Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Hunt Shiny Legendary Pokemon in Dynamax Adventures | The Crown Tundra

Crown Tundra - Legenday Pokemon Shiny Hunting Guide

Here you can learn how to get and hunt for Shiny Legendary Pokemon during the Dynamax Adventures in The Crown Tundra DLC for Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Dynamax Adventure Guides
How to Clear Shiny Hunting
List of Dynamax Adventure Pokemon
Legendary Pokemon Guides
SwSh Legendaries Icon.pngHow to Get All Legendaries Legendary Pokemon Icon.pngCrown Tundra Legendaries Shiny Hunting Icon 2.pngShiny Hunting Guide

Legendary Shiny Hunting Info

Unlimited Chances to Catch the Same Legendary

When can you try again
  • If you lose the battle against the Legendary Pokemon.
  • If you choose to not catch it after winning.
  • If you decide to bring back a different Pokemon instead.
  • If you avoid brining the Legendary Pokemon you caught back with you, you can keep catching it over and over until you find a Shiny version.

    Check for Shiny at the Very End

    Crown Tundra - Shiny Pokemon in Dynamax Adventures

    While you fight the Pokemon they will always have their normal color, so you won't know if they are shiny until the Pokemon selection screen. Check all the Pokemon you caught before you decide what Pokemon to bring back with you!

    Prepare Pokeballs

    Crown Tundra - Prepare Pokeballs

    If you have a certain Pokeball you want for your Legendary Pokemon, make sure you prepare it before you go on the Adventure and don't use it before you reach the end!

    If you reset your game, you'll have to pay Dynite Ores to go on more Adventures, so prepare several Pokeballs to be safe.

    You Can Only Catch One of Each

    Even if you find Adventures online that lead to a Legendary you own, you won't be able to catch more than one of each Legendary Pokemon.

    Get the Shiny Charm

    Pokemon - Shiny Charm

    If you complete your Galarian Pokedex you can get the Shiny Charm, which increases the chance of finding Shiny Pokemon. We're not entirely sure how much it affects the Dynamax Adventures yet, but it would be a good idea to increase your chances as much as possible.

    Shiny Charm Effect and How to Get It

    Legendary Shiny Hunting Guide

    How to Get Shiny Legendary Pokemon

    How to Shiny Hunt for Legendary Pokemon
    1. Go to the Max Lair.
    2. Clear Dynamax Adventures until you find the Pokemon you want.
    3. When you find it, capture it.
    4. If it's not shiny, choose to not take any Pokemon, or bring a different Pokemon back with you.

    This method is based on our info as of October 23 and might update in the near future.

    1. Go to the Max Lair

    Dynamax Adventure How to Start.png

    Most Legendary Pokemon appear in the Max Lair of the Crown Tundra, so first head over there and talk to the scientist to start a Dynamax Adventure.

    2. Look for the Pokemon you want

    Crown Tundra - Look for Legendary Pokemon
    Keep clearing Dynamax Adventures until you find the Legendary Pokemon you're after. Even if you capture other Legendary Pokemon meanwhile, you can choose not to keep them and find them again later, so don't worry about catching Legendary Pokemon while you look for the one you want.

    3. Capture the Pokemon

    Crown Tundra - Choose your Pokeball
    When you find the Legendary Pokemon you're looking for, make sure to capture it with the Pokeball you want it to be in.

    4. Don't choose the Pokemon if it isn't Shiny

    Crown Tundra - Choose another Pokemon
    After you've caught the Legendary Pokemon, you can see if it's shiny on the screen where you choose which Pokemon to bring back with you. If it isn't shiny, bring back a different Pokemon or choose to leave without any Pokemon at all.

    You will be able to go directly for the Pokemon you were looking for after battling it once, so don't worry about having to find it again.

    Reset when using Rare Pokeballs

    If you're using a Rare Pokeball to capture the Legendary Pokemon, you can reset your game as soon as you confirm that the Pokemon isn't shiny. If you go back to the lair, the game will automatically save and you will lose the Pokeball for good.

    However, you have to pay a Dynite Ores penalty fee if you reset your game, so keep that in mind!

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    2 Hadzuskaalmost 4 years

    Great post! I have this question: What can I do if I have already caught a legendary but I want to catch its shiny version? Can I release the regular legendary and search for the shiny then?

    1 exabout 4 years

    Finally some actual useful information, Thank you.


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