Pokemon Sword and Shield

The Crown Tundra Maps and Pokemon Locations

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Crown Tundra Maps Banner.png

This guide contains maps of Raid Dens around the Crown Tundra's massive Wild Area. Learn what Pokemon are found in each area, and other useful characters who appear around The Crown Tundra!

All Wild Area Guides
Isle of Armor Wild Area Maps Icon.pngIsle of Armor Maps Crown Tundra Maps Icon.pngCrown Tundra Maps
Wild AreaWild Area Overview Raid BattlesRaid Battle Guide
Raid BossesAll Raid Bosses WeatherWeather Guide
How to Farm Watts Icon.pngHow to Farm Watts

Crown Tundra Wild Area Maps

There are a total of 15 areas constituting the Crown Tundra Wild Area, 12 of which contain Raid Dens. Each of these areas has different Pokemon which appear on the overworld, in random encounters in the grass, and in Max Raid Dens. Some Pokemon only appear in specific areas and weather, so be sure to check their details before you go hunting!

All Crown Tundra Map Areas

Crown Tundra Wild Area Maps
Crown Tundra - Slippery Slope Map and PokemonSlippery Slope Crown Tundra - Frostpoint Field Map and PokemonFrostpoint Field Crown Tundra - GiantGiant's Bed
Crown Tundra - Old Cemetary Map and PokemonOld Cemetery Crown Tundra - GiantGiant's Foot Crown Tundra - Ballimere Lake Map and PokemonBallimere Lake
Crown Tundra - Dyna Tree Hill Map and PokemonDyna Tree Hill Crown Tundra - Frigid Sea Map and PokemonFrigid Sea Crown Tundra - Three-Point Pass Map and PokemonThree-Point Pass
Crown Tundra - Snowslide Slope Map and PokemonSnowslide Slope Crown Tundra - Path to the Peak Map and PokemonPath to the Peak Crown Tundra - Crown Shrine Map and PokemonCrown Shrine
Crown Tundra - Lakeside Cave Map and PokemonLakeside Cave Crown Tundra - Roaring-Sea Caves Map and PokemonRoaring-Sea Caves Crown Tundra - Tunnel to the Top Map and PokemonTunnel to the Top

Areas with Max Raid Dens

There are Pokemon that you can only find in a specific Max Raids Dens. Check the table below for the 12 areas with Max Raid Den.

Area Rare Pokemon Available
Crown Tundra - Slippery Slope Map and PokemonSlippery Slope
Crown Tundra - Frostpoint Field Map and PokemonFrostpoint Field
Crown Tundra - GiantGiant's Bed
Crown Tundra - Old Cemetary Map and PokemonOld Cemetery
Crown Tundra - GiantGiant's Foot
Crown Tundra - Ballimere Lake Map and PokemonBallimere Lake
Crown Tundra - Dyna Tree Hill Map and PokemonDyna Tree Hill
Crown Tundra - Frigid Sea Map and PokemonFrigid Sea
Crown Tundra - Three-Point Pass Map and PokemonThree-Point Pass
Crown Tundra - Snowslide Slope Map and PokemonSnowslide Slope
Crown Tundra - Path to the Peak Map and PokemonPath to the Peak
Crown Tundra - Crown Shrine Map and PokemonCrown Shrine

Areas without Max Raid Dens

These are areas that do not have Max Raid Den. Even though they do not have Max Raid Dens, it's still possible to encounter wild Pokemon here.

Area Rare Pokemon Available
Crown Tundra - Lakeside Cave Map and PokemonLakeside Cave
Crown Tundra - Roaring-Sea Caves Map and PokemonRoaring-Sea Caves
Crown Tundra - Tunnel to the Top Map and PokemonTunnel to the Top



Freezington is a town in The Crown Tundra DLC, which is part of the main story. Here, you can get Pokemon like Cosmog in the latter part of the story. Also, you can take out your Pokemon for a stroll by talking to the mayor for the first time here in Freezington.

Get Dream Ball from Delibird

Get Delibird Using Dream Ball

Dream Ball ImageDream Ball

Defeating a Delibid from Max Raid Den gives you a chance of receiving a Dream Ball. You can also get various rewards, such as PP Up, Dynamite Ore, Luxury Ball, and many more. So, make sure to defeat Delibird if you want these lovely treats!

How to Get Delibird

What is The Crown Tundra

Snowscape Realm

The Crown Tundra Setting
The Crown Tundra is a snow-covered place in the Galar Region where you can find Legendary Pokemon. Max Raid Dens are also available here. If you want to visit The Crown Tundra, go to the southern part of the Galar Region below Postwick.

Weather in The Crown Tundra

8 Types of Weather

Weather Types of Pokemon Appears
Clear Weather.jpgClear
Grass Type Flying Type Normal Type

Cloudy Weather.jpgCloudy
Fighting Type Poison Type Dark Type

Rainy Weather.jpgRainy
Water Type Bug Type

Thunderstorm Weather.jpgThunderstorm
Electric Type Water Type Dragon Type

Sunny Weather.jpgSunny
Fire Type Ground Type

Snowy Weather.jpgSnowy
Ice Type

Snowstorm Weather.jpgSnowstorm
Ice Type Steel Type

Fog Weather.jpgFog
Psychic Type Ghost Type Fairy Type

No Sandstorm Weather

No Sandstorm Weather in the Crown Tundra.jpg
Wild areas in Pokemon Sword and Shield, including the Isle of Armor DLC, can have Sandstorm weather. But here in The Crown Tundra, Sandstorm weather does not exists.

Some Weather Does Not Change

Crown Shrine Weather.jpg
There are areas in the Crown Tundra in which the weather does not change. Check the table below for the list of places where the weather is always the same every day.

Weather Location
Snow Snowy Crown Shrine
Cloudy Cloudy Lakeside Cave
Roaring-Sea Caves
Tunnel to the Top

For areas with fixed weather, check the button link below.

Today's Weather in the Wild Area

Crown Tundra Wild Area Features

Dynamax Adventures

Pokemon - Crown Tundra - Suicune is always the boss of the first Dynamax Adventure.jpg

In the Max Lair area of the Crown Tundra, up to four players can team up to take down Dynamax or Gigantamax Pokemon! Using a Rental Pokemon, you'll be able to proceed through the inside of a Den advancing through Max Raid Battles.

If you make it to the end of a Den, you'll even have the chance to catch a Legendary Pokemon that can't be encountered otherwise!

Dynamax Adventures

Legendary Pokemon Found in Dynamax Adventures

Pokemon SWSH - ArticunoArticuno Pokemon SWSH - AzelfAzelf Pokemon SWSH - CresseliaCresselia Pokemon SWSH - DialgaDialga
Pokemon SWSH - EnteiEntei Pokemon SWSH - GiratinaGiratina Pokemon SWSH - GroudonGroudon Pokemon SWSH - HeatranHeatran
Pokemon SWSH - Ho-ohHo-oh Pokemon SWSH - KyogreKyogre Pokemon SWSH - KyuremKyurem Pokemon SWSH - LandorusLandorus
Pokemon SWSH - LatiasLatias Pokemon SWSH - LatiosLatios Pokemon SWSH - LugiaLugia Pokemon SWSH - LunalaLunala
Pokemon SWSH - MespritMesprit Pokemon SWSH - MewtwoMewtwo Pokemon SWSH - MoltresMoltres Pokemon SWSH - NecrozmaNecrozma
Pokemon SWSH - PalkiaPalkia Pokemon SWSH - RaikouRaikou Pokemon SWSH - RayquazaRayquaza Pokemon SWSH - ReshiramReshiram
Pokemon SWSH - SolgaleoSolgaleo Pokemon SWSH - SuicuneSuicune Pokemon SWSH - Tapu BuluTapu Bulu Pokemon SWSH - Tapu FiniTapu Fini
Pokemon SWSH - Tapu KokoTapu Koko Pokemon SWSH - Tapu LeleTapu Lele Pokemon SWSH - ThundurusThundurus Pokemon SWSH - TornadusTornadus
Pokemon SWSH - UxieUxie Pokemon SWSH - XerneasXerneas Pokemon SWSH - YveltalYveltal Pokemon SWSH - ZapdosZapdos
Pokemon SWSH - ZekromZekrom Pokemon SWSH - ZygardeZygarde

Ultra Beasts Found in Dynamax Adventures

Even the Ultra Beasts from Pokemon Sun and Moon make a surprise return in Dynamax Adventures!

Pokemon SWSH - BlacephalonBlacephalon Pokemon SWSH - BuzzwoleBuzzwole Pokemon SWSH - CelesteelaCelesteela Pokemon SWSH - GuzzlordGuzzlord
Pokemon SWSH - KartanaKartana Pokemon SWSH - NihilegoNihilego Pokemon SWSH - PheromosaPheromosa Pokemon SWSH - StakatakaStakataka
Pokemon SWSH - XurkitreeXurkitree

Catch Legendary Pokemon in Story Chapters

Terrible Titans.png
The Crown Tundra contains a number of ruins and secret areas hiding Legendary Pokemon. Some Pokemon are new to the Crown Tundra, while many are returning from previous games for the first time in The Crown Tundra.

Legendary Pokemon Found in Story Chapters

Pokemon SWSH - CalyrexCalyrex Pokemon SWSH - Calyrex (Ice Rider)Calyrex (Ice Rider) Pokemon SWSH - Calyrex (Shadow Rider)Calyrex (Shadow Rider) Pokemon SWSH - CobalionCobalion
Pokemon SWSH - CosmoemCosmoem Pokemon SWSH - CosmogCosmog Pokemon SWSH - DiancieDiancie Pokemon SWSH - Galarian ArticunoGalarian Articuno
Pokemon SWSH - Galarian MoltresGalarian Moltres Pokemon SWSH - Galarian ZapdosGalarian Zapdos Pokemon SWSH - GenesectGenesect Pokemon SWSH - GlastrierGlastrier
Pokemon SWSH - KeldeoKeldeo Pokemon SWSH - Keldeo (Resolute Form)Keldeo (Resolute Form) Pokemon SWSH - RegiceRegice Pokemon SWSH - RegidragoRegidrago
Pokemon SWSH - RegielekiRegieleki Pokemon SWSH - RegigigasRegigigas Pokemon SWSH - RegirockRegirock Pokemon SWSH - RegisteelRegisteel
Pokemon SWSH - SpectrierSpectrier Pokemon SWSH - TerrakionTerrakion Pokemon SWSH - VictiniVictini Pokemon SWSH - VirizionVirizion
Pokemon SWSH - VolcanionVolcanion

Get Rare Items from Watt Trader

Watt Trader in Snowslide Slope.jpg
Watt Trader is also available here in the Crown Tundra. You can exchange Wishing Pieces and TRs for watts. Also, you can find rare items, such as Dream Balls. To find the Watt Trader, travel to Snowslide Slope. The items that you can receive resets daily. So, make sure to visit him every day!

How to Farm Watts Quickly

Shake a Berry Tree

Berry Tree in the Crown Tundra.jpg
Berry Trees also grows here in the Crown Tundra. These are useful in battles and are needed for Curry Recipes. So, if you see a Berry Tree, shake it to get the berries!

Types of Berries and Where to Find Them

Co-op Max Raid Battle

Max Raid Battle in the Crown Tundra.jpg
You can also do Max Raid battle in Co-op mode here in the Crown Tundra. Challenge powerful Dynamax Pokemon and catch them after defeating.

List of Max Raid Events

Get Pokemon with Hidden Abilities

The Pokemon that you can get from Max Raid battles has a chance of getting a hidden ability, which is normally not available. So, don't miss this opportunity and get ready to do Max Raid battles!

Pokemon Camp with Friends

Pokemon Camp in the Crown Tundra.jpg
You can also do Pokemon Camp with your friends here in the Crown Tundra. To enter a friend's camp, go near the camp and press the A Button.

How to Set Up Pokemon Camp

Play with Friends Online via Y-Comm

Y-Comm is also available in The Crown Tundra. By using a Y-Comm, you can communicate with your friends all over the world. Don't miss the fun! Play together with your friends!

How to Get and Use the Y-Comm

Types of Max Raid Den

Different Pillar of Light and Its Meaning

Pillar of Light Purpose
No Beam of Light.jpg
No Pillar of Lights
No Pokemon will appear. However, you can receive Watts from this kind of pillar.
Red Beam of Light.jpg
Red Pillar of Light
Normal Dynamax Pokemon Appears
Purple Beam
Purple Pillar of Light
Rare Dynamax Pokemon Appears (Including Gigantamax Pokemon)

The table above lists the types of Max Raid Den, which is also available in the Crown Tundra. For more information about the different Pillar of Light and its meaning, check the button link below.

Max Raid Battles

Related Links

The Crown Tundra DLC

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Crown Tundra Guides & Walkthroughs

Crown Tundra Pokedex Icon.pngThe Crown Tundra Pokedex Crown Tundra Story WalkthroughCrown Tundra Walkthrough
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Footprints Icon.pngAll Footprint Locations Crown Tundra Dex Icon.pngDex Completion and Rewards
Crown Tundra - Get Shiny Legendaries.pngShiny Legendary Hunting Ultra Beasts Icon.pngHow to Get Ultra Beasts
Ability Patch Button.pngGet the Ability Patch Crown Tundra - Dynite Ore Banner.jpgDynite Ore Farming Guide

Crown Tundra Pokemon Lists

New Pokemon Icon.pngAll New Pokemon Legendary Pokemon Icon.pngAll Legendaries
Crown Tundra - Dynamax Adventure Pokemon Banner.jpgDynamax Adventure Pokemon List Version Exclusive Pokemon.pngVersion Exclusives

Crown Tundra Pokemon Guides

How to Get Crown Tundra Pokemon
Calyrex.pngCalyrex Glastrier ImageGlastrier Spectrier ImageSpectrier
Galarian Articuno ImageGalarian Articuno Galarian Zapdos ImageGalarian Zapdos Galarian Moltres ImageGalarian Moltres
Regirock ImageRegirock Regice ImageRegice Registeel ImageRegisteel
Regidrago ImageRegidrago Regieleki ImageRegieleki Regigigas ImageRegigigas
Cobalion ImageCobalion Terrakion ImageTerrakion Virizion ImageVirizion
Keldeo ImageKeldeo Galarian Slowking ImageGalarian Slowking Spiritomb ImageSpiritomb
Cosmog ImageCosmog Poipole ImagePoipole Necrozma ImageNecrozma

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