Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Get Armorite Ore Fast

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Digging Ma banner.jpg

This is a guide to farming Armorite Ore fast in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Need more Armorite Ore to learn new moves? Read our guide below to know how to obtain Armorite Ore fast!

What is Armorite Ore?

Armorite Ore in Isle of Armor

Armorite Ore are valuable minerals found and obtained on the Isle of Armor. They can be used to reset EVs or gain loads of Watts, so try to get as many as you can!

How to Farm Armorite Ore

The Best Way is Max Raid Battles

Max Raid Battle Rewards

The fastest way to collect Armorite Ore is by doing Max Raid Battles on Isle of Armor.

Using Wishing Pieces, you can keep doing Raids even if you can't find any active Raids, so use them for the fastest method of Armorite Ore farming!

Wishing Piece Effect and How to Get It

Avoid Gigantamax and Zeraora

How to Get Wild Area News

On top of taking a long time to clear, we haven't gotten any Armorite Ore from Zeraora or Gigantamax Raids. We'll continue to test, but if you want to speed up your Armorite Ore farming, we recommend you avoid getting the Wild Area News, as that will keep the Zeraora raids from appearing.

How to Win Max Raid Battles

Get from Digging Ma

Digging Ma

The wife of Digging Pa, Digging Ma, will dig up Armorite Ore for you in exchange for one piece of Ore. The first time you meet her, she'll even give you a piece of Ore for free, which you can use to spend on her service or choose to keep for yourself!

She'll dig up a few pieces at a time, then ask you if she should continue digging. At some point, her shovel might break, which will cost you all the ore she dug up until that point, so after a big haul, it can be a good idea to take home your earnings before losing it all.

Digging Ma

Find in the Wild

Find Armorite Ore in the Wild

Like the normal maps of Pokemon Sword and Shield, you can find items in the glinting/sparkling spots on Isle of Armor. If you're lucky, the item will be an Armorite Ore!

They are usually found in caves and by large rocks, so try looking there first.

What is Armorite Ore Used For?

New Moves from the Dojo Tutor

Pokemon Dojo Move Tutor

The move tutor inside the Dojo can teach your Pokemon Isle of Armor exclusive moves for five Armorite Ore each!

Pokemon Dojo Move Tutor Moves

Get Watts from Digging Pa

Digging Pa

Digging Pa is standing in front of the Warm-Up Tunnel, always ready to dig for Watts in exchange for Armorite Ore. If you want to upgrade the Dojo fully, Digging Pa is your new best friend. However, it costs 7 Armorite Ore per try and the returns are random, so you'll want to prepare a big amount!

Digging Pa

Reset EVs

EV Reset NPC in Isle of Armor
For 10 Armorite Ore, you can reset a Pokemon's EVs!

To do so, you have to find the girl standing on an island in Workout Sea. It's the small sandy island you pass by when heating towards the island with a crown symbol on the map from the beach of Fields of Honor.

How to EV Train Fast and Reset EVs

Related Links

The Isle of Armor

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Pokemon SnS - Cram-o-Matic.pngCram-o-Matic Pokemon SnS - Max Soup.pngMax Soup
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Diglett CollectingAll Diglett Locations Dojo UpgradesAll Dojo Upgrades
Max Mushroom Icon.pngFinding Max Mushrooms Best Style for Urshifu Icon.pngBest Style for Urshifu
Digging Pa.pngDigging Pa Digging Ma.pngDigging Ma

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1 Anonymousover 4 years

I was able to get 2 Armorite Ore from a Gigantamax Gengar Raid Battle.


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