Pokemon Sword and Shield

Celesteela - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

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Pokemon - Celesteela Movesets and Counters.png
This is a strategy guide for using Celesteela in competitive play for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Movesets, and Held Items to use with Celesteela, as well as its strengths and weak points.

Celesteela - Related Guides
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Basic Information for Celesteela

Types and Abilities

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Sword and Shield - Steel Type Pokemon Sword and Shield - Flying Type
Beast Boost The Pokemon boosts its most proficient stat each time it knocks out a Pokemon.

Celesteela Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Electric Image
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Flying Image Pokemon Psychic Image Pokemon Dragon Image Pokemon Steel Image Pokemon Fairy Image
Takes 1/4x damage
Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Bug Image
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Poison Image Pokemon Ground Image

What is Type Effectiveness?

Base Stats

HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
97 101 103 107 101 61

Best Nature for Celesteela

Best Natures
(+Spd, -Atk)
(+Sp.Def, -Spd)

Singles Movesets for Celesteela

Leech Seed Stall Moveset & Best Build

Leech Seed Stall Celesteela.png

Nature Timid (+Spd, -Atk)
EV Spread HP 244 / Def 4 / Sp.Atk 4 / Sp.Def 4 / Spd 252
Final Stat Values HP 203 / Def 123 / Sp.Atk 127 / Sp.Def 121 / Spd 124
Ability Beast Boost
Held Item Leftovers
Moveset Air Slash
Leech Seed

Access to speed boost via Max Airstream makes Celesteela's Leech Seed stall even more difficult to overcome and allows it to stall even more Pokemon.

About Celesteela's Moves

Air Slash is its main STAB move that has a nice 30% flinch rate. This move becomes Max Airstream when using during Dynamax, boosting Celesteela and its teammates speed by one stage.

Substitute protects it from status while Protect lets it stall opposing Pokemon with Leech Seed.

About Celesteela's EV Spread

We're using a modified EV spread with full investment in Speed and 244 EVs in HP. The remaining 8 EVs are split to Defense and Special Defense to boosts its overall bulk.

About Celesteela's Ability

Beast Boost is Celesteela's only ability. Whenever it knocks out an opposing Pokemon, it's highest stat (apart from HP) is raises by one stage.

Note: With a Timid Nature, Celesteela's immediate Special Attack is still higher than its speed. This ensures it always gets a Special Attack boost when it knocks out its oponent.

About Celesteela's Held Item

Leftovers provides passive healing and helps it recover HP if it hasn't set up Leech Seed yet.

Other Viable Moves

Flash Cannon An alternative to Air Slash that becomes Max Steelspike, boosting Celesteela's defense even further.
Flamethrower Can replace Substitute or Protect so that Celesteela has a way to handle Ferrothorn.

Dynamax Special Sweeper Moveset & Best Build

Dynamax Special Sweeper Celesteela.png

Nature Timid (+Spd, -Atk)
EV Spread HP 4 / Sp.Atk 252 / Spd 252
Final Stat Values HP 173 / Def 123 / Sp.Atk 159 / Sp.Def 121 / Spd 124
Ability Beast Boost
Held Item Weakness Policy
Life Orb
Power Herb
Moveset Flash Cannon
Air Slash
Fire Blast
Meteor Beam

Although better known as a powerful defensive Pokemon, Celesteela can run a special attacking set that will surprise its usual counters and checks! It's natural bulk also makes it a great candidate for Dynamax, turning it into a powerful and bulky sweeper.

About Celesteela's Moves

Flash Cannon is Celesteela's main STAB move, hitting Fairy, Ice, and Rock-types for super effective damage.

Air Slash is its secondary STAB move that has a nice 30% flinch rate. This move becomes Max Airstream when using during Dynamax, boosting Celesteela and its teammates speed by one stage.

It's other two moves are for coverage. Fire Blast hits bulky Grass-types and opposing Steel-types that can wall Celesteela.

Meteor Beam is a powerful, two-turn Rock-type move that boosts Celesteela's Special Attack on the first turn and unleashes a 120 Base Power attack on the second turn. This move is best used before Dynamaxing Celesteela so you can get the Special Attack boost.

About Celesteela's EV Spread

We're using a standard special attacking EV spread with full investment in Special Attack and Speed. The remaining EVs are placed in Special Defense to further boost its natural bulk.

About Celesteela's Ability

Beast Boost is Celesteela's only ability. Whenever it knocks out an opposing Pokemon, it's highest stat (apart from HP) is raises by one stage.

Note: With a Timid Nature, Celesteela's immediate Special Attack is still higher than its speed. This ensures it always gets a Special Attack boost when it knocks out its oponent.

About Celesteela's Held Item

Celesteela has three options when it comes to held items.

Weakness Policy is a great item, especially if Dynamaxing Celesteela. With a Dynamax HP boost, it can survive a super effective hit and sweep with its increased special attack stat.

Life Orb is another good held item that boosts the power of Celesteela's moves at the cost of some recoild damage.

Other Viable Moves

Solar Beam An alternative to Meteor Beam that allows Celesteela to hit bulky Water-type Pokemon for super effective damage.
Giga Drain Grass Coverage move. Can be useful to recover HP.
Substitute Can help you stay safe during the turn where you charge up Meteor Beam.
Leech Seed Alternative way to recover HP. Gives you access to Max Guard when Dynamaxed.

Defensive Moveset & Best Build

Defensive Celesteela.png

Nature Sassy (+Sp.Def, -Spd)
EV Spread HP 244 / Def 12 / Sp.Def 252
Final Stat Values HP 203 / Atk 121 / Def 125 / Sp.Atk 127 / Sp.Def 168 / Spd 72
Ability Beast Boost
Held Item Leftovers
Moveset Heavy Slam
Leech Seed

Celesteela is a great choice for mixed defensive wall for your team. Unlike other walls, it can still threaten sweepers and even other defensive Pokemon with its support moves and attacks!

About Celesteela's Moves

Leech Seed separates Celesteela from other Defensive Steel-type Pokemon, like Corviknight. Not only does this heal Celesteela, it also damages the seeded Pokemon. This move allows Celesteela to threaten opposing defensive Pokemon that would try to setup in front of it.

Substitute protects it from status moves, and with Celesteela's bulk, it won't break easily.

Heavy Slam is its main attacking move. Even without Attack investment, it still hits hard due to Celesteela's weight. Flamethrower is its last move, and allows the Launch Pokemon to threaten opposing bulky Grass-types that are immune to Leech Seed.

About Celesteela's EV Spread

We're using a modified Defensive set with split defenses and a modified HP spread.

244 HP EVs ensures it gets as much healing as possible from both Leech Seed and Leftovers, while 12 Defensve EVs buffs up its naturally high Defense stat.

It's remaining EVs are placed in Special Defense since its Steel typing resists attacking types that are mostly special attacks, such as Fairy, Grass, and Dragon.

About Celesteela's Ability

Beast Boost is Celesteela's only ability. Whenever it knocks out an opposing Pokemon, it's highest stat (apart from HP) is raises by one stage.

Note: With a Sassy Nature, Celesteela's gets a Special Defense boost if its manages to knock out an opposing Pokemon.

About Celesteela's Held Item

Leftovers is the preferred ability for this defensive Celesteela, and provides additional residual healing on top of Leech Seed.

Other Viable Moves

Protect Can be used instead of Substitute so that Celesteela gets more residual healing.
Earthquake An alternative to Flamethrower that allows Celesteela to hit Fire-types like Heatran.

How to Use Celesteela Effectively

A Bulky Sweeper with Great Resistances

Thanks to its great defensive stats and Steel/Flying dual typing, Celesteela is easy to switch in against many common Pokemon in the metagame. It also boasts a great movepool, which means even its usual counters need to be wary of its coverage moves.

A Defensive Pokemon with an Aggressive Playstyle

Celesteela sets itself apart from other defensive Pokemon by going on a more offensive route. Unlike other walls that are stuck using support moves and healing, Celesteela can threaten the same sweepers it walls with its hard-hitting moves. It's also a great answer to stall teams thanks to Leech Seed, preventing the likes of Toxapex, Clefable, and Quagsire from staying in battle against Celesteela.

How to Build a Team with Celesteela

Celesteela's versatility means it can easily fit into many teams, whether it's a Sand-based Weather Team or a Hyper Offensive Team. It's also at home in both Singles and Doubles format and only requires a bit of tweaking with its EVs and move spread to function properly.

A Bulky Sweeper for Hyper Offense

Celesteela is one of the best picks for bulky sweeper in Hyper Offense teams. It's naturally high bulk and great dual-typing means it easily checks common Pokemon used against Offensive Teams, such as the ever common Toxapex + Ferrothorn defensive core.

Check out our full article below to learn more about Hyper Offense teams.
How to Build an Offensive Team | Best Hyper Offense Team

Teams Featuring Celesteela

All our Teams are available for free rental, and usable in Ranked Battle with no EV Training necessary.
All Best Teams for Ranked Battle

Sample Rain Team for Ranked Battle

Sample Rain Team for Ranked Battle
Pokemon SWSH - Kyogre ImageKyogre Pokemon SWSH - Poliwrath ImagePoliwrath Pokemon SWSH - Kingdra ImageKingdra
Pokemon SWSH - Dracozolt ImageDracozolt Pokemon SWSH - Starmie ImageStarmie Pokemon SWSH - Celesteela ImageCelesteela

With the re-introduction of Legendaries in the Crown Tundra DLC, Kyogre returns as the premier Rain-setting Pokemon surpassing Pelipper. With the offense that Kyogre brings, the entire team is built around dealing damage in strong, decisive blows.

The rest of the team comprises of Pokemon that support Kyogre, such as Dracozolt and Celesteela who do well against Kyogre's weaknesses. While the other members are attackers who benefit from rain; Poliwrath and Kingdra get a speed boost thanks to Swift Swim. Read on for insights about this team that might give you new insights to the metagame as a whole.

Sample Rain Team for Ranked Battle

Counters for Celesteela

Weakness Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Electric Image

Use Super Effective Fire and Electric Attacks

Despite its defensive prowess, Celesteela is still vulnerable to super-effective Fire and Electric-type attacks.

Best Pokemon to Use

Pokemon Description
Pokemon SWSH - Heatran ImageHeatran Ranking: ★★★★★
・Resists Both of Celesteela's STAB Moves
・Can threaten or even KO Celesteela with STAB Magma Storm or Lava Plume

Moveset & Best Build for Heatran
Pokemon SWSH - Cinderace ImageCinderace Ranking: ★★★★★
・Outspeeds Celesteela
・Can KO Specially Defensive variants with STAB Pyro Ball

Moveset & Best Build for Cinderace
Pokemon SWSH - Tapu Koko ImageTapu Koko Ranking: ★★★★
・Outspeeds Celesteela
・Can threaten or even KO Celesteela with STAB Thunderbolt

Moveset & Best Build for Tapu Koko
Pokemon SWSH - Thundurus (Therian Forme) ImageThundurus (Therian Forme) Ranking: ★★★★
・Outspeeds Celesteela in both of its Formes
・Can easily KO it with STAB Thunderbolt
Moveset & Best Build for Thundurus

Utilize Pokemon With High Special Defense

Since Celesteela is mostly a Special Attacker, walling it with Specially Defensive Bulky Pokemon is another way to go. Having a way to lower the opponent's Special Attack is also a good way to cripple Celesteela.

Best Pokemon to Use

Pokemon Description
Pokemon SWSH - Porygon2 ImagePorygon2 Ranking: ★★★★★
・Specially Defensive Porygon2 can take Celesteela's hits with ease, and restore HP with Recover
・Can safely set up a Substitute to avoid Leech Seed

Moveset & Best Build for Porygon2
Pokemon SWSH - Nihilego ImageNihilego Ranking: ★★★★
・Can deal significant damage with Thunderbolt
・Be wary of Earthquake.

Moveset & Best Build for Nihilego
Pokemon SWSH - Zapdos ImageZapdos Ranking: ★★★★
・Can learn Eerie Impulse
Volt Switch lets you easily switch out of Leech Seed
・Access to health recovery through Roost

Moveset & Best Build for Zapdos

Use Substitute to Set Up or Taunt to Pressure

Celesteela maintains survivability through it's dependence on Leech Seed. Avoiding it with Substitute or Taunt are good options to negate this strategy.

Best Pokemon to Use

Pokemon Description
Pokemon SWSH - Tapu Fini ImageTapu Fini Ranking: ★★★★★
・Outspeeds Celesteela
・Can set up against Celesteela with Substitute + Calm Mind

Moveset & Best Build for Tapu Fini
Pokemon SWSH - Thundurus ImageThundurus Ranking: ★★★★
・Outspeed Celesteela's Status moves with Prankster
・Cripple Celesteela with your own status moves such as Thunder Wave, Taunt, or Eerie Impulse.

Moveset & Best Build for Thundurus
Pokemon SWSH - Suicune ImageSuicune Ranking: ★★★★
・Outspeeds Celesteela
・Can set up against Celesteela with Substitute + Calm Mind

Moveset & Best Build for Suicune
Pokemon SWSH - Raikou ImageRaikou Ranking: ★★★★
・Outspeeds Celesteela

Moveset & Best Build for Raikou

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