Pokemon Sword and Shield

List and Locations of Move Tutors

List of Move Tutors.png
This is a page guide on the complete list of Move Tutors and moves learned by Move Tutor, and where to find them in the game Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for information on the location of each Move Tutor, what moves they teach, and the conditions to learn them.

What are Move Tutors?

Grass Pledge Tutor Move

Move Tutors are characters found around the game who will teach your Pokemon rare moves when you talk to them. They can be tricky to find, but this guide lays out all the info you need in one place.

Unlike previous games in the series, Move Tutors in Pokemon Sword and Shield can teach moves repeatedly to as many Pokemon as you like.

List of Isle of Armor Move Tutors and Locations

Pokemon Dojo Move Tutor

Pokemon Dojo Move Tutor

In The Isle of Armor DLC, a host of new Tutor Moves are available at the Master Dojo. All the Moves available here can be learned by paying 5x Armorite Ores.

Move Type Effect
Terrain Pulse Pokemon Normal Image The user utilizes the power of the terrain to attack. The move's type and power changes depending on the terrain when it's used.
Burning Jealousy Pokemon Fire Image Damages all opposing Pokemon. Inflicts burn on all opposing Pokémon that have had their stats boosted during the turn
Flip Turn Pokemon Water Image After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokemon in waiting.
Rising Voltage Pokemon Electric Image The user attacks with electric voltage rising from the ground. This move's power doubles when the target is on Electric Terrain.
Grassy Glide Pokemon Grass Image Has high priority when used on Grassy Terrain.
Triple Axel Pokemon Ice Image A consecutive three-kick attack that becomes more powerful with each successful hit.
Coaching Pokemon Fighting Image The user properly coaches its ally Pokemon, boosting their Attack and Defense stats.
Corrosive Gas Pokemon Poison Image The user surrounds everything around it with highly acidic gas and melts away items they hold.
Scorching Sands Pokemon Ground Image The user throws scorching sand at the target to attack. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Dual Wingbeat Pokemon Flying Image The user slams the target with its wings. The target is hit twice in a row.
Expanding Force Pokemon Psychic Image The user attacks the target with its psychic power. This move's power goes up and damages all opposing Pokemon on Psychic Terrain.
Skitter Smack Pokemon Bug Image The user skitters behind the target to attack. This also lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.
Meteor Beam Pokemon Rock Image In this two-turn attack, the user gathers space power and boosts its Sp. Atk stat, then attacks the target on the next turn.
Poltergeist Pokemon Ghost Image The user attacks the target by controlling the target's item. The move fails if the target doesn't have an item.
Scale Shot Pokemon Dragon Image The user attacks by shooting scales two to five times in a row. This move boosts the user's Speed stat but lowers its Defense stat.
Lash Out Pokemon Dark Image The user lashes out to vents its frustration toward the target. If its stats were lowered during the turn, the power of this move is doubled.
Steel Roller Pokemon Steel Image The user attacks while destroying the terrain. This move fails when the ground hasn't turned into a Terrain.
Misty Explosion Pokemon Fairy Image The user attacks everything around it and faints upon using this move. This move's power is increased on Misty Terrain.

List of Moves

List of Move Tutors and Locations

Where to Find Steel Beam Tutor

Motostoke Tutor Move

The Tutor for Steel Beam can be found at Motostoke. Head to the Gym (Stadium) and search for a narrow route facing down, just between the buildings around the area.

Steel Beam Tutor Move

Then, go right and descend the long stairs. The man at the bottom will teach your Pokemon the move Steel Beam. However, for him to teach you the move, you must first complete the game and become the Champion.

Move Type Effect
Steel Beam Pokemon Steel Image The user fires a beam of steel that it collected from its entire body. This also damages the user.

This move has a massive power of 140, but comes at the high cost of draining half of the user's HP.

List of Pokemon Who Can Learn Steel Beam

KlinkKlink KlangKlang KlinklangKlinklang
BronzorBronzor BronzongBronzong Alolan DiglettAlolan Diglett
Alolan DugtrioAlolan Dugtrio ExcadrillExcadrill SteelixSteelix
Galarian MeowthGalarian Meowth PerrserkerPerrserker FerroseedFerroseed
FerrothornFerrothorn Galarian StunfiskGalarian Stunfisk CorviknightCorviknight
PawniardPawniard BisharpBisharp EscavalierEscavalier
LucarioLucario CufantCufant CopperajahCopperajah
DurantDurant HonedgeHonedge DoubladeDoublade
AegislashAegislash TogedemaruTogedemaru DuraludonDuraludon
SilvallySilvally ZacianZacian ZamazentaZamazenta
SandshrewSandshrew Alolan SandshrewAlolan Sandshrew SandslashSandslash
Alolan SandslashAlolan Sandslash MagnemiteMagnemite MagnetonMagneton
ScizorScizor AronAron LaironLairon
AggronAggron AggronAggron BeldumBeldum
MetangMetang MetagrossMetagross RegisteelRegisteel
JirachiJirachi MagnezoneMagnezone DialgaDialga
GenesectGenesect SolgaleoSolgaleo CelesteelaCelesteela
KartanaKartana MagearnaMagearna StakatakaStakataka
MeltanMeltan MelmetalMelmetal

Where to Find Pledge Move Tutor

The NPC with the Tutor Moves for your Starter Pokemon is located in Hammerlocke, near the vault building where you meet Raihan before leaving for Route 6.

From there, head left and you will encounter the boy asking for Applin. Head down the stairs from that location and you will find the Move Tutor for the three Pledge Moves.

Starter Pokemon Tutor Moves

Each Starter Pokemon can learn the move which matches its Type. Your Starter Pokemon can learn the Pledge Move of its type regardless of its stage of evolution.

Move Type Effect
Grass Pledge Pokemon Grass Image A column of grass hits the target. When used with its water equivalent, its power increases and a vast swamp appears
Fire Pledge Pokemon Fire Image A column of fire hits the target. When used with its grass equivalent, its power increases and a vast sea of fire appears.
Water Pledge Pokemon Water Image A column of water strikes the target. When combined with its fire equivalent, its power increases and a rainbow appears.

List of Pokemon Who Can Learn Grass Pledge

GrookeyGrookey ThwackeyThwackey RillaboomRillaboom
SilvallySilvally BulbasaurBulbasaur IvysaurIvysaur
VenusaurVenusaur TreeckoTreecko GrovyleGrovyle
SceptileSceptile RowletRowlet DartrixDartrix

List of Pokemon Who Can Learn Fire Pledge

CharmanderCharmander CharmeleonCharmeleon CharizardCharizard
ScorbunnyScorbunny RabootRaboot CinderaceCinderace
TorchicTorchic CombuskenCombusken BlazikenBlaziken
LittenLitten TorracatTorracat IncineroarIncineroar

List of Pokemon Who Can Learn Water Pledge

SobbleSobble DrizzileDrizzile InteleonInteleon
SquirtleSquirtle WartortleWartortle BlastoiseBlastoise
MudkipMudkip MarshtompMarshtomp SwampertSwampert
PopplioPopplio BrionneBrionne PrimarinaPrimarina

Where to Find Draco Meteor Tutor

The Move Tutor for Draco Meteor is found in Circhester, located to your left when you enter the Hero's bath area.

Draco Meteor Tutor Move

He will teach your Dragon-type Pokemon the powerful move Draco Meteor.

Move Type Effect
Draco Meteor Pokemon Dragon Image Comets are summoned down from the sky onto the targer. The attack's recoil harshly lowers the user's Special Attack stats

List of Pokemon Who Can Learn Draco Meteor

NoibatNoibat NoivernNoivern ApplinApplin
FlappleFlapple AppletunAppletun VibravaVibrava
FlygonFlygon AxewAxew FraxureFraxure
HaxorusHaxorus DrampaDrampa TurtonatorTurtonator
DracozoltDracozolt DracovishDracovish SilvallySilvally
DeinoDeino ZweilousZweilous HydreigonHydreigon
GoomyGoomy SliggooSliggoo GoodraGoodra
Jangmo-oJangmo-o Hakamo-oHakamo-o Kommo-oKommo-o
DreepyDreepy DrakloakDrakloak DragapultDragapult
EternatusEternatus ExeggutorExeggutor Alolan ExeggutorAlolan Exeggutor
DratiniDratini DragonairDragonair DragoniteDragonite
KingdraKingdra BagonBagon ShelgonShelgon
SalamenceSalamence LatiasLatias LatiosLatios
GibleGible GabiteGabite GarchompGarchomp
DialgaDialga PalkiaPalkia GiratinaGiratina
DragalgeDragalge TyrantrumTyrantrum ZygardeZygarde
GuzzlordGuzzlord NaganadelNaganadel RegidragoRegidrago

Where to Find Ultimate Moves Tutor

Starter Pokemon Tutor Moves

The three 150-power Tutor Moves can be learned in Wyndon. To get to the Move Tutor, keep going straight until you see a park. Head right and talk to the man standing in the middle of the park.

He can teach your Starter Pokemon powerful attacks called Ultimate Moves. Each Starter Pokemon can learn the move which matches its Type. However, only a fully evolved Starter Pokemon can learn the Ultimate Move of its type.

Move Type Effect
Frenzy Plant Pokemon Grass Image The user slams the target with the roots of an enormous tree. The user can't move on the next turn.
Blast Burn Pokemon Fire Image The target is razed by a fiery explosion. The user cannot move on the next turn
Hydro Cannon Pokemon Water Image The target is hit with a watery blast. The user can't move on the next turn.

List of Pokemon Who Can Learn Frenzy Plant

RillaboomRillaboom VenusaurVenusaur SceptileSceptile

List of Pokemon Who Can Learn Blast Burn

CharizardCharizard CinderaceCinderace BlazikenBlaziken

List of Pokemon Who Can Learn Hydro Cannon

InteleonInteleon BlastoiseBlastoise SwampertSwampert

Pokemon Sword and Shield Related Guides

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
Moves by Type
FireFire WaterWater GrassGrass
ElectricElectric IceIce FightingFighting
PoisonPoison GroundGround FlyingFlying
PsychicPsychic BugBug RockRock
GhostGhost DragonDragon DarkDark
SteelSteel FairyFairy NormalNormal
Moves by Category
Physical Special Status
Dynamax Moves
Max Moves G-Max Moves
Moves by Effects
Stat-Boosting Moves Stat-Reducing Moves Status-Inflicting Moves
Moves that Never Miss Moves that Set Entry Hazards Moves that Ignore Abilities
High-Critical Hit Moves Moves that Change Weather Moves that Change Terrain
Multi-Target Moves Moves that Restore HP Redirection Moves
Multi-Hit Moves One-Hit Knockout Moves Trapping Moves
Moves that Make Contact Moves that Do Not Make Contact Moves that Block Attacks
Status Restoring Moves Moves that Forces a Switch Sound-Based Moves
List of Priority Moves


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