Pokemon Sword and Shield

Gastrodon - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

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This is a strategy guide for using Gastrodon in competitive play for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Movesets, and Held Items to use with Gastrodon, as well as its strengths and weak points.

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Basic Information for Gastrodon

Types and Abilities

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Sword and Shield - Water Type Pokemon Sword and Shield - Ground Type
Sticky Hold Protects the Pokemon from item theft.
Storm Drain Draws in all Water-type moves to up Special Attack.
Sand Force (Hidden) Boosts certain moves'power in sandstorm.

Gastrodon Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Pokemon Grass Image
Takes 2x damage
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Poison Image Pokemon Rock Image Pokemon Steel Image
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Electric Image

What is Type Effectiveness?

Base Stats

HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
111 83 68 92 82 39

Best Nature for Gastrodon

Best Natures
(+Def, -Atk)
(+SpDef, -Atk)
(+SpAtk, -Atk)

What are Natures?

Singles Movesets for Gastrodon

Standard Moveset & Best Build

Standard Gastrodon.png

Nature Bold (+Def, -Atk)
EV Spread HP 244 / Def. 228 / Sp.Def. 36
Final Stat Values HP 217 / Def. 128 / Sp.Atk. 112 / Sp.Def. 107 / Spd. 59
Ability Storm Drain
Held Item Sitrus Berry
Rocky Helmet
Rindo Berry
Moveset Scald
Clear Smog

A build which takes advantage of Gastrodon's high defensive stats and its lone weakness to Grass. While forcing difficult opponents to switch with Yawn, it can use its damaging attacks together with Recover to hold on and continue the fight.

Its defensive power and few weaknesses allows it to switch in on hard-hitting opponents, using a Held Item which allows it to take heavy attacks. Sitrus Berry or Rindo Berry will give it an extra cushion to set up. In situations where you want to deal just a smidge more damage than normal, Rocky Helmet is a better option.

Other Viable Moves

Earth Power A possibility for a Ground-type attack. Can deal powerful STAB damage.
Mirror Coat Its high HP and Special Defense allow it to survive a Special attack and turn it against its user to take it down in a single blow, as long as it's not a Grass-type move or Freeze-Dry.
Ice Beam A possibility for an Ice-type move. Although there are fewer Pokemon weak to Ice than in previous games, it's reliable for hitting a variety of targets.

Focus Sash Moveset & Best Build

Nature Bold (+Def, -Atk)
EV Spread HP 252 / Def. 252 / Sp.Def. 4
Final Stat Values HP 218 / Def. 132 / Sp.Atk. 112 / Sp.Def. 103 / Spd. 59
Ability Storm Drain or Sticky Hold
Held Item Focus Sash
Moveset Scald
Mirror Coat

This build takes advantage of Focus Sash combined with Counter and Mirror Coat to send back the damage taken from Grass moves. Recover provides a way to restore Gastrodon's HP back to full. Scald on the other hand is a strong STAB move that has a chance to apply burn.

Gastrodon is generally a tanky Pokemon. But with its 4x weakness to Grass, it is susceptible to one-hit knock outs which is where the Focus Sash comes into play.

Other Viable Moves

Earth Power A possibility for a Ground-type attack. Can deal powerful STAB damage.
Yawn Good status move to use against tankier Pokemon.
Ice Beam A possibility for an Ice-type move. Although there are fewer Pokemon weak to Ice than in previous games, it's reliable for hitting a variety of targets.

How to Use Gastrodon Effectively

A great type combination and high HP make for a stellar defender

With a single weakness to Grass and high Base HP, Gastrodon will fit just right in your team in a defensive position. As its Special Attack isn't particularly low either, it can withstand attacks while dealing out a certain extent of damage itself.

Counters for Gastrodon

Weakness Pokemon Grass Image

Knock it out with a Grass move or Freeze-Dry

A lone weakness it may be, but a 4x weakness to Grass is enough to leave opponents with plenty of room to take out Gastrodon. It can largely be taken out in one hit with a Grass move of sufficient power. Plus, although normal Ice-type attacks deal 1x damage to it, the unique move Freeze-Dry, with its effect of super effectiveness against Water types, stacks with Gastrodon's Ground type to become a new 4x weakness.

Best Pokemon to Use

Pokemon Description
Pokemon SWSH - Mow Rotom ImageMow Rotom Ranking: ★★★★★
・Can knock out Gastrodon in one hit with a Grass move
・Can take Gastrodon's attacks with reduced damage
Mow Rotom - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle
Pokemon SWSH - Rillaboom ImageRillaboom Ranking: ★★★★★
・Can take most of Gastrodon's attacks with 1x or reduced damage
・Outspeeds Gastrodon with Grassy Glide as a one shot move.
Rillaboom - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle
Pokemon SWSH - Nihilego ImageNihilego Ranking: ★★★★★
・Can knock out Gastrodon in one hit with a Grass move

Nihilego - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle
Pokemon SWSH - Ferrothorn ImageFerrothorn Ranking: ★★★★★
・Can take most of Gastrodon's attacks with 1x or reduced damage
・Can deal massive damage with Power Whip even without EVs in Attack
Moveset & Best Build for Ferrothorn
Pokemon SWSH - Lapras ImageLapras Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Can deal 4x damage with Freeze-Dry
・Can take most of Gastrodon's attacks with reduced damage
Moveset & Best Build for Lapras
Pokemon SWSH - Calyrex (Ice Rider) ImageCalyrex (Ice Rider) Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Can deal 4x damage with Freeze-Dry

How to Get Calyrex (Ice Rider) and Learnset | The Crown Tundra DLC
Pokemon SWSH - Gyarados ImageGyarados Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Can deal super effective damage with Power Whip
・Can inflict Burn with Scald
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