Pokemon Sword and Shield

Getting to the 5th Gym (Part 5) - Walkthrough

Getting to the 5th Gym

This is the story guide and objectives list for obtaining the 5th Badge (Stow-on-Side - Ballonlea) in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on to learn which Pokemon the trainers in this location have, as well as other useful walkthrough information.

Getting to the 4th Gym Getting to the 6th Gym

Things to Do Before Getting to the 5th Gym

Train your Pokemon up to Level 40 on Route 6

Grinding on Route 6.jpeg
Before going to obtain the 5th badge, get some level grinding in on Route 6. Dugtrios on Route 6 provide a good amount of Exp. Points, so they're highly recommended for leveling up your party.

Getting to the 5th Gym - Story Walkthrough


Stow-on-Side Items and Obtainable Pokemon

Stow-on-Side Objectives
1 Leave Stow-on-Side Stadium.
2 Talk with Sonia.
3 Head west (left) and climb the stairs.
4 Battle with Bede.
5 Go back down the stairs you came up.
6 Head east (right) and continue in that direction to Glimwood Tangle.

Bede's Pokemon

Pokemon Lv Type
Duosion ImageDuosion Lv.32 Psychic Type
Hattrem ImageHattrem Lv.35 Psychic Type
Gothorita ImageGothorita Lv.32 Psychic Type
Galarian Ponyta ImageGalarian Ponyta Lv.33 Psychic Type

Glimwood Tangle

Glimwood Tangle Items and Obtainable Pokemon

Glimwood Tangle
1 Continue along the road and head east (right) at the T-shaped road.
2 Head down through the tall grass and continue along the road.
3 Continue east (right) at the T-shaped road.
4 Continue north (up) and head into Ballonlea.

Touch mushrooms to lighten things up

In Glimwood Tangle, you can touch mushrooms you find on the path to illuminate the area. If you start to lose your way, touching a mushroom can help you regain your bearings.


Ballonlea Walkthrough Chart
1 Head to the gym at the far side of Ballonlea.
2 Talk with Marney.
3 Talk to the attendant at the front desk.
4 Defeat the Ballonlea Gym Leader, Opal.

Ballonlea Gym Leader: Opal's Pokemon

Pokemon Lv Type Weak
Galarian Weezing ImageGalarian Weezing Lv.36 Poison Type Fairy Type Psychic Type Steel Type
Mawile ImageMawile Lv.36 Steel Type Fairy Type Ground Type Fire Type
Togekiss ImageTogekiss Lv.37 Flying Type Fairy Type Electric Type Ice Type Poison Type Rock Type Steel Type
Alcremie ImageAlcremie Lv.38 Fairy Type Poison Type Steel Type

How to Beat Opal and Opal's Pokemon | Pokemon Sword and Shield

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