Pokemon Sword and Shield

List of Galarian Forms

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List of Galarian Forms Header.png
The page lists all the Galarian Forms available in the Galar Region in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for information on Galarian Forms' new types and their unique evolutions.

List of Galarian Forms

Nat. No. Galar No. Pokemon Type
52.3 182 Steel Type
77.2 333 Psychic Type
78.2 334 Psychic Type Fairy Type
79 NatDex 079 Psychic Type
80 NatDex 080 Poison Type Psychic Type
83.1 218 Fighting Type
110.2 251 Poison Type Fairy Type
122.2 365 Ice Type Psychic Type
222.2 236 Ghost Type
263.2 31 Dark Type Normal Type
264.2 32 Dark Type Normal Type
554.2 367 Ice Type
555.2 368 Ice Type Fire Type
555.2 368 Ice Type
562.2 327 Ground Type Ghost Type
618.2 226 Ground Type Steel Type

Differences of the Original and Galarian Forms

The original forms of a Pokemon go through a change in appearance, type, abilities and even the moves they can learn in regional forms.

Some Pokemon get an additional type; some are changed completely. As the type changes, the abilities also change.

In some special cases, regional forms have a third evolution that the original does not. Take Linoone as an example, that has Obstagoon as its evolution. The tables below show comparison between the Orginal and Galarian Forms.

Zigzagoon and Galarian Zigzagoon

Pokemon Type Ability
Zigzagoon ImageZigzagoon Normal Type Pickup
Quick Feet
(Hidden Ability)
Galarian Zigzagoon ImageGalarian Zigzagoon Dark Type Normal Type Pickup
Quick Feet
(Hidden Ability)

Linoone and Galarian Linoone

Pokemon Type Ability
Linoone ImageLinoone Normal Type Pickup
Quick Feet
(Hidden Ability)
Galarian Linoone ImageGalarian Linoone Dark Type Normal Type Pickup
Quick Feet
(Hidden Ability)

Meowth and Galarian Meowth

Pokemon Type Ability
Meowth ImageMeowth Normal Type Pickup
(Hidden Ability)
Galarian Meowth ImageGalarian Meowth Steel Type Pickup
Tough Claws
(Hidden Ability)

Steel-type could actually be better than the Normal-type Meowth as Steel-type can withstand more Pokemon types.

Stunfisk and Galarian Stunfisk

Pokemon Type Ability
Stunfisk ImageStunfisk Ground Type Electric Type Static
Sand Veil
(Hidden Ability)
Galarian Stunfisk ImageGalarian Stunfisk Ground Type Steel Type Mimicry

Galarian Stunfisk, unlike the original, has only one ability, Mimicry, which has the unique effect of changing its type depending on the terrain.

Corsola and Galarian Corsola

Pokemon Type Ability
Corsola ImageCorsola Water Type Rock Type Hustle
Natural Cure
Regenerator(Hidden Ability)
Galarian Corsola ImageGalarian Corsola Ghost Type Weak Armor
Cursed Body
(Hidden Ability)

Climate change has affected Pokemon, too, that is why Galarian Corsola is said to have turned into a Ghost-type because it could not survive the effects climate change.

You can find a warning on Galarian Corsola's Pokedex entry in Pokemon Shield.

“Sudden climate change wiped out this ancient kind of Corsola. This Pokémon absorbs others' life-force through its branches.”
Source: Pokemon Shield Pokedex entry

Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta

Pokemon Type Ability
Ponyta ImagePonyta Fire Type Run Away
Flash Fire
Flame Body
(Hidden Ability)
Galarian Ponyta ImageGalarian Ponyta Psychic Type Run Away
Pastel Veil
(Hidden Ability)

For from its original Fire typing, Galarian Ponyta becomes a Psychic-type Pokemon in the Galar region, gaining a new moveset, abilities and appearance.

Rapidash and Galarian Rapidash

Pokemon Type Ability
Rapidash ImageRapidash Fire Type Run Away
Flash Fire
Flame Body
Galarian Rapidash ImageGalarian Rapidash Psychic Type Fairy Type Run Away
Pastel Veil
(Hidden Ability)

Expanding on its pre-evolution Galarian Ponyta, Galarian Rapidash becomes increasingly useful through its acquisition of a Fairy secondary typing, allowing it to resist Bug and Dark-type moves.

Weezing and Galarian Weezing

Pokemon Type Ability
Weezing ImageWeezing Poison Type Levitate
Galarian Weezing ImageGalarian Weezing Poison Type Fairy Type Levitate
Neutralizing Gas
Misty Surge
(Hidden Ability)

Weezing is now a dual-type Pokemon in the Galar Region, gaining a Fairy typing in its Galarian form in Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Yamask and Galarian Yamask

Pokemon Type Ability
Yamask ImageYamask Ghost Type Mummy
Galarian Yamask ImageGalarian Yamask Ground Type Ghost Type Wandering Spirit

Galarian Yamask is a dual-type Pokemon in the Galar Region, gaining a Ground typing in addition to its original Ghost type. Galarian Yamask also has a different evolution in the form of Runerigus.

Mr. Mime and Galarian Mr. Mime

Pokemon Type Ability
Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Psychic Type Fairy Type Soundproof
(Hidden Ability)
Galarian Mr. Mime ImageGalarian Mr. Mime Psychic Type Ice Type Vital Spirit
Screen Cleaner
Ice Body
(Hidden Ability)

Galarian Mr. Mime drops its Fairy typing and replaces it with a slick new Ice typing. Galarian Mr. Mime also boasts a new evolution, Mr. Rime.

Darumaka and Galarian Darumaka

Pokemon Type Ability
Darumaka ImageDarumaka Fire Type Hustle
Inner Focus
(Hidden Ability)
Galarian Darumaka ImageGalarian Darumaka Ice Type Hustle
Inner Focus
(Hidden Ability)

Galarian Darumaka has had a makeover from its fiery look now, with a cooler image for the Galar Region. Galarian Darumaka is now a purely Ice-type Pokemon.

Darmanitan and Galarian Darmanitan

Pokemon Type Ability
Darmanitan ImageDarmanitan Fire Type Sheer Force
Zen Mode
(Hidden Ability)
Galarian Darmanitan ImageGalarian Darmanitan Ice Type Gorilla Tactics
Zen Mode
(Hidden Ability)

Galarian Darmanitan has changed its appearance and typing in the Galar Region. Darmanitan is now a purely Ice type. Galarian Darmanitan boasts a new snowy look in the Galar Region.

Darmanitan Zen Mode and Galarian Darmanitan Zen Mode

Pokemon Type Ability
Darmanitan Zen Mode.pngDarmanitan (Zen Mode) Fire Type Psychic Type Zen Mode
Darmanitan Zen Mode.jpgGalarian Darmanitan
(Zen Mode)
Ice Type Fire Type -

When Galarian Darmanitan transforms into its Zen Mode, it regains its Fire typing to become the first Ice/Fire dual-type Pokemon in the series. Unlike the original Zen Mode Darmanitan, instead of increasing its Defense and Special Defense and losing Attacking potential, Galarian Darmanitan becomes a full-on attacking bombshell in its Zen Mode.

Slowpoke and Galarian Slowpoke

Pokemon Type Ability
Slowpoke.pngSlowpoke Water Type Psychic Type Oblivious
Own Tempo
Galarian Slowpoke ImageGalarian Slowpoke Psychic Type Gluttony
Own Tempo

The Galarian version of Slowpoke retains its Own Tempo ability but has its Oblivious ability replaced by Gluttony, which makes it consume the berry it is holding early. Galarian Slowpoke also changes its type coverage from losing its Water attribute.

Slowbro and Galarian Slowbro

Pokemon Type Ability
Slowbro.pngSlowbro Water Type Psychic Type Oblivious
Own Tempo
Galarian Slowbro ImageGalarian Slowbro Poison Type Psychic Type Quick Draw

Galarian Slowbro becomes a Poison/Psychic type while also changing its ability completely to Quick Draw, which might probably be tied to Galarian Slowbro using its shell as a hand-cannon.

Evolutions Unique to Galarian Forms

Galarian Linoone → Obstagoon

Pokemon Type Ability
Obstagoon ImageObstagoon Dark Type Normal Type Reckless
(Hidden Ability)

Galarian Meowth → Perrserker

Pokemon Type Ability
Perrserker ImagePerrserker Steel Type Battle Armor
Tough Claws
Steely Spirit
(Hidden Ability)

Galarian Mr.Mime → Mr. Rime

Pokemon Type Ability
Mr. Rime ImageMr. Rime Psychic Type Ice Type Tangled Feet
Screen Cleaner
Ice Body
(Hidden Ability)

Galarian Yamask → Runerigus

Pokemon Type Ability
Runerigus ImageRunerigus Ground Type Ghost Type Wandering Spirit

Galarian Corsola → Cursola

Pokemon Type Ability
Cursola ImageCursola Ghost Type Weak Armor
Perish Body
(Hidden Ability)

Galarian Farfetch'd → Sirfetch'd

Pokemon Type Ability
SirfetchSirfetch'd Fighting Type Steadfast
(Hidden Ability)

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