Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Do Poke Jobs

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Poke Jobs

This page describes the new feature Poke Jobs in the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on to find out what rewards can be gained from participating in Poke Jobs, and how to maximize your results.

What are Poke Jobs?

poke jobs banner.jpg
People and Pokemon work together in the Galar region, which is why many corporations and universities ask for Pokemon's help when they are short of manpower.

Sending your Pokemon on Poke Jobs will help them gain extra EVs and Exp. Points automatically without the player having to grind through battles. However, keep in mind that you cannot use a Pokemon while they are away on a Poke Job.

How to Select a Poke Job


A new assistant called Rotomi can be found at Pokemon Centers around Galar. Accessing a Rotomi and selecting the Poke Jobs menu will allow the player to check for Poke Jobs that are currently available.

Rotomi.jpg Choose Jobs

Choose Your Pokemon

If you want to accept a Poke Job, just press the A button to confirm and you will be prompted to choose Pokemon from your Party or Pokemon Box to send on that job.

Choose Jobs Choose Pokemon

If you want to choose fewer Pokemon than the maximum number allowed for the Job, you will need to press the B button to confirm your selection.
After Choosing

Send Your Pokemon

After selecting, confirm your selection to send the Pokemon to complete the Job.

Send Pokemon.jpg

The more badges you earn, the more job listings will be available on the Poke Jobs menu.

Completing the Job

When your Pokemon has completed the job, it will be listed in the Rotomi as Completed.


Tap the A button on a Completed Poke Job to bring back your Pokemon.


How to Maximize Your Results

Each job has a description explaining what needs to be done, and what type of Pokemon is needed. There are three aspects you can control which will effect the results of the job.

  • Sending Pokemon with the requested type
  • Sending Pokemon for a longer time frame
  • Sending as many Pokemon as possible

Performing better in each of these three aspects will yield better rewards for completing the Poke Job.

Sending Pokemon with the Requested Type

Job Desc.jpg

The job shown above needs Grass-type Pokemon, so it's best to send as many Grass-type Pokemon as possible to complete the job.

Sending Pokemon for a Longer Time Frame

Sending Pokemon1

When you send your chosen Pokemon, you can choose a time frame for how long they should spend completing the job.

Sending your Pokemon Actual Time
Whole Day 24 hours
Half Day 12 hours
Very Long 8 hours
Long 4 hours
Short 3 hours
Very Short 2 hours
Just a Little While 1 hour

If you check the job listing again after sending your Pokemon, you can see the time remaining until the job will be completed.

Time Left

In the job above, Whole Day has been selected. The longer you send your Pokemon, the more Exp. Points or EVs and better rewards it will yield. Should you cancel a Poke Job before it ends, your Pokemon will not receive any Exp. Points, EVs or other rewards.

What can be Obtained from Poke Jobs

Exp. Points

Poke Job Exp Gain.jpg
Completing standard Poke Jobs will yield Exp. Points for each Pokemon who participated. Pokemon matching the type specified in the job listing will receive more Exp. Points than others.


Pokemon Seminar.jpg
EVs, or Effort Values, are hidden stats which increase a Pokemon's Base Stats. Usually, these can only be yielded by buying expensive Vitamins or grinding in battles, but some Poke Jobs called “seminars” allow Pokemon to gain EVs automatically simply by participating.

No specific type or number of Pokemon are required to get the maximum rewards; however, sending Pokemon for a longer time frame will yield more EVs.

Note that the effects of seminars are boosted by Pokerus and Power Items, so it's recommended to prepare these before starting your training to save time.

Rates of EV acquisition from seminars

Boosts Applied EVs acquired
per 1 hour
Time needed to reach 252 EVs
None +4 63 hours
Pokerus +8 31.5 hours
Power Item +12 21 hours
Power Item and Pokerus +24 10.5 hours

Read more about EVs and using Poke Jobs and other methods to gain EVs in our in-depth article below.

How to EV Train Fast and Reset EVs

Rare Items

Super rare items such as the Gold Bottle Cap and cash-equivalent items such as the Nugget can be earned from Poke Jobs, so be sure to always perform as well as possible in these three aspects to maximize your chances of obtaining them.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Related Links

New Features
Max Raid Battles Poke Jobs
Pokemon Camp Surprise Trades
Changing Natures with Mints Auto-save
Changing Your Uniform Wild Area and
Raid Strategy
Changing Nicknames of Traded Pokemon Customizing Your
League Card
Differences Between the Versions Pokemon HOME


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