Pokemon Sword and Shield

Hydreigon - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

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Competitive Battle Guide

Best Build for Hydreigon.png

Hydreigon Movesets in Other Games
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This is a strategy guide for using Hydreigon in competitive play for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Movesets, Builds, and Held Items to use with Hydreigon, as well as its strengths and weak points.

Hydreigon - Related Guides
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Basic Information for Hydreigon

Types and Abilities

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Sword and Shield - Dark Type Pokemon Sword and Shield - Dragon Type
Levitate Gives immunity to Ground type moves.

Hydreigon Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Pokemon Fairy Image
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Fighting Image Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Dragon Image
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Electric Image Pokemon Ghost Image Pokemon Dark Image
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Ground Image Pokemon Psychic Image

What is Type Effectiveness?

Base Stats

HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
92 105 90 125 90 98

Best Nature for Hydreigon

Best Natures
(+SpAtk, -Atk)
(+Spd, -Atk)

What are Natures?

Singles Movesets for Hydreigon

Choice Scarf/Specs Moveset & Best Build

Choice Scarf Hydreigon.png

Nature Modest (+SpAtk, -Atk)
EV Spread Sp.Atk. 252 / Sp.Def. 4 / Spd. 252
Final Stat Values HP 167 / Def. 110 / Sp.Atk. 194 / Sp.Def. 111 / Spd. 150
Ability Levitate
Held Item Choice Scarf
Choice Specs
Moveset Draco Meteor
Dark Pulse
Fire Blast

Choice Scarf helps Hydreigon cover its middling Speed - a stat not exceeding 100 which ends up a waste of stat points otherwise. Its high Special Attack combined with the hard-to-resist Dark Pulse, and a movepool filled with moves of other types as well, make it an extremely difficult Pokemon to handle defensively.

With Choice Scarf, it can even outspeed the currently popular Dragapult, which takes its 142 Speed for granted and rarely wears the Scarf.

In the case where a boost in Special Attack is preferred, use Choice Specs.

Other Viable Moves

Focus Blast Useful for countering Rock types such as Tyranitar.
Flamethrower An alternate choice for Fire Blast. The increased accuracy helps, but decreases the number of opponents it can theoretically 1HKO or 2HKO.
Flash Cannon For countering Fairy types, who Hydreigon has a 4x weakness to. Can turn the tide of battle against a Fairy type with decreased HP.
Earth Power Can be used against Fire- and Flying-types.
Hydro Pump Useful for countering Arcanine and Heat Rotom.

Substitute Moveset & Best Build

Nature Modest (SpAtk+, Att-)
EV Spread HP 204 / Sp. Atk. 252 / Spd. 52
Final Stat Values HP 193 / Defense 110 / Sp. Atk. 194 / Sp. Def. 110 / Spd. 125
Ability Levitate
Held Item Leftovers
Moveset Substitute
Nasty Plot
Dark Pulse
Flash Cannon

This build takes advantage of the resistances brought by Hydreigon's typing. Special Attack is boosted with Nasty Plot, and any status conditions is avoided with Substitute. Additionally, an opponent's Dynamax turn can be wasted with the Substitute taking the damage.

About Hydreigon's EV Spread

252 EV is alloted to Special Attack to maximize Hydreigon's potential asa special attacker, and some EV is given to HP so Substitute can be used again after 4 Leftover heals. The rest is given to Speed.

Other Viable Moves

Fire Blast Fire-type move against Steel-types. Flamethrower can be an alternative for a more accurate move.
Hydro Pump Useful for countering Arcanine and Heat Rotom.
Draco Meteor Used against fellow Dragon-types. Dragon Pulse can be an alternative so Special Attack is not lowered.

How to Use Hydreigon Effectively

An attacker with a sprawling moveset

Hydreigon Wide Moveset.png

Hydreigon can handle a variety of opponents thanks to its wide and unpredictable selection of moves. Even up against Mimikyu, it can use U-Turn to switch out and send in a more effective counter. This provides flexibility to allow players to use Hydreigon to match the situation at hand.

A unique type combination

Hydreigon Type Combination.png

As a Dark/Dragon dual-type, Hydreigon has a unique type combination in this generation. It can take advantage of its typing to withstand attacks on switching in and match itself up effectively.

Counters for Hydreigon

Weakness Pokemon Fairy Image Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Fighting Image Pokemon Bug Image Pokemon Dragon Image

Attack with Fairy-types

As Hydreigon is a Dark/Dragon dual-type, it suffers from a 4x weakness to the Fairy type. It's quite possible to knock Hydreigon out in one hit with a Fairy-type attack, so be sure to have one ready if you're worried about handling it.

Best Pokemon to Use

Pokemon Description
Pokemon SWSH - Tapu Fini ImageTapu Fini Ranking: ★★★★★
・High Special Defense that can withstand most of Hydreigon's attacks.
Moveset & Best Build for Tapu Fini
Pokemon SWSH - Grimmsnarl ImageGrimmsnarl Ranking: ★★★★★
・Can take Hydreigon's STAB attacks with 1/2x or less damage
・Also effective against the ever-present Dragapult
Moveset & Best Build for Grimmsnarl
Pokemon SWSH - Mimikyu ImageMimikyu Ranking: ★★★★
・Just an overall powerful hitter in its own right.
Moveset & Best Build for Mimikyu
Pokemon SWSH - Sylveon ImageSylveon Ranking: ★★★★
・With high Special Defense, can switch into Hydreigon as many times as needed
Hyper Voice used with the Pixilate ability can deal huge damage.
Moveset & Best Build for Sylveon

Best Teams Featuring Hydreigon

All our Best Teams are available for free rental, and usable in Ranked Battle with no EV Training necessary.
All Best Teams for Ranked Battle

Best Durant Team for Ranked Battle

Best Durant Team for Ranked Battle
Pokemon SWSH - Grimmsnarl ImageGrimmsnarl Pokemon SWSH - Durant ImageDurant Pokemon SWSH - Ditto ImageDitto
Pokemon SWSH - Hydreigon ImageHydreigon Pokemon SWSH - Mimikyu ImageMimikyu Pokemon SWSH - Snorlax ImageSnorlax

This is the team that made Durant, a minor Pokemon unseen in the metagame, into a superstar. Even ignoring all the trends, it's notable for its highly aggressive attacking style.

You can try out this team to get a feel for using Hydreigon together with Durant, or even use it as your go-to team if it fits your play style.
Best Durant Team for Ranked Battle

Best Arcanine Team for Ranked Battle

Best Arcanine Team for Ranked Battle
Pokemon SWSH - Arcanine ImageArcanine Pokemon SWSH - Hydreigon ImageHydreigon Pokemon SWSH - Tyranitar ImageTyranitar
Pokemon SWSH - Corviknight ImageCorviknight Pokemon SWSH - Mow Rotom ImageMow Rotom Pokemon SWSH - Mimikyu ImageMimikyu

Born from one player's love of one Pokemon, Arcanine, this team takes advantage of Arcanine's already-high Base Stats, supported by Assault Vest to make it a powerful player both offensively and defensively.

In addition to Arcanine, this team features a host of other surprises, such as a Pressure Corviknight, a Special Attack-using Tyranitar, and a stall-ready Mimikyu, that might change your preconceptions about the competitive scene as a whole.
Best Arcanine Team for Ranked Battle

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5 Anonymousover 4 years

It can! :) I have it on my hydriegon. Go to the bathhouse in Circhester and talk to to dude on the left. He will teach it to any dragon type pretty much for free!

4 Anonymousover 4 years

It indeed can learn it my friend


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