Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Get to The Isle of Armor

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You've seen Klara and Avery make their way to the Isle of Armor, now you can too! Learn how to unlock and get to the Isle of Armor, the first-ever DLC in Pokemon Sword and Shield.

How to Unlock The Isle of Armor

Purchase the Expansion Pass

Pokemon Sword & Shield Expansion Pass.png
The Isle of Armor is part of the Expansion Pass DLC, a for-purchase update for Pokemon Sword and Shield which provide additional content for the game.

The Isle of Armor DLC pack was released on June 17th, 2020, so make sure you get the Expansion Pass for your version, and download the new content first!

How to Preorder and Download The Isle of Armor

How to Get to The Isle of Armor

Video Walkthrough

1. Go to Wedgehurst Train Station

Galarian Slowpoke 1.jpg
After downloading the update, head on to Wedgehurst Station, where you also could meet Klara or Avery, new characters from the Isle of Armor DLC, and catch a Galarian Slowpoke, a Pokemon normally exclusive to the Isle of Armor.

Pokemon Sword Pokemon Shield
Klara, the Poison-type user, will be available in the Pokemon Sword Expansion Pass.
Avery, the Psychic-type user, will be available in the Pokemon Shield Expansion Pass.

How to Get Galarian Slowpoke

Receive an Armor Pass after updating the game

Once starting up the game after you download the update, you will receive an Armor Pass, similar to what Klara and Avery use to travel to the Isle of Armor from Wedgehurst Station.

You do not need to worry about picking this up somewhere on the ground. You can head out directly to the station to get to Wedgehurst.

2. Talk to the Man Next to the Ticket Gate

Get a ride to the Isle of Armor.png
Once inside the station, talk to the man next to the ticket gate. If you have your Armor Pass, you will be asked if you want to go to Armor Station, which will take you to the Isle of Armor.

You will be sent to a Flying Taxi

Flying Taxi.png
You will automatically be sent to the Isle of Armor once getting to the Armor Station, so sit back and wait until you get to the isle.

Related Links

The Isle of Armor

The Isle of Armor Atoll.pngAll About The Isle of Armor DLC
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5 Anonymousover 4 years

My wife bought Both DLCs before it even got out and we are still waiting for the pass but nothing happend. To top it off we even deleted the game and the save files and nothing. Waste of money and time, they shouldn't have made a DLC TBH.

4 Anonymousover 4 years

I have the same problem


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