Genshin Impact

K'uhul Ajaw Story and Profile

Genshin Impact - K

K'uhul Ajaw is the Almighty Dragonlord (Self-Proclaimed), and the companion of Kinich shown in the Natlan Teaser in Genshin Impact. See everything we know about the Almighty Dragonlord here!

Who is K'uhul Ajaw

Companion of Kinich

Genshin Impact - K

K'uhul Ajaw or simply, Ajaw, was first seen in Ignition Teaser, floating beside Kinich. It's unclear what kind of relationship the two has, provided Ajaw wasn't shown in the first Natlan Teaser, Need A Hand?, but it's possible that the two are closely-related, as Ajaw has similar design schema as Kinich!

Kinich Release Date, Voice Actor, and Profile

Other Natlan Characters Teased

Natlan Characters
Genshin - KinichKinich Genshin - MualaniMualani Genshin - KachinaKachina
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Natlan Release Date and Map Guide

Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames

K'uhul Ajaw Voice Actors

Voice Actors in English and Japanese

Genshin Impact - K

The EN VA of K'uhul Ajaw is Abby Espiritu, while his JP VA is Takeuchi Junko, as announced in Genshin Impact's official X-account!

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1 Anonymous4 months

Ajaw is a playable character, by getting Kinich we also get him(as mascot 🤣 )

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