guizhong was no longer with them.

The Cleansing Bell

Genshin - Madame Ping and the Cleansing Bell
After Guizhong's passing, the once extroverted and outgoing Streetward Rambler changed. She also had to pester Morax to make her the safekeeper of the Cleansing Bell that Guizhong made, and according to Cloud Retainer, the tunes Madame Ping makes ranges from delicate to longing.

At the Yujing Terrace, Liyue Harbor

Genshin - Madame Ping
Most of the adepti sought shelter in Jueyun Karst, but Madame Ping and Ganyu moved to Liyue Harbor. She now resides at Yujing Terrace, living inside the magical abode she created from a teapot.

A Teapot As Our Home

Genshin - A Teapot to Call Home
After the destruction of the first Jade Chamber, Madame Ping learned that the Traveler doesn't have any permanent and proper shelter. As a gift for their efforts in saving Liyue Harbor, Madame Ping crafted a magical Serenitea Pot, and so it began to serve the Traveler well in their journey.

The Fairy Lady

Genshin - Dvorak Meeting Traveler and Yaoyao
During The Exquisite Night Chimes event, the Traveler encounters a wandering musician, Dvorak, seeking the fairy lady. Dvorak tells us that he travels around Teyvat to promote the Iridescence Tour music festival, but he also have personal reasons on why he's in Liyue.

The Lady Overlooking the Lake

Genshin - The Fairy Lady is Madame Ping
When Dvorak's ancestor once got into a life and death situation, he suddenly heard a wondrous melody. The tune made him forget that he was gasping for air and suddenly realized he was already ashore, with an unfamilar woman standing close to him.

This story became known and was even passed to the next generations. Dvorak tried praying and looking for clues on where the fairy lady is, and the sign of the wind brings him to Liyue.

Madam Ping then confirmed that it was her that Dvorak's ancestor heard. She was surprised that the story lived long enough even though the human lives settles early.

Madame Ping In-Game Appearances

Quest Name Type
Farewell, Archaic Lord Archon Quest
A New Star Approaches Archon Quest
A Teapot to Call Home World Quest
The Art of Horticulture World Quest
Lantern Rite Event
Moonlight Merriment Event
Fleeting Colors in Flight Event
The Exquisite Night Chimes Event

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2 Anonymousabout 1 year


1 Anonymousabout 2 years

this great article 👍 goodjob i have fun read

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