Pokemon Sword and Shield

All About the Auto-save Feature

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Explore all you want without fear of data loss with the new Auto-save Feature in the game Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on to find out how it works and how to take advantage of it.

Auto-save Feature - Overview

The Auto-save feature automatically saves your game progress during your adventures. This feature is automatically activated when you start the game.

Auto-save Feature - Locations


Your game data will be automatically saved when entering towns or buildings.

Note: You may turn-off auto-save in settings. Check the guide below for instructions.

How to Save Manually

How to Save Manually
1 Go to the Options Menu.
2 Select "Save Your Progress".
3 If you wish to turn off the Auto-save Feature, look for the Auto-save option and select Off.

Even with the Auto-save Feature on, you can still manually save your progress by following the steps above. Players who want to avoid Auto-saving for strategic purposes can turn it off and Save their game the traditional way!

Pokemon Sword and Shield Related Links

New Features
Max Raid Battles Poke Jobs
Pokemon Camp Surprise Trades
Changing Natures with Mints Auto-save
Changing Your Uniform Wild Area and
Raid Strategy
Changing Nicknames of Traded Pokemon Customizing Your
League Card
Differences Between the Versions Pokemon HOME


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