Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Who Can Learn Meteor Beam

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Pokemon Sword and Shield - Meteor Beam

This is an article for the move Meteor Beam and the Pokemon who can learn it and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see the Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect, and see how to use it competitively.

All New Tutor Moves
Burning Jealousy Pokemon Fire Image Coaching Pokemon Fighting Image Corrosive Gas Pokemon Poison Image
Dual Wingbeat Pokemon Flying Image Expanding Force Pokemon Psychic Image Flip Turn Pokemon Water Image
Grassy Glide Pokemon Grass Image Lash Out Pokemon Dark Image Meteor Beam Pokemon Rock Image
Misty Explosion Pokemon Fairy Image Poltergeist Pokemon Ghost Image Rising Voltage Pokemon Electric Image
Scale Shot Pokemon Dragon Image Scorching Sands Pokemon Ground Image Skitter Smack Pokemon Bug Image
Steel Roller Pokemon Steel Image Terrain Pulse Pokemon Normal Image Triple Axel Pokemon Ice Image

List and Locations of Move Tutors

Meteor Beam - Type and Effect

Type Pokemon Rock Image
Category Pokemon Special Image
Power 120
Accuracy 90
PP 10
Effect In this two-turn attack, the user gathers space power and boosts its Sp. Atk stat, then attacks the target on the next turn.
Max Move Max Rockfall
Power: 140

Pokemon That Learn Meteor Beam

By Default


By Level Up

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By TM / TR

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Egg Move

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Move Tutor

ClefairyClefairy ClefableClefable OnixOnix
RhydonRhydon StarmieStarmie OmanyteOmanyte
OmastarOmastar KabutoKabuto KabutopsKabutops
AerodactylAerodactyl MewMew SudowoodoSudowoodo
SteelixSteelix ShuckleShuckle CorsolaCorsola
Galarian CorsolaGalarian Corsola AggronAggron LunatoneLunatone
SolrockSolrock LileepLileep ArmaldoArmaldo
MetangMetang MetagrossMetagross RegirockRegirock
RegisteelRegisteel RayquazaRayquaza JirachiJirachi
BronzongBronzong RhyperiorRhyperior RoggenrolaRoggenrola
BoldoreBoldore GigalithGigalith CrustleCrustle
TirtougaTirtouga CarracostaCarracosta ArchenArchen
ArcheopsArcheops ElgyemElgyem BeheeyemBeheeyem
BarbaracleBarbaracle TyrantrumTyrantrum CarbinkCarbink
DiancieDiancie SolgaleoSolgaleo LunalaLunala
NihilegoNihilego NecrozmaNecrozma StakatakaStakataka
DrednawDrednaw CarkolCarkol CoalossalCoalossal
CursolaCursola StonjournerStonjourner DracozoltDracozolt
ArctozoltArctozolt DracovishDracovish ArctovishArctovish

Competitive Analysis

Meteor Beam is a new move introduced in Isle of Armor.

It allows special attackers to finally use a powerful Rock-type move which is made even more powerful as this move will raise the user's Special Attack stat!

Do note though that this is a two-turn move, but can be used in a single turn by letting your Pokemon hold Power Herb.

Meteor Beam Locations

Learn from the Isle of Armor Move Tutor

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Isle of Armor Move Tutor.png

Pokemon can learn Meteor Beam from the Isle of Armor Move Tutor for five pieces of Armorite Ore.

How to Get Armorite Ore Fast

Related Links

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
Moves by Type
FireFire WaterWater GrassGrass
ElectricElectric IceIce FightingFighting
PoisonPoison GroundGround FlyingFlying
PsychicPsychic BugBug RockRock
GhostGhost DragonDragon DarkDark
SteelSteel FairyFairy NormalNormal
Moves by Category
Physical Special Status
Dynamax Moves
Max Moves G-Max Moves
Moves by Effects
Stat-Boosting Moves Stat-Reducing Moves Status-Inflicting Moves
Moves that Never Miss Moves that Set Entry Hazards Moves that Ignore Abilities
High-Critical Hit Moves Moves that Change Weather Moves that Change Terrain
Multi-Target Moves Moves that Restore HP Redirection Moves
Multi-Hit Moves One-Hit Knockout Moves Trapping Moves
Moves that Make Contact Moves that Do Not Make Contact Moves that Block Attacks
Status Restoring Moves Moves that Forces a Switch Sound-Based Moves
List of Priority Moves


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