Pokemon Sword and Shield

Lakeside Cave Map and Obtainable Pokemon

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✬ Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Shiny Rewards:
Meloetta | Manaphy | Enamorus | Keldeo | Meltan
Competitive Battle Guide

Pokemon Crown Tundra Lakeside Cave Maps and Pokemon

This is a list of Pokemon that appear in the Lakeside Cave area in the Crown Tundra DLC for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for information on which Pokemon appear there, obtainable items, and more.

Crown Tundra Wild Area Maps
Crown Tundra - Slippery Slope Map and PokemonSlippery Slope Crown Tundra - Frostpoint Field Map and PokemonFrostpoint Field Crown Tundra - GiantGiant's Bed
Crown Tundra - Old Cemetary Map and PokemonOld Cemetery Crown Tundra - GiantGiant's Foot Crown Tundra - Ballimere Lake Map and PokemonBallimere Lake
Crown Tundra - Dyna Tree Hill Map and PokemonDyna Tree Hill Crown Tundra - Frigid Sea Map and PokemonFrigid Sea Crown Tundra - Three-Point Pass Map and PokemonThree-Point Pass
Crown Tundra - Snowslide Slope Map and PokemonSnowslide Slope Crown Tundra - Path to the Peak Map and PokemonPath to the Peak Crown Tundra - Crown Shrine Map and PokemonCrown Shrine
Crown Tundra - Lakeside Cave Map and PokemonLakeside Cave Crown Tundra - Roaring-Sea Caves Map and PokemonRoaring-Sea Caves Crown Tundra - Tunnel to the Top Map and PokemonTunnel to the Top

Lakeside Cave Maps

All Items, Characters and Important Locations

Crown Tundra - Lakeside Cave Item Map

Click for a full list of items and important areas you can find in Lakeside Cave!

All Crown Tundra Maps

No Max Raid Dens

There are no Pokemon Dens in the Lakeside Cave area, the only Pokemon you can find here are the ones visibly walking around.

Visible Encounters in Lakeside Cave

All Weather (Visible)

Pokemon - Aron

Pokemon - Audino

Pokemon - Carbink

Pokemon - Carkol

Pokemon - Ferroseed

Pokemon - Mawile

Pokemon - Noivern

Pokemon - Sableye

Pokemon - Zubat


Random Encounters in Lakeside Cave

There are no Random Encounters in the Lakeside Cave area.

Special Overworld Encounters in Lakeside Cave

All Weather (Visible)

Pokemon - Aggron Pokemon - Coalossal Pokemon - Ferrothorn
Pokemon - Lairon Pokemon - Noivern

Related Guides

Wild Area and Raid Strategy

Pokemon Sword and Shield - List of Wild Areas and RaidsWild Area and Raid Strategy

The Crown Tundra Maps

Crown Tundra Wild Area Maps
Crown Tundra - Slippery Slope Map and PokemonSlippery Slope Crown Tundra - Frostpoint Field Map and PokemonFrostpoint Field Crown Tundra - GiantGiant's Bed
Crown Tundra - Old Cemetary Map and PokemonOld Cemetery Crown Tundra - GiantGiant's Foot Crown Tundra - Ballimere Lake Map and PokemonBallimere Lake
Crown Tundra - Dyna Tree Hill Map and PokemonDyna Tree Hill Crown Tundra - Frigid Sea Map and PokemonFrigid Sea Crown Tundra - Three-Point Pass Map and PokemonThree-Point Pass
Crown Tundra - Snowslide Slope Map and PokemonSnowslide Slope Crown Tundra - Path to the Peak Map and PokemonPath to the Peak Crown Tundra - Crown Shrine Map and PokemonCrown Shrine
Crown Tundra - Lakeside Cave Map and PokemonLakeside Cave Crown Tundra - Roaring-Sea Caves Map and PokemonRoaring-Sea Caves Crown Tundra - Tunnel to the Top Map and PokemonTunnel to the Top

The Isle of Armor Maps

Isle of Armor Wild Area Maps
Isle of Armor - Fields of Honor Map and PokemonFields of Honor Isle of Armor - Soothing Wetlands Map and PokemonSoothing Wetlands Isle of Armor - Forest of Focus Map and PokemonForest of Focus
Isle of Armor - Challenge Beach Map and PokemonChallenge Beach Isle of Armor - BrawlersBrawlers' Cave Isle of Armor - Loop Lagoon Map and PokemonLoop Lagoon
Isle of Armor - Stepping-Stone Sea Map and PokemonStepping-Stone Sea Isle of Armor - Insular Sea Map and PokemonInsular Sea Isle of Armor - Honeycalm Island Map and PokemonHoneycalm Island
Isle of Armor - Honeycalm Sea Map and PokemonHoneycalm Sea Isle of Armor - Potbottom Desert Map and PokemonPotbottom Desert Isle of Armor - Warm-Up Tunnel Map and PokemonWarm-Up Tunnel
Isle of Armor - Training Lowlands Map and PokemonTraining Lowlands Isle of Armor - Challenge Lowlands Map and PokemonChallenge Road Isle of Armor - Courageous Cavern Map and PokemonCourageous Cavern
Isle of Armor - Workout Sea Map and PokemonWorkout Sea

The Isle of Armor Wild Area

All Wild Area Maps

Rolling FieldsRolling Fields Dappled GroveDappled Grove West Lake AxewellWest Lake Axewell
AxewAxew's Eye GiantGiant's Seat South Lake MilochSouth Lake Miloch
East Lake AxewellEast Lake Axewell Watchtower RuinsWatchtower Ruins Motostoke RiverbankMotostoke Riverbank
Stony WildernessStony Wilderness Bridge FieldBridge Field Dusty BowlDusty Bowl
GiantGiant's Mirror GiantGiant's Cap Lake of OutrageLake of Outrage
Hammerlocke HillsHammerlocke Hills North Lake MilochNorth Lake Miloch

All Raid Boss Locations

Pokemon SWSH - All Raid Boss Locations
Location of Each Raid Boss by Generation


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