Pokemon Sword and Shield

Where to Find All Gym Leaders

This is a guide to finding all the Gym Leaders appearing on the Isle of Armor. Learn where each Gym Leader is located and how often they appear!

Isle of Armor Useful Characters and Their Locations

Gym Leader Locations

List of Gym Leader Locations

Fields of Honor South of the Master Dojo overlooking the sea
Courageous Cavern Exit towards Challeng Beach
Challenge Beach On the beach south of the Tower of Waters
Forest of Focus Near the bridge leading to Training Lowlands
Training Lowlands On the beach
Potbottom Desert On top of the sand dune
Challenge Road South of the Tower or Darkness

The location in which a gym leader will spawn in is entirely random. The most efficient way to search each location is to start at the Master Dojo and go down the list above in order.

How to Make a Gym Leader Spawn

  1. Save your game before 12 am
  2. When the clock hits 12 go to each location
  3. If the gym leader you want to find isn't there reload and try again.

If you don't save your game after the day changes (and when a new gym leader is decided), the gym leader that spawns won't be set in stone. If your last save data was recorded on the previous day you can go to each location and reset if your desired gym leader hasn't appeared.

Gym Leader List

Gym Leaders and Rivals

MiloIcon.pngMilo NessaIcon.pngNessa KabuIcon.pngKabu
OpalIcon.pngOpal PiersIcon.pngPiers RaihanIcon.pngRaihan
HopIcon.pngHop BedeIcon.pngBede MarnieIcon.pngMarnie

Version-exclusive Gym Leaders

Pokemon Sword Exclusive
BeaIcon.pngBea GordieIcon.pngGordie
Pokemon Shield Exclusive
AllisterIcon.pngAllister MelonyIcon.pngMelony

The Gym Leaders which appear on the Isle of Armor differ depending on the version. Also, the rivals Bede and Marnie will appear randomly around the island as well. Hop will appear in the Master Dojo consistently, without changing day-to-day like the others.

When the Gym Leaders Appear

Appear after completing the story

Once you've cleared the main story for the Isle of Armor gym leaders and rivals will begin to appear. In order for them to clear you must have beaten Mustard after finding the Max Honey.

The Isle of Armor Story Walkthrough

A random Gym Leader will appear once a day

Each day, one of the Gym Leaders listed above will appear at random in their location, limited to once per day. The appearing Gym Leader will change at 12:00 midnight, referencing the time setting on the Nintendo Switch.

What they say changes with the weather

Each Gym Leader will say something different depending on the current weather in the area they're encountered. So if you find the same Gym Leader multiple times, the conversation will never get stiff! Still, there's no special reward for finding any of the Gym Leaders regardless of the weather.

Related Links

The Isle of Armor

The Isle of Armor Atoll.pngAll About The Isle of Armor DLC
StoryGuideIcon.pngStory Walkthrough DLCPokemonIcon.pngIsle of Armor Pokedex
IsleofArmorMap.pngIsle of Armor Maps HowtoGetKubfu.pngHow to Get Kubfu
Pokemon SnS - Cram-o-Matic.pngCram-o-Matic Pokemon SnS - Max Soup.pngMax Soup
Tower of Waters Icon.pngTowers of Two Fists Post-Game Content Icon.pngPost-Game Content
Diglett CollectingAll Diglett Locations Dojo UpgradesAll Dojo Upgrades
Max Mushroom Icon.pngFinding Max Mushrooms Best Style for Urshifu Icon.pngBest Style for Urshifu
Digging Pa.pngDigging Pa Digging Ma.pngDigging Ma

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2 anonover 3 years

I found melony and raihan on the island same day no resets :/ I guess sometimes you can get multiples. raihan appears most in the pot bottom desert for me and melony seems to like the fields of honor, idk if it differs per profile

1 Anonymousover 4 years

You don't have to complete the story. I haven't given Urshifu the Max soup OR beaten mustard and I saw piers in the forest.


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