Genshin Impact

Timaeus Story and Profile

Genshin Impact - Timaeus Story and Profile

Timaeus is a scholar of alchemy from the nation of Mondstadt in Genshin Impact. He can be seen standing by the crafting bench within the city. See his lore and story here in this guide!

Timaeus Character Information

Timaeus Character Profile

Genshin - Timaeus Nation: Mondstadt
Element: None
Faction: None
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Who is Timaeus?

A Scholar of Alchemy from Mondstadt

Genshin Impact Timaeus Story and Profile - Who is Timaeus - Alchemical Scholar from Mondstadt
Timaeus is a scholar of Alchemy who hails from the nation of Mondstadt. He can be typically seen working by the crafting bench in Mondstadt, where Sucrose is also frequenting by.

A Friend of Ying'er

Genshin Impact Timaeus Story and Profile - Who is Timaeus - Timaeus and Yinger
Timaeus and Ying'er first met during the Elixirs and Potions event quest, during the A Study in Potions event. Timaeus, alongside the Traveler and Paimon, ventured to Liyue to search for the artificer of the Smoldersleet Elixir, who turned out to be Ying'er herself.

Smoldersleet Potion Paper

Timaeus and Ying'er further developed the Smoldersleet Potion, a derivative of the Smoldersleet Elixir, which eventually turned out to be a success. It even became one of the supposed inspirations of Hajanad's invention, during the Tablet Analytics event.

Windblume's Breath Festival

After the development of the Smoldersleet Potion, Timaeus and Ying'er became somewhat closer and kept in touch with other thru penning letters. Timaeus and Ying'er met once again during the Windblume festival in Mondstadt, at Timaeus' invitation.

Speaker Dialogue
Timaeus Am I... Am I dreaming? Miss Ying'er, you really came all the way to Mondstadt to see me...
Why—Why were you willing to make the trip? I still can't believe it...
Ying'er Hehe, why wouldn't I want to come see you, hmm? It's not like a quick trip from Liyue to Mondstadt is completely unheard-of or anything.
Also, isn't it time for you to drop the "Miss," and just call me Ying'er?
Timaeus Ying'er...
Ying'er Mm-hmm.
Timaeus Ying'er... Heh, I... I think I still need some time to get used to calling you that...
Ying'er Hehe, look at you, already so flustered. And we're just getting started!
Timaeus No, no, I, uh... I... *sigh*
I'm just overwhelmed with happiness. Thank you so, so much for coming to see me for Windblume...

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