Pokemon Sword and Shield

Jellicent Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

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Competitive Battle Guide

Jellicent - Movesets and Counters
This is a strategy guide for using Jellicent in competitive play for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Movesets, and Held Items to use with Jellicent, as well as its strengths and weak points.

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Basic Information for Jellicent

Types and Abilities

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Sword and Shield - Water Type Pokemon Sword and Shield - Ghost Type
Water Absorb Restores HP if hit by an Water-type move.
Cursed Body May disable a move used on the Pokemon.
Damp (Hidden) Prevents the use of self-destructing moves.

Jellicent Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Electric Image Pokemon Ghost Image Pokemon Dark Image
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Poison Image Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Steel Image
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Normal Image Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Fighting Image

What is Type Effectiveness?

Base Stats

HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
100 60 70 85 105 60

Best Nature for Jellicent

Best Natures
(+Def, -Atk)

Singles Moveset for Jellicent

Mixed Defensive Wall Moveset & Best Build

Mixed Defensive Wall Jellicent.png

Nature Bold(+Def, -Atk)
EV Spread HP 252 / Def 196 / Spd 60
Final Stat Values HP 207 / Def 126 / Sp.Atk 105 / Sp.Def 125 / Spd 88
Ability Water Absorb
Held Item Leftovers
Moveset Strength Sap
Night Shade

Jellicent finds a niche in the metagame as a bulky mixed wall with key resistances and immunities, as well as access to great utility moves.

About Jellicent's Moves

Strength Sap is a powerful utility move that lowers the target's attack stat while also healing Jellicent an amount based on the target's effective attack stat.

If this move is used on Haxuros, who has an effective attack stat of 191, Jellicent will heal that amount!

Night Shade allows Jellicent to hit opposing Pokemon for consistent damage equal to the target's level. Taunt allows it to shut down slower opposing walls, while Will-O-Wisp makes Jellicent a difficult Pokemon for physical sweepers to switch into.

About Jellicent's EV Spread

We're using a custom EV spread with full investment on HP and 196 Defensive EVs. Jellicent has a lower Defense stat, but with a Bold Nature and the right EVs, it will have a more well-rounded and equal defensive stats.

With the given Defense EVs, Jolly Choice Band Dracovish can't outright KO it even with a super effective Strong Jaw boosted Crunch!

Finally, 60 Speed EVs allows Jellicent to outspeed slower walls, such as Ferrothorn and Toxapex and cripple them with Taunt.

About Jellicent's Ability

Water Absorb allows Jellicent to wall opposing Water-type Pokemon common in the Metagame, such as Urshifu Rapid-Strike, Dracovish, and Gyarados.

About Jellicent's Held Item

We're using Leftovers to provide Jellicent some much-needed passive recovery.

Other Viable Moves

Scald An alternative to Will-O-Wisp that gives Jellicent a chance to inflict Burns even if it's under the effects of Taunt.
Recover A more consistent recovery move but lacks Strength Sap's utility.
Confuse Ray An alternative to Will-O-Wisp that stacks with other status moves.

How to Use Jellicent Effectively

A Sturdy Mixed Wall with Unique Resistances

Jellicent sets itself apart from other defensive Pokemon thanks to its resistance to Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, and Ice-type moves, as well as immunity to Normal, Fighting, and Water-type moves.

How to Build a Team with Jellicent

Jellicent easily fits into many teams and is a popular choice for defensive core with other walls in defensive-oriented teams.

An Aggressive Wall

Unlike other walls, Jellicent is best played aggressively against both physical sweepers and walls using its moves. When it's not crippling sweepers with Strength Sap and Will-O-Wisp, it's blocking slower walls with Taunt and chipping their health with Nightshade. Thanks to its unique playstyle, it's a popular choice for defensive teams.

Check out our guide below to learn how to build a defensive team.
How to Build a Defensive Team

A Rain Counter

Jellicent is also a great counter to Water-type sweepers in Rain Teams. The ability to wall terrifying sweepers like Choice Locked Dracovish and Urshifu Rapid-Strike make it a great choice for teams struggling against Hyper Offense teams.

Despite countering Rain Teams, Jellicent is often used as the main defensive wall in one although it faces stiff competition from Toxapex.

Check out our article below to learn how to build a Weather Team.
How to Build a Weather Team

Counters for Jellicent

Weakness Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Electric Image Pokemon Ghost Image Pokemon Dark Image

Use a Strong Attacker with a Super Effective Attack

Despite its great bulk, there are certain sweepers that can easily take down Jellicent with their super effective attacks.

Best Pokemon to Use

Pokemon Description
Pokemon SWSH - Urshifu Single-Strike Style ImageUrshifu Single-Strike Style Ranking: ★★★★★
・Can KO Jellicent with a super effective Wicked Blow

Moveset & Best Build for Urshifu Single-Strike Style
Pokemon SWSH - Crawdaunt ImageCrawdaunt Ranking: ★★★★★
・Can KO Jellicent with a super effective Knock Off

Moveset & Best Build for Crawdaunt

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