Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Trading Board

This is a Pokemon Trading Board for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Feel free to use this page if you are trying to fill in your Pokedex, if you are hunting for version exclusives, or for any other kind of Pokemon trade.

Pokemon Trading Board Board Rules

  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
  • No slander.
  • No posting of images that violate public standards.
  • No refrain from submissions irrelevant to this board.
  • No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
  • No advertising for other sites or apps.
  • No posting for finanical gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

List of Message Boards

Pokemon Trading Board

Max Raid & Dynamax Adventures Board UP
Discussion Board Friend Request Board
Pokemon Trading Board Ditto / Pokerus Trading Board
Cram-o-Matic Recipes Board Pokemon Memes Board

The Friend Request Board is for making new in-game friends, the Pokemon Trading Board is for finding players to trade Pokemon with, while the Discussion Board is for asking questions about the game or giving advice.

Message Board

Submissions: 8237
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8237 Anonymous1 dayReport

For 6 pokemon with Bach food tin

8236 Anonymous1 dayReport

Need 6 pokemon with bob food tin's Code 7118 7118

8235 Anonymous15 daysReport

Looking for Galarian Corsula in normal Pokéball

8234 Anonymous17 daysReport

what is your friend code

8233 9999 익명 999921 daysReport

이로치 외국산 메타몽 주실분~ 프랑스산 메타몽으로 교환해요,

8232 Anonymous2 monthsReport

Does anyone want to help me evolve my seadra

8231 Anonymous 45752 monthsReport

in pokemon sword

8230 Anonymous 45752 monthsReport

Anyone that will give me a shiny? il trade a shiny a cinderace ar arctozolt for any shiny

8229 Anonymous2 monthsReport

with evo items forget to mention

8228 Anonymous2 monthsReport

want to trade swirlex for spritzee then back again for dex 0000 2288

8227 Anonymous2 monthsReport

Do you just want to evolve it or do you want to be traded a dusknoir?

8226 Anonymous2 monthsReport

I'll trade a my spritzee for yours if you're also trying to get an Aromatisse

8225 Anonymous3 monthsReport

Looking to evolve dusclops

8224 Anonymous3 monthsReport

Would anyone be willing to trade a Zamazenta for Zacian (with rusted items)? I have shield version and did a speedrun so that I could trade for the other version exclusive. I am at the point where I need to go on the roof and catch it so it will be 100% legitimate. I will hunt for a particular nature if anyone is interested.

8223 Anonymous3 monthsReport

looking to trade evo Swirlix and Spritzee

8222 Anonymous4 monthsReport

I need an aromatisse by trading my machoke

8221 Anonymous4 monthsReport

I want to trade my machoke for an aromatisse Code is 00007112

8220 Anonymous4 monthsReport

I would be willing to trade something else within reason

8219 Anonymous4 monthsReport

I just need a bobs food tin. Will happily trade backs food tin. I will take literally anything. I will be giving a swovet. Code 12235214

8218 Anonymous4 monthsReport

I need a galarian corsola Code is 00007215

8217 Anonymous4 monthsReport

I need to touch trade regidrago in sword I have it home but can't transfer it I went with regieleki. I appreciate it

8216 Anonymous4 monthsReport

I’d give you tornadus for a litten

8215 Anonymous4 monthsReport

Need a litten in pkmn sword. Code 1165 6980

8214 Anonymous5 monthsReport

and kadabra

8213 Anonymous5 monthsReport

I need to evolve my machoke code 0064-0067

8212 Anonymous5 monthsReport

Code is 00007101

8211 Anonymous5 monthsReport

I need a gengar, conkeldurr, and a

8210 Anonymous5 monthsReport

I need a croagunk. Code 00007211

8209 Anonymous5 monthsReport

I need a spritzee now

8208 Anonymous5 monthsReport

I need a Galarian Ponyta and a Spritzee from trade and the code is 00007203

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