Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Get Vitamins (Nutritious Drinks)

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This page lists all vitamins (nutritious drinks), as well as where they are found in Pokemon Sword and Shield. All EV raising items, including Feathers are displayed on this page, so please use this guide to assist you in EV Training.

Where to Find Vitamins (Nutritious Drinks)

Upgrade the Dojo on the Isle of Armor

Vitamin Drinks Vending Machine offers Bulk Discount
In The Isle of Armor DLC, When you donate Watts to Honey to upgrade the Dojo, the Dojo's vending machine will eventually begin to stock Vitamins. Due to the bulk discount offered by these vending machines, Vitamins can be purchased as low as half the price of purchasing them in Wyndon.

All Pokemon Dojo Upgrades


Drinks Bought Price Total Price per Drink
1 10,000 10,000
5 40,000 8,000
10 70,000 7,000
25 125,000 5,000

When purchased one at a time, Vitamins are priced the same as in Wyndon, but when purchasing 25 at a time (the same amount required to give 250 EVs to a Pokemon, slightly less than the limit of 252 EVs in a stat), the price decreases to half that of the cost in Wyndon.

However, upgrading the vending machines to have all available Vitamins costs a total donation of 400,000 Watts, so some significant Watt farming will be required to unlock the discount.

How to Farm Watts Quickly

All types of Vitamins can be bought in Wyndon

Vitamins in Wyndon.jpg

Nutritious Drinks such as Iron and Protein, which raise your Pokemon's EVs by 10 points can all be purchased in the Wyndon Pokemart for 10000 Poke Dollars. Buying these in bulk will set you back a pretty penny, so use the guide below to see the most effective ways to get cash quick!

How to Get Money (Poke Dollars) Fast

Obtain Feathers from sparkling spots on bridges

Feather Bridge.jpg

Muscle Feathers, Clever Feathers, and other Feathers which raise a Pokemon's EV by 1 point can be found as a sparling object on the Route 5 and Motostoke Outskirts bridge. Sparkling objects replenish every day, so check back often!

List of Vitamins (Nutritious Drinks)

List of Vitamins (EV +10)

Item Effect
HP Up ImageHP Up A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base HP of a single Pokémon.
Protein ImageProtein A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Attack stat of a single Pokémon.
Iron ImageIron A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Defense stat of a single Pokémon.
Calcium ImageCalcium A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Atk stat of a single Pokémon.
Zinc ImageZinc A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Sp. Def stat of a single Pokémon.
Carbos ImageCarbos A nutritious drink for Pokémon. When consumed, it raises the base Speed stat of a single Pokémon.
PP Up ImagePP Up A medicine that can slightly raise the maximum PP of a single move that has been learned by the target Pokemon.
PP Max ImagePP Max A medicine that can optimally raise the maximum PP of a single move that has been learned by the target Pokemon.

List of Feathers (EV +1)

Item Effect
Health Feather ImageHealth Feather An item for use on a Pokemon. It slightly increases the base HP of a single Pokemon.
Muscle Feather ImageMuscle Feather An item for use on a Pokemon. It slightly increases the base Attack stat of a single Pokemon.
Resist Feather ImageResist Feather An item for use on a Pokemon. It slightly increases the base Defense stat of a single Pokemon.
Genius Feather ImageGenius Feather An item for use on a Pokémon. It slightly increases the base Sp. Atk stat of a single Pokémon.
Clever Feather ImageClever Feather An item for use on a Pokemon. It slightly increases the base Sp.Def stat of a single Pokemon.
Swift Feather ImageSwift Feather An item for use on a Pokemon. It slightly increases the base Speed stat of a single Pokemon.

Related Links

All ItemsSee All Items
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Berries.pngBerries Evolutionary Stones.pngEvolutionary Stones Ingredients.pngIngredients
Battle Items.jpgBattle Items Recovery Items.pngRecovery Items Power Items.pngPower Items
Important Items
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Master Ball.pngMaster Ball Fossils.pngFossils Evolutionary Held Items.pngEvolutionary Held Items
Lucky Egg.jpgLucky Egg Rare Candy.pngRare Candy Bottle CapBottle Caps


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