Pokemon Sword and Shield

Release Time | When Will The Isle of Armor Be Released?

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This is a guide to the Release Time for The Isle of Armor DLC for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Learn what day the game will be released, our predictions for the times the game will be available around the world, and what all we know so far.

Release Date


Part 1 of the Expansion Pass DLC, The Isle of Armor, will be released worldwide on June 17th, 2020.

It's available for digital download with Pokemon Sword and Shield, so be sure to pre-download the Expansion Pass, so that you'll have access to The Isle of Armor DLC as soon as the game is available!

Release Time


UPDATE 2020/6/17: The game was released at 13:00 UTC (10:00 PM JST) on June 17th, 2020.

The Japanese official website for The Isle of Armor DLC lists the game as being released at night.

Although English promotion for the game has not included any mention of the time of day at which the game will be released, Japanese official sources have all listed the game's release at night.

It's likely that this will result in a simultaneous world release across time zones, with the game released in the morning for US and South American audiences, in the afternoon for European and African audiences, and in the evening/night for audiences in Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

▶︎Japanese official website

Pokemon HOME Maintenance Update Hints at Release Time

Click to zoom and read the full text!

According to a Pokemon HOME news update on June 12th, Pokemon HOME will undergo maintenance on June 17th, from 9:00 UTC to 14:00 (2:00 PM) UTC. That's right – the same day as The Isle of Armor release!

This update is highly expected to allow the transfer of all new Pokemon which have become available in The Isle of Armor, and will likely coincide with the release of the DLC.

Although nothing has been confirmed, it's highly possible that the DLC will be made available after the maintenance has concluded, which would align with the original announcement of a night release in Japan. If the release coincides with the end of the Pokemon HOME Maintenance, the game will be released at 2:00 PM UTC in a simultaneous world release.

Check our table below for what Local Time this corresponds to in a few major regions! For other areas, try converting your local time to UTC to find out what time 2:00 PM UTC is for you locally.

Region Local Time Time Zone
US West Coast 7:00 AM UTC-7
US East Coast 10:00 AM UTC-4
Brazil 11:00 AM UTC-3
United Kingdom 3:00 PM UTC+1
South Africa 4:00 PM UTC+2
Philippines 10:00 PM UTC+8
Australian West Coast 10:00 PM UTC+8
Japan 11:00 PM UTC+9
Australian East Coast June 18th, 12:00 AM UTC+10
New Zealand June 18th, 2:00 AM UTC+12

Pokemon Presents Likely to Precede Game Release

Pokemon Presents.jpeg

On June 16th, an 11-minute Pokemon Presents announcement of a new Pokemon game, along with information about the Expansion Pass, was confirmed in a surprise announcement.

The Pokemon Presents will take place at 1:00 PM UTC, one hour before the Pokemon HOME maintenance ends. As it's unlikely the Pokemon Presents will be scheduled for after players are already busy playing The Isle of Armor, this provides further evidence that The Isle of Armor will be released when the Pokemon HOME maintenance has concluded at 2:00 PM UTC.

The world is biting its fingernails in anticipation. Come back on June 17th for live updates as we learn more about the game's release time!

Related Links

The Isle of Armor

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7 Anonymousalmost 5 years

If anyone's wondering about it not working in its if you delete you save data you redownload on eshop

6 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Same here hurry up alreadyyy


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