Pokemon Sword and Shield

Battle Tower Walkthrough and Recommended Party

Battle Tower
This is a walkthrough for the Battle Tower in Pokemon Sword and Shield. If you would like to know about the modes in Battle Tower, how to win battles, tier rewards, as well as recommended teams for Battle Tower, please read on.

What is the Battle Tower?

A facility for competitive battling

Battle Tower Entrance

The Battle Tower is a place in Wyndon specialized for battling other trainers. It is unlocked after entering the Hall of Fame, and it is primarily used for enjoying participating in tough Pokemon battles.

Engage in Single or Double Battles

Battle Tower - Rank Battle

Both Single and Double Battles are present in the Battle Tower. A fixed level rule is used here, so all Pokemon will be fought at level 50.

Compatible with Rental Teams

Battle Tower - Types of Teams

Rental Teams can be used if you do not have your own team that has been built for battling. They have held items and good moves to choose from, so it is quite easy to borrow these teams and win your way to the top.

Recommended Battle Tower Party

Teams that revolve around Zacian

Pokemon Nature/Held Item Moves
Zacian ImageZacian Jolly/Adament
Rusted Sword
Play Rough
Behemoth Blade
Close Combat
Swords Dance
Inteleon ImageInteleon Timid
Focus Sash
Snipe Shot
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Aqua Jet
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu Jolly/Adament
Life Orb
Play Rough
Shadow Claw
Shadow Sneak
Swords Dance

Since you can use Legendaries in the Battle Tower, use Zacian or Eternatus's extreme offensive ability to plow through the Battle Tower.

The party above is centered around Zacian's attack ability, and Inteleon can be used to cover Zacian's bad matchups (namely Fire and Ground types). Finally, Mimikyu is a powerful Pokemon who can easily find a spot in any team.

Teams that suppress enemies with Eternatus

Pokemon Nature/Held Item Moves
Eternatus ImageEternatus Modest
Choice Specs
Dynamax Cannon
Sludge Bomb
Flash Cannon
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu Jolly/Adament
Life Orb
Play Rough
Shadow Claw
Shadow Sneak
Swords Dance
Aegislash ImageAegislash Modest/Quiet
Shadow Ball
Shadow Sneak
Flash Cannon
King's Shield

If you do not have Zacian, use Eternatus to overpower your enemies. While holding the Choice Specs, Eternatus can use Dynamax Cannon to one-shot nearly any enemy.

Even if your Eternatus faints, having Aegislash to counter Fairy types and the always useful Mimikyu on standby will safely lead you to victory.

Battle Tower Rewards

Battle Points (BP)

Battle Tower - Battle Points
You receive BP (Battle Points), which can be traded for other items, by completing battles in the Battle Tower. Since you can use these on Battle Items and Mints (which change the effects of a Pokemon's Nature), it will be very important to collect a lot of these before battling online.

Rank Rewards

The Tiers in Battle Tour are divided into Pokeballs. You will receive rewards for each time you rank up. For a list of obtainable rewards, see below.

List of Rewards

Tier Rank Rewards
Battle Tower - Beginner Tier 1 ~ 3 Rare Candies ×3
Battle Tower - Poke Ball Tier 4 ~ 6 Rare Candies ×4
Bottle Cap ×2
Ability Capsule
Mint (Random)
Battle Tower - Great Ball Tier 7~9 Rare Candies ×9
Bottle Cap
Mint (Random)
Battle Tower - Ultra Ball Tier 10 Rare Candies ×5
Bottle Cap ×2
Ability Capsule
Mint (Random)
Battle Tower - Master Ball Tier MAX Rare Candies ×10
Bottle Cap ×3
Gold Bottle Cap
Ability Capsule
Mint (Random)
Battle Tower Oufit

Obtain the Wearable Battle Tower Uniform!

Battle Tower Uniform

After defeating Leon at the Battle Tower, you will get the Battle Tower Uniform. This item can only be obtained by those who have reached the Master Ball Tier, so aim big to get it!

Things to Do in the Battle Tower

Hyper Training

Battle Tower - Hyper Training

In the Battle Tower, there is a feature called Hyper Training, which will allow you to max out a Pokemon's IVs. Hyper Training only works on level 100 Pokemon, and it will require Bottle Caps or Gold Bottle Caps.

Unlock the Judge Function

After reaching the Poke Ball Tier, the Judge Function will be unlocked. This lets you check a Pokemon's IVs from your Box, making it very easy to find out which Pokemon that you have caught have good stats.
How to Unlock the Judge Function

Obtain Type: Null

Battle Tower - Type: Null

Type: Null, a Pokemon from Pokemon: Sun and Moon, can be obtained in the Battle Tower. If you want to get Type: Null with the best IVs and Nature, be sure and save right before speaking to the character who gives this Pokemon to you.

Battle Tower Shops

BP Shop

Item Price
Mints 50 BP
50 BP
25 BP
25 BP
25 BP
25 BP
25 BP
25 BP
20 BP
20 BP
20 BP
20 BP
20 BP
15 BP
15 BP
15 BP
15 BP
15 BP
15 BP
15 BP
15 BP
10 BP
10 BP
10 BP
10 BP
10 BP
10 BP

TM Shop

Item Price
TM28 Giga Drain ₽100,000
TM92 Mystical Fire ₽100,000
TM83 Razor Shell ₽100,000
TM52 Bounce ₽100,000
TM59 Fling ₽100,000
TM20 Self-Destruct ₽100,000
TM44 Imprison ₽100,000
TM70 Trick Room ₽50,000
TM71 Wonder Room ₽50,000
TM72 Magic Room ₽50,000

Related Guides

See All Post Game Content
Obtaining the Master Ball Obtaining Charmander
Obtaining Type: Null Unlocking the Judge Function
Catching the Best Legendaries Battle Tower Walkthrough
Getting the Best Ditto


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