Genshin Impact

Who is Aderfi? | Aderfi Story and Lore

Genshin Impact Who Is Aderfi

Aderfi is a quest NPC from the Tanit Tribe who appeared in the Dirge of Bilqis World Quest, in Genshin 3.4. See his story and lore here, and everything we know about him in this guide!

Aderfi Character Information

Aderfi Character Profile

Genshin - Aderfi Nation: Sumeru
Race: Human
Affiliation: Eremites
Gender: Male
Status: Unknown

Who is Aderfi?

A Trader from the Tanit Tribe

Genshin Impact Who Is Aderfi - A Trader from the Tanit Tribe

Aderfi is the main man who handles the tradings of the Tanit Tribe with the outside world. He's first encountered during the Wisdom Has Built Her House, She Has Hewn Out Her Seven Pillars quest, giving the Traveler and Paimon a lukewarm welcome to the tribe.

Dirge of Bilqis Quest Part 1 Guide

Colluded with the Fatui

Genshin Impact Who Is Aderfi - Colluded with the Fatui

Aderfi was eventually found out to be in cahoots with the Fatui in taking over the entire Tanit Tribe. According to a member of the Fatui, Aderfi first contacted them to maintain his status among the Tanit.

Exploited Benben For His Own Good

Genshin Impact Who Is Aderfi - Exploited Benben For His Own Good

During the Rejoice With Me, for What Was Lost Is Now Found Quest, Jeht interfered with the supposed transaction between Aderfi and the Fatui, whihc concerns Benben's Energy Capacitors.

Defeated by Jeht and Traveler

Genshin Impact Who Is Aderfi - Defeated by Jeht and Traveler

Right after Jeht ended Azariq's life, Aderfi crossed paths with her just outside the Giant Machine in Wounded Shin Valley. Aderfi was caught red-handed with the Fatui, which led to a confrontation that ended with Aderfi and his gang losing.

It was during this time that it was proven Aderfi and Azariq are conniving with the Fatui to betray the Tanit Tribe.

Aderfi In-game Appearances

Dirge of Bilqis Quest Chain

Aderfi Appearances and Mentions
Genshin - Aderfi In-game Appearances and Mentions - Wisdom Has Built Her House, She Has Hewn Out Her Seven Pillars
Wisdom Has Built Her House, She Has Hewn Out Her Seven Pillars
Genshin - Aderfi In-game Appearances and Mentions - Dune-Entombed Fecundity: Part III
Dune-Entombed Fecundity: Part III

Aderfi Release Date

Released in Version 3.4

Genshin Impact Version 3.4
Genshin Impact - The Exquisite Night Chimes Version 3.4
Release Date January 18, 2023

Aderfi debuted in Dirge of Bilqis World Quest, released during the Version 3.4 of Genshin Impact on January 18, 2023!

Genshin Impact 3.4 Patch Notes

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