Pokemon Sword and Shield

Inteleon - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle | Sniper Hidden Ability Moveset


This is a strategy guide for using Inteleon in competitive play for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield, including the best build for its Hidden Ability, Sniper. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Movesets, and Held Items to use with Inteleon, as well as its strengths and weak points.

Inteleon - Related Guides
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Basic Information for Inteleon

Types and Abilities

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Sword and Shield - Water Type
Torrent Powers up Water-type moves in a pinch.
Sniper (Hidden) Powers up moves if they become critical hits.

Inteleon Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Electric Image
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Steel Image
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage

What is Type Effectiveness?

Base Stats

HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
70 85 65 125 65 120

Best Nature for Inteleon

Best Natures
+(Spd, -Atk)

What are Natures?

Singles Movesets for Inteleon

Special Attacker Moveset & Best Build

Nature Timid (+Spd, -Atk)
EV Spread Sp.Atk. 252 / Def. 4 / Spd. 252
Final Stat Values HP 145 / Atk. 94 / Def. 85 / Sp.Atk. 177 / Sp.Def. 86 / Spd. 189
Ability Torrent
Held Item Mystic Water
Moveset Hydro Pump
Air Slash
Ice Beam

These values are from base stats and ideal EVs, excluding external factors.

Special Attacker Inteleon.png

To make Inteleon's Ability Torrent activate, this set uses Endure to survive a hit with 1 HP. Mystic Water is chosen for the Held Item because it can power up Water-type moves to 120% of their normal power. These two boosts can stack to bring Inteleon's damage to approximately 180% its normal value. When Dynamaxed, Air Slash will change into Max Airstream, boosting its Speed and allowing it to put relentless pressure on the opponent.

Alternate Move Choices

Surf Great STAB move with high accuracy. Substitute for Hydro Pump.
Scald Another great STAB move that has a chance for burn. You can replace Hydro Pump with this move.
Dark Pulse A good coverage move. Has a chance to make the opposing Pokemon flinch.
Hydro Cannon An alternate choice for Hydro Cannon. Skips the recovery turn, but its low accuracy can cause problems.
Endure You can use this move to consume a Dynamax turn from your opponent. Replace Substitute with this move.

Sniper + Focus Sash Moveset & Best Build

Sniper   Focus Sash Inteleon.png

Nature Naive (+Spd, -SpDef)
EV Spread Sp.Atk. 252 / Spd. 252 / HP 4
Final Stat Values HP 146 / Atk. 105 / Def. 85 / Sp.Atk. 177 / Sp.Def. 76 / Spd. 189
Ability Sniper
Held Item Focus Sash
Moveset Substitute
Snipe Shot
Air Slash
Ice Beam

These values are from base stats and ideal EVs, excluding external factors.

Inteleon's new Hidden Ability Sniper allows it to deal 2.25x damage instead of the normal 1.5x when scoring a critical hit. By using Focus Energy to raise its Critical Hit rate by two stages, and using attacks with a one-stage boost in Critical Hit rate, it can achieve a 100% chance of landing a Critical Hit. As Critical Hits ignore boosts to an opponent's stats, it can bypass moves like Calm Mind and Cosmic Power to deal heavy damage to defensive foes.

After boosting with Focus Energy, moves without a one-stage Critical Hit boost will still have a high chance of landing one, so you can use other moves like Ice Beam on opponents who absorb Water moves.

How to Get Sniper Inteleon

A free Sobble with the Sniper Ability is available via Pokemon HOME. Learn how to get all three Galar Starters with Hidden Abilities and transfer them to Pokemon Sword and Shield with our guide below:
How to Get & Transfer Hidden Ability Starters from Pokemon HOME

Other Viable Moves

Sucker Punch A Dark-type priority move. It has higher priority than moves like Quick Attack and Aqua Jet, so it will allow you to finish the job after an opponent survives with a Focus Sash or Sturdy.
Dark Pulse A Special Dark-type move. Brings flinching into the equation.
U-turn Allows you to switch out to a more advantaged teammate, while also finishing off an opponent holding on with Focus Sash or Sturdy.
Hydro Cannon A strong STAB move but has low accuracy. If you choose, you can use this instead of Snipe Shot.
Focus Energy Focus Energy boosts Inteleon's Sniper ability as it allows for a higher chance of critically hitting the opposing Pokemon.

How to Use Inteleon Effectively

An ace attacker who makes the opponent sweat

Inteleon takes advantage of its high Base Speed to fulfill the role of an ace attacker. If you choose to Dynamax, its move Max Geyser can change the weather to rain, further powering up its Water-type moves.

Counters for Inteleon

Weakness Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Electric Image

Absorb its Water attacks with a Water-immune Ability

Inteleon's singular Water typing is both its greatest strength and its greatest weakness. Its Ability to use powerful Water moves with STAB makes its Hydro Pump fearsome, but excessive reliance on these moves renders it immobile against foes with an Ability granting Water immunity. Pokemon such as Lapras and Quagsire with Water Absorb can leave Inteleon without a viable reaction.

Best Pokemon to Use

Pokemon Description
Lapras ImageLapras Ranking: ★★★★★
・Has the Ability Water Absorb
・High defensive stats
・Can deal super-effective damage with Freeze-Dry
Moveset & Best Build for Lapras
Gastrodon ImageGastrodon Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Has the Ability Storm Drain
・Has a high Special Defense
Moveset & Best Build for Gastrodon

Use an advantageous type matchup

Using a type with a resistance to Water, Grass or Electric, can give a huge advantage when fighting Inteleon. The likes of Ferrothorn and Wash Rotom are guaranteed to handle Inteleon with little blowback.

Best Pokemon to Use

Pokemon Description
Ferrothorn ImageFerrothorn Ranking: ★★★★★
・Has a highly effective type matchup
・Can use Leech Seed and Protect to stall out Inteleon's Dynamax
Moveset & Best Build for Ferrothorn
Wash Rotom ImageWash Rotom Ranking: ★★★★★
・Has a highly effective type matchup
・Can Paralyze Inteleon to limit its movement
Moveset & Best Build for Wash Rotom

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