Pokemon Sword and Shield

Dragalge - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

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Competitive Battle Guide

Dragalge -  Movesets and Counters.png
This is a strategy guide for using Dragalge in competitive play for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Movesets, and Held Items to use with Dragalge, as well as its strengths and weak points.

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Basic Information for Dragalge

Types and Abilities

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Sword and Shield - Poison Type Pokemon Sword and Shield - Dragon Type
Poison Point Contact with the Pokemon may poison the attacker.
Poison Touch May poison targets when a Pokemon makes contact.'
Adaptability (Hidden) Powers up moves of the same type.

Dragalge Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Ground Image Pokemon Psychic Image Pokemon Dragon Image
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Electric Image Pokemon Fighting Image Pokemon Poison Image Pokemon Bug Image
Takes 1/4x damage
Pokemon Grass Image
Takes 0x damage

What is Type Effectiveness?

Base Stats

HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
65 75 90 97 123 44

Best Nature for Dragalge

Best Natures
Modest (+SpAtk, -Atk) Quiet (+SpAtk, -Spd)

What are Natures?

Singles Movesets for Dragalge

Adaptability Moveset & Best Build

Adaptability Dragalge.png

Nature Modest (+SpAtk, -Atk)
EV Spread 252 HP / 252 Sp.Atk. / 4 Sp.Def.
Final Stat Values 172 HP / 95 Atk. / 110 Def. / 149 Sp.Atk. / 143 Sp.Def. / 64 Spd.
Ability Adaptability
Held Item Assault Vest
Moveset Sludge Wave
Draco Meteor
Focus Blast

Dragalge, the semi-exclusive owner of the Poison/Dragon typing, with the exception of the non-legal Eternatus, stands out for its high Special Defense. Although its Ability Adaptability increases its STAB damage from 1.5x to 2x, it's still a bit lacking to finish off its opponents, so boosting its damaging potential with a Modest or Quiet Nature will get things moving.

Dragalge can take advantage of its high Special Defense to switch in on Special threats like Togekiss and Rotom and lay on pressure. Focus Blast is included in the moveset for when it comes up against Magnezone, but be careful of its low accuracy.

If you want to beef up its damage even more, switch out Assault Vest for Choice Specs to really hit hard.

Other Viable Moves

Hydro Pump For use against Pokemon with 4x weakness to Water or Excadrill.
Flip Turn Opponents have a tendency to switch out against Dragalge, so can be used when reading a switch. See what the opponent switches in, then choose a different teammate with a better advantage. Dragalge is slow, which gives an advantage when the opponent switches out with U-turn, Volt Switch, etc. Can also be used after Draco Meteor to reset its stats after the Special Attack drop.

Choice Specs Moveset & Best Build

Choice Specs Dragalge.png

Nature Modest (+SpAtk, -Atk)
EV Spread HP 244 / Def 12 / SpAtk 252
Can withstand Max Airstream from Jolly Cinderace with a Life Orb
Final Stat Values HP171 / Def 112 / SpAtk 163 / SpDef 143 / Spd 64
Ability Adaptibility
Held Item Choice Specs
Moveset Sludge Wave
Draco Meteor

With its Adaptibility ability increasing the damage of moves with STAB to 2x damage, adding in Choice Specs will increase Dragalge's damage output tenfold against anything that doesn't resist it.

While it's Dragon-type, its Poison-typing negates its Fairy weakness and allows it to function as a counter to Fairy-type Pokemon.

Other Viable Moves

Focus Blast Counter for Steel-types but has low accuracy.
Hydro Pump An alternative to Scald. Choose this when focusing on pure damage.
Thunder An alternative to Thunderbolt. Choose this when focusing on pure damage.
Dragon Pulse A Dragon-type move with STAB. Best for when you don't want to suffer the loss of special attack from using Draco Meteor.

Trick Room Moveset & Best Build

Trick Room Dragalge.png

Nature Quiet (+SpAtk, -Spd)
EV Spread HP 244 / Def 12 / SpAtk 252
Can withstand Max Airstream from Jolly Cinderace with a Life Orb
Final Stat Values HP171 / Def 112 / SpAtk 163 / SpDef 143 / Spd 64
Ability Adaptibility
Held Item Choice Specs
Life Orb
Moveset Sludge Wave
Draco Meteor
Hydro Pump

This build capitalizes on Dragalge's low speed that makes it great for Trick Room teams. While dynamaxed, using Max Ooze can further increase its special attack making it good for dynamaxing as well.

Just be sure to remember that Dragagle cannot learn Trick Room itself. Our recommendation for setting up Trick Room is Hatterene with its Fairy-typing that negates Dragon-type attacks.

Other Viable Moves

Focus Blast Counter for Steel-types but has low accuracy.
Scald An alternative to Hydro Pump. Best when trying to inflict Burn on physical attackers.
Dragon Pulse A Dragon-type move with STAB. Best for when you don't want to suffer the loss of special attack from using Draco Meteor.

How to Use Dragalge Effectively

Effective Special defender for switch-heavy battles

Dragalge can handle Special attacks in battles with frequent switching. It can use its high Special Defense to switch in easily, drop a furious blow with Draco Meteor, and then switch back out to reset its stats, laying consistent pressure on the opponent throughout the battle.

Also a valid Dynamax candidate

Dragalge is also powerful in its Dynamax form. With Adaptability + Max Ooze, it can deal damage with 2x STAB while simultaneously increasing its own Special Attack.

A Dragon-type that counters Fairy-types

With its Poison-typing, Dragalge becomes one of few Dragon-types that can withstand Fairy-type attack as well as hit Fairy-type Pokemon's weakness. Dynamaxing and using Max Ooze will annihilate most Fairy-type Pokemon in a heartbeat.

Counters for Dragalge

Weakness Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Ground Image Pokemon Psychic Image Pokemon Dragon Image

Hit its weak points with heavy firepower

Dragalge can't take the heat when hit with Physical attacks. Reliable mainstays like Excadrill and Zen Headbutt Cinderace can outspeed to hit first and score a KO.

Best Pokemon to Use

Pokemon Description
Pokemon SWSH - Excadrill ImageExcadrill Ranking: ★★★★★
・Can take Dragalge's STAB attacks with reduced or zero damage
・Can hit Dragalge's weak point with STAB Earthquake
Moveset & Best Build for Excadrill
Pokemon SWSH - Dragapult ImageDragapult Ranking: ★★★★★
・ Individually a great Pokemon that fits into different parties
・Can potentialy one-shot Dragalge
Dragapult - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle
Pokemon SWSH - Garchomp ImageGarchomp Ranking: ★★★★★
・Has the potential to one-shot Dragalge
Garchomp - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle
Pokemon SWSH - Salamence ImageSalamence Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Can take down Dragalge easily due to its Dragon-typing
Salamence - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle
Pokemon SWSH - Landorus (Therian Forme) ImageLandorus (Therian Forme) Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Has an advantage due Dragalge being part poison-type
・Depending on the build, has the potential to one-shot Dragalge.
Landorus (Therian Forme) - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

Bulk up using Steel-types

As a Dragon/Poison-type Pokemon, Dragalge struggles offensively against steel types. Take advantage of this by using bulky steel-type Pokemon on your party.

Pokemon Description
Pokemon SWSH - Aegislash ImageAegislash Ranking: ★★★★★
・Can take most of Dragalge's moves due to its typing.

Aegislash - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle
Pokemon SWSH - Celesteela ImageCelesteela Ranking: ★★★★☆
・ Great matchup against Dragalge due to its typing.
・Can stall effectively against Dragalge
Celesteela - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle
Pokemon SWSH - Ferrothorn ImageFerrothorn Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Can stall out a match against Dragalge
Ferrothorn - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

Best Teammates to Use with Dragalge

Pokemon SWSH - Rillaboom ImageRillaboom Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Its Grassy Terrain will reduce the damage of Earthquake, one of Dragalge's weaknesses
・Can use U-turn together with Dragalge's Flip Turn to give the team high switching potential
Moveset & Best Build for Rillaboom
Pokemon SWSH - Porygon2 ImagePorygon2 Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Can take advantage of Dragalge's low Speed to make a Trick Room team
Moveset & Best Build for Porygon2

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