Pokemon Sword and Shield

The Crown Tundra Pokemon Buffs | New Moves for Returning Pokemon

Tier List / Doubles Tier List / Movesets / Rental Teams
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Competitive Battle Guide

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With the release of the Crown Tundra for Pokemon Sword and Shield, many Pokemon gained access to new moves or hidden abilities that were previously unobtainable. This page aims to address these new changes and ranks the buffed Pokemon!

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Buffed Pokemon Tier List

・Gains access to Max Airstream
・Can learn Meteor Beam
・Can learn Steel Beam
・Gains access to Max Airstream
・Gains access to Max Airstream
・Can learn Dual Wingbeat
・Can learn Air Slash
・Can learn Aura Sphere
・Can learn Mystical Fire
・Gains access to Max Airstream
・Can learn Dual Wingbeat
・Can learn Hurricane
・Can obtain its hidden ability, Inner Focus
・Can learn Extreme Speed
・Can learn Scale Shot
・Can learn Close Combat
・Can learn Triple Axel
・Can learn Meteor Beam
・Gains access to Max Airstream
・Can learn Hurricane
・Can learn Baton Pass
・Can learn Rising Voltage
・Can learn Scald
・Can learn Aura Sphere
・Can learn Scorching Sands
・Can learn Steel Beam
・Can obatin its hidden ability, Sand Rush
・Can obatin its hidden ability, Sand Rush
・Can learn Meteor Beam
・Can learn Aurora Veil
・Can learn Protect
・Gains access to Max Airstream
・Gains access to Max Airstream
・Can learn Nasty Plot

S-Tier Pokemon Reviews



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Steel Beam Pokemon Steel Image Special 140 95 5
The user fires a beam of steel that it collected from its entire body. This also damages the user.
Meteor Beam Pokemon Rock Image Special 120 90 10
In this two-turn attack, the user gathers space power and boosts its Sp. Atk stat, then attacks the target on the next turn.

Out of all the buffed Pokemon, Celesteela is definitely one to look out for. Using Max Airstream it can increase its speed and stall with a mixture of Leech Seed and Substitute.

Alongside Meteor Beam and Steal Beam which become high powered Max Moves, combined with Max Airstream it is also great for Dynamaxing.

Celesteela - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

Landorus (Therian Forme)

Landorus (Therian Forme)

Landorus didn't receive any new moves but with its access to STAB Max Airstream, it can now boost its attack while dealing heavy damage. Without any real nerfs coming at it this time around, Landorus in its Therian Forme is still a force to be reckoned with.

Landorus - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Dual Wingbeat Pokemon Flying Image Physical 40 90 10
The user slams the target with its wings. The target is hit twice in a row.

Like the two before, it Dragonite's ability to use Max Airstream is huge buff. Being a Flying type, Max Airstream also gets STAB to hit hard while raising its speed. With 130 base attack while Dynamaxed, Dual Wingbeat is another powerful attack Dragonite can now learn.

Dragonite - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

A-Tier Pokemon Reviews



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Air Slash Pokemon Flying Image Special 75 95 20
The user attacks with a blade of air that slices even the sky. This may also make the target flinch.
Aura Sphere Pokemon Fighting Image Special 80 - 20
The user lets loose a blast of aura power from deep within its body at the target. This attack never misses.
Mystical Fire Pokemon Fire Image Special 75 100 10
The user attacks by breathing a special, hot fire. This also lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.

Latios gains two powerful moves as well as Air Slash which can become Max Airstream while Dynamaxed. With one use of Max Airstream, Latios can even outspeed Dragapult, making it more than just an attacker but a strong candidate for Dynamaxing.

Aura Sphere is perfect when going up against the Rock and Dark type Tyranitar while Mystical Fire can safely take care of Pokemon like Ferrothorn or Scizor.

Latios - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Hurricane Pokemon Flying Image Special 110 70 10
The user attacks by wrapping its opponent in a fierce wind that flies up into the sky. This may also confuse the target.
Dual Wingbeat Pokemon Flying Image Physical 40 90 10
The user slams the target with its wings. The target is hit twice in a row.

Salamence can learn Hurricane and Dual Wingbeat which will turn into Max Airstream and Max Wyrmwind respectively. As Salamence can run either physical or special builds one of its strengths comes in its ability to learn Flying-type attacks of both categories.

With is hidden ability, Moxie, KOing Pokemon with Max Airstream will both raise its speed and attack, making it perfect for Dynamaxing.

Salamence - Evolution and Learnset



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Extreme Speed Pokemon Normal Image Physical 80 100 5
The user charges the target at blinding speed. This move always comes first

Entei's hidden ability, Inner Focus, prevents it from taking the attack penalty from Intimidate. This makes it good to go up against Therian Landorus or Gyrados where others would be weakened in the process.

Entei also gains the ability to learn Extreme Speed, one of the best priority attacks in the game, making it especially powerful.

Entei - Movesets & Best Build for Ranked Battle



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Scale Shot Pokemon Dragon Image Physical 25 90 20
The user attacks by shooting scales two to five times in a row. This move boosts the user's Speed stat but lowers its Defense stat.

Garchomp gains access to the speed increasing Scale Shot. This is powerful enough in itself, but Garchomp also gains access to quite a few other strong Dragon-type moves.

Garchomp - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

B-Tier Pokemon Reviews



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Close Combat Pokemon Fighting Image Physical 120 100 5
The user fights the target up close without guarding itself. This also lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense stats.
Triple Axel Pokemon Ice Image Physical 20 90 10
A consecutive three-kick attack that becomes more powerful with each successful hit.

Pheromosa can now learn the incredibly strong STAB move Close Combat. It may have 10 less power than High Jump Kick, but with its 100 accuracy there's no risk of missing and losing half of your HP, so it's a better and safer option.

Triple Axel will help to take out Mimikyu's Disguise as well as taking out Pokemon like Garchomp or Landorus if they run Focus Sash. This may end up being a better choice over Ice Beam.

Pheromosa - Evolution and Learnset



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Meteor Beam Pokemon Rock Image Special 120 90 10
In this two-turn attack, the user gathers space power and boosts its Sp. Atk stat, then attacks the target on the next turn.

Nihilego gains access to the 150 power STAB move, Meteor Beam. Pair this with a Power Herb and it can skip the entire charging process and deal heavy damage immediately, making it similar to Z-Moves from the previous Generation.

With Beast Boost in the mix, each time it KOs an opponent its speed will also increase, making it easy to boost its stats.

Nihilego - Evolution and Learnset



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Baton Pass Pokemon Normal Image Status - - 40
The user switchers places with a party Pokemon in waiting and passes along any stat changes
Hurricane Pokemon Flying Image Special 110 70 10
The user attacks by wrapping its opponent in a fierce wind that flies up into the sky. This may also confuse the target.
Rising Voltage Pokemon Electric Image Special 70 100 20
The user attacks with electric voltage rising from the ground. This move's power doubles when the target is on Electric Terrain.

Zapdos is strong enough on its own, but this time around it gains access to quite a few powerful moves while Dynamaxed. Hurricane powers up into Max Airstream that will have lasting effects even after Dynamax is over and Rising Voltage for even more damage. With this in mind, Zapdos is another great choice for Dynamaxing.

Zapdos can also learn the previously exclusive to Pokemon XD move, Baton Pass, through leveling, so it can pass on its speed boosts to another Pokemon.

Zapdos - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Scald Pokemon Water Image Special 80 100 15
The user shoots boiling hot water at its target. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Aura Sphere Pokemon Fighting Image Special 80 - 20
The user lets loose a blast of aura power from deep within its body at the target. This attack never misses.

For some reason, Raikou can now learn Scald, which is a good way to handle Ground type Pokemon, so it may become a necessary move. It can also learn Aura Sphere normally, which was previously a distribution exclusive move, and is great for going after Ferrothorn.

Raikou - Movesets & Best Build for Ranked Battle



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Steel Beam Pokemon Steel Image Special 140 95 5
The user fires a beam of steel that it collected from its entire body. This also damages the user.
Scorching Sands Pokemon Ground Image Special 70 100 10
The user throws scorching sand at the target to attack. This may also leave the target with a burn.

Heatran can learn the new Ground-type move Scorching Sands. As far as attacking goes, Earth Power is a better move to use, but with its 30% chance to burn it becomes a good choice for bulkier builds focused on survivability.

Heatran also has the ability to learn Steel Beam. While Steel Beam has its downsides, while Dynamaxed you don't have to worry about them and use it freely.

Heatran - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle



With the release of Crown Tundra, Dracovish can now utilize its hidden ability, Sand Rush. As speed is key when using Fishous Rend, Dracovish is a good choice for a Sandstorm-based party. With its ability to also learn Stone Edge, it can create sandstorms on its own using Max Rockfall as well.

Dracovish - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

C-Tier Pokemon Reviews



Like Dracovish, Dracozolt also gains access to Sand Rush. We placed Dracozolt in C-Tier as it can easily be countered by Landorus and Hippowdon who are immune to Bolt Beak, making Dracovish and Fishous Rend that can't be blocked by any type a better choice.

Dracozolt - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Aurora Veil Pokemon Ice Image Status - - 20
This move reduces damage from physical and special moves for five turns. This can be used only in a hailstorm.
Meteor Beam Pokemon Rock Image Special 120 90 10
In this two-turn attack, the user gathers space power and boosts its Sp. Atk stat, then attacks the target on the next turn.

With its return, Aurorus can now learn the party protecting Aurora Veil. Compared to Alolan Ninetails, however, it's hard to recommend due to its lower speed stat, but many players may not be expecting to deal with one.

Aurorus - Evolution and Learnset



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Protect Pokemon Normal Image Status - - 10
This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.

Regigigas can now learn Protect which works well with its stat cutting ability, Slow Start.

How to Get Regigigas and Learnset



Previously the only way Kartana could naturally boost its speed was by using an attck debilitating nature to have Beast Boost work in speed's favor. Now, however, Kartana has access to Max Airstream, so it can increase its speed without crippling its attack power.

Kartana - Evolution and Learnset



Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Nasty Plot Pokemon Dark Image Status - - 20
The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts. This sharply raises the user's Sp. Atk stat.

Tornadus can now learn Nasty Plot. Paired with Max Airstream for a speed boost, Tornadus will make for a good Dynamaxer.

Tornadus - Evolution and Learnset

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