Pokemon Sword and Shield

Glastrier or Spectrier? | Best Legendary Horse to Choose | The Crown Tundra

Pokemon - Crown Tundra - Best Legendary Steed

This article is about which Legendary Steed to pick for Calyrex in The Crown Tundra. Read on to learn which carrot to plant to get the right Legendary Steed for the High King Pokemon, and whether Glastrier or Spectrier is the better choice!

Which Carrot Should You Plant?

The Iceroot Carrot Summons Glastrier!

Crown Tundra - Glastrier

Planting the Carrot Seeds in the Snowslide Slope's plot of land nets you the Iceroot Carrot. This carrot summons the Wild Horse Pokemon Glastrier, who is an Ice-type Pokemon!

Glastrier - Evolution and Learnset

The Shaderoot Carrot Summons Spectrier!

Crown Tundra - Spectrier
Planting the Carrot Seeds in the Old Graveyard's plot of land nets you the Shaderoot Carrot. This carrot summons the Swift Horse Pokemon Spectrier, who is a Ghost-type Pokemon!

Spectrier - Evolution and Learnset

Which Legendary Steed Should You Pick?

Iceroot Carrot Shaderoot Carrot
Glastrier ImageGlastrier Spectrier ImageSpectrier
Base Stats
HP 100
Atk 145
Def 130
Sp.Atk 65
Sp.Def 110
Spd 30
HP 100
Atk 65
Def 60
Sp.Atk 145
Sp.Def 80
Spd 130

Glastrier has high attack and defenses but very low speed, making it a good choice for Trick Room teams!

Spectrier, on the other hand, has high special attack and speed, making it a great special sweeper - a perfect choice for your Hyper Offense team!

We Recommend Spectrier

The Shadow Rider Returns.jpg

Spectrier is the overall better choice due to its high special attack, speed, and better mono-typing. Additionally, fusing Calyrex with Spectrier boosts its special attack and speed even further!

How to Get Shadow Rider Calyrex

Which Legendary Steed Did You Pick?

Glastrier 700
Spectrier 1741
I have two games, so I choose both! 425

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13 Anonymousover 1 year

Spectrier IS worse than Glactrier in attack, but Spectrier is just dang fast. Also Spectrier’s special attacks are a LOT better

6 Anonymousover 2 years

*Spectrier* I hate my auto correct


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