Pokemon Sword and Shield

Cosmog - Evolutions, Location, and Learnset | Crown Tundra DLC

Cosmog - Evolutions, Location, and Learnset.png

Cosmog in Other Pokemon Games
Pokemon_Scarlet_Logo.pngSV Pokemon Sword and Shield IconSWSH

This is a page on the Pokemon Cosmog, including its learnable moves and where it can be found in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for information on its evolutions, abilities, type advantages, and location.

#NatDex 788 #NatDex 789 #NatDex 790
Tapu FiniTapu Fini CosmogCosmog CosmoemCosmoem

How to Get Cosmog

From an Old Lady in The Crown Tundra

You can get a Cosmog in The Crown Tundra DLC from an Old Lady in Freezington. After the event during the King of Bountiful Harvests storyline, once you save the town from the attacking Glastrier or Spectrier, you'll be able to receive the Cosmog at any time.

King of Bountiful Harvests Walkthrough

Pokemon - Cosmog House Location.png
Look for a house with an Old Lady and a Spheal outside.
Pokemon - Cosmog Old Lady Dialogue.png
Talk to the Old Woman to receive Cosmog.
Note: She will only reward you Cosmog after defeating Glastrier or Spectrier.
Pokemon - Cosmog Received.png
The Cosmog you will receive will be at Level 5.

Available Through Pokemon HOME

If you don't have the Expansion Pass DLC, you can also get Cosmog by transferring it from Pokemon's new cloud service, Pokemon HOME, to the game.

Pokemon HOME Released! How to Download and Transfer Pokemon

Cosmog - Type and Abilities

Cosmog - Type

Nebula Pokémon
Pokemon - Cosmog
Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Psychic Image -

Cosmog Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage

Cosmog Pokédex Entries

Even though its helpless, gaseous body can be blown away by the slightest breeze, it doesn’t seem to care.
Whether or not it’s a Pokémon from this world is a mystery. When it’s in a jam, it warps away to a safe place to hide.

Best Pokemon Tier List For Ranked Battle

Cosmog Abilities

Name Description
Unaware Ignores any stat changes in the Pokemon.

Cosmog Egg Group

Egg Groups
Pokemon - Undiscovered Egg GroupUndiscovered

Base Stats of Cosmog

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

List of All Pokemon by Base Stats

Evolution Chart of Cosmog

Evolution Line
Cosmog ImageCosmog Lvl 43
Cosmoem ImageCosmoem Lvl 53
Solgaleo ImageSolgaleo
Lvl 53
Lunala ImageLunala

How to Evolve Every Pokemon

Moves learned by Cosmog

Learnset by Leveling Up

Lv. Move Type Power Acc. PP
Base Teleport Pokemon Psychic Image - - 20
Base Splash Pokemon Normal Image - - 40
This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Learnset by TM

This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Learnset by TR

This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Learnset through a Move Tutor

This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Learnset via Egg Moves

This Pokemon currently has no moves learned in this way.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Related Links

Cosmog in Other Pokemon Games

Cosmog in Other Pokemon Games
Pokemon_Scarlet_Logo.pngSV Pokemon Sword and Shield IconSWSH

Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex

Pokedex and List of All Pokemon

Pokemon by Pokedex

All Pokedex Pages
Get All Starters Hot Article Icon.png
Galar Pokedex
AllNewPokemon.pngThe Isle of Armor Pokedex
Crown Tundra Pokedex Icon.pngThe Crown Tundra Pokedex Pokemon HOME Pokedex Icon.pngAll Pokemon HOME Additions

Other Gen 7 Pokemon

Gen 7 Pokemon
GrubbinGrubbin CharjabugCharjabug VikavoltVikavolt
BounsweetBounsweet SteeneeSteenee TsareenaTsareena
Alolan VulpixAlolan Vulpix Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales MudbrayMudbray
MudsdaleMudsdale StuffulStufful BewearBewear
WishiwashiWishiwashi Wishiwashi (Solo Form)Wishiwashi (Solo Form) PyukumukuPyukumuku
Alolan DiglettAlolan Diglett Alolan DugtrioAlolan Dugtrio Alolan MeowthAlolan Meowth
Alolan PersianAlolan Persian CutieflyCutiefly RibombeeRibombee
Alolan RaichuAlolan Raichu DewpiderDewpider AraquanidAraquanid
WimpodWimpod GolisopodGolisopod SalanditSalandit
SalazzleSalazzle MimikyuMimikyu MareanieMareanie
ToxapexToxapex MorelullMorelull ShiinoticShiinotic
OranguruOranguru PassimianPassimian DrampaDrampa
TurtonatorTurtonator TogedemaruTogedemaru DhelmiseDhelmise
Type: NullType: Null SilvallySilvally Jangmo-oJangmo-o
Hakamo-oHakamo-o Kommo-oKommo-o FomantisFomantis
LurantisLurantis ComfeyComfey SandygastSandygast
PalossandPalossand RockruffRockruff Lycanroc (Midnight Form)Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Lycanroc (Midday Form)Lycanroc (Midday Form) Lycanroc (Dusk Form)Lycanroc (Dusk Form) Alolan SandshrewAlolan Sandshrew
Alolan SandslashAlolan Sandslash Alolan MarowakAlolan Marowak Alolan ExeggutorAlolan Exeggutor
RowletRowlet DartrixDartrix DecidueyeDecidueye
LittenLitten TorracatTorracat IncineroarIncineroar
PopplioPopplio BrionneBrionne PrimarinaPrimarina
Tapu KokoTapu Koko Tapu LeleTapu Lele Tapu BuluTapu Bulu
Tapu FiniTapu Fini CosmogCosmog CosmoemCosmoem
SolgaleoSolgaleo LunalaLunala NihilegoNihilego
BuzzwoleBuzzwole PheromosaPheromosa XurkitreeXurkitree
CelesteelaCelesteela KartanaKartana GuzzlordGuzzlord
NecrozmaNecrozma Necrozma (Dusk Mane)Necrozma (Dusk Mane) Necrozma (Dawn Wings)Necrozma (Dawn Wings)
MagearnaMagearna MarshadowMarshadow PoipolePoipole
NaganadelNaganadel StakatakaStakataka BlacephalonBlacephalon
ZeraoraZeraora MeltanMeltan MelmetalMelmetal
Gigantamax MelmetalGigantamax Melmetal

Pokemon by Generation

All Generation Lists
Generation 1 Pokemon.pngGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3
Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4 Generation 5 PokemonGeneration 5 Generation 6 PokemonGeneration 6
Generation 7 PokemonGeneration 7 New PokemonGeneration 8 (New Pokemon)

Pokemon by Type

All Type Lists
FireFire WaterWater GrassGrass
ElectricElectric IceIce FightingFighting
PoisonPoison GroundGround FlyingFlying
PsychicPsychic BugBug RockRock
GhostGhost DragonDragon DarkDark
SteelSteel FairyFairy NormalNormal

Pokemon by Stats

All Stat Lists
Base Stats EV Yield Speed Ranking

Other Pokemon Guides

Other Pokemon Guides
How to Get All Gigantamax Pokemon All Pokemon Added in Pokemon HOME
How to Evolve Every Pokemon List of Galarian Forms
Which Starter Pokemon Should You Choose? Type Effectiveness and Damage Output
Generation 8
(New Pokemon)
Legendary Pokemon
List of Egg Groups Guide to Egg Moves


3 Anonymousover 2 years

Can i get Cosmog Through trading without the dlc

2 Anonymousover 4 years

y o u c a n t you doof


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