Pokemon Sword and Shield

Wash Rotom - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

Wash Rotom.png

Wash Rotom Movesets in Other Games
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This is a strategy guide for using Wash Rotom in competitive play for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Movesets, Builds, and Held Items to use with Wash Rotom, as well as its strengths and weak points.

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Basic Information for Wash Rotom

Types and Abilities

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Sword and Shield - Electric Type Pokemon Sword and Shield - Water Type
Levitate Gives immunity to Ground type moves.

Wash Rotom Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Ground Image
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Fire Image Pokemon Water Image Pokemon Ice Image Pokemon Flying Image
Takes 1/4x damage
Pokemon Steel Image
Takes 0x damage

What is Type Effectiveness?

Base Stats

HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
50 65 107 105 107 86

Best Nature for Wash Rotom

Best Natures
+Spd, -Atk
+SpAtk, -Atk
+Def, -Atk

Singles Movesets for Wash Rotom

Scarf Moveset & Best Build

Scarf Wash Rotom.png

Nature Modest
EV Spread Sp.Atk. 252 / Spd. 220 / HP 28 / Def. 4 / Sp.Def. 4
Final Stat Values HP 129 / Def. 128 / Sp.Atk. 172 / Sp.Def. 128 / Spd. 134
Ability Levitate
Held Item Choice Scarf
Moveset Thunderbolt
Volt Switch
Hydro Pump

With a Choice Scarf, Wash Rotom overcomes its middling Speed. It can also use Trick to force tanks to hold the Choice Scarf and diminish their effectiveness.

Volt Switch will allow Wash Rotom to switch out easily, allowing it to serve as a springboard to keep moving forward in a switch-heavy battle.

Other Viable Moves

Shadow Ball A useful counter for Bisharp. A capable attack against a variety of opponents.
Will-o-Wisp It doesn't work well in a Choice Item set, but Will-o-Wisp is always useful for cutting down a Physical Attacker's effectiveness.
Discharge A stronger alternative to Thunderbolt although you are sacrificing accuracy.

Physical Defense Moveset & Best Build

Physical Defense Wash Rotom.png

Nature Bold
EV Spread HP 252 / Def. 252 / Spd. 4
Final Stat Values HP 157 / Def. 174 / Sp.Atk. 125 / Sp.Def. 127 / Spd. 107
Ability Levitate
Held Item Sitrus Berry
Moveset Hydro Pump
Volt Switch

Other Viable Moves

Discharge A stronger alternative to Thunderbolt although you are sacrificing accuracy.

This build takes advantage of Wash Rotom's high Base Defense and good type combination to make it a Physical tank. The Sitrus Berry can remedy its low HP, allowing it to play the waiting game and keep watch on an opponent's strategy.

How to Use Wash Rotom Effectively

Rounds out the team

Wash Rotom has a solid balance of Base Stats and a good type combination, and learns a variety of useful Status Moves. While being a great attacker itself, it can also bear the brunt of opponents' attacks - the variety of possibilities for Wash Rotom keep it a mainstay in competitive play.

Handles a variety of situations with Volt Switch

The move Volt Switch allows Wash Rotom to attack while also switching into a better suited ally. This allows Wash Rotom to respond more easily to a variety of threats posed by its opponents, and allows it to serve as a lubricant for easy access to useful Pokemon in your party.

Counters for Wash Rotom

Wash Rotom
Weakness Pokemon Grass Image Pokemon Ground Image

Pokemon who can nullify Volt Switch

Pokemon who are immune to Electric-type attacks can render Volt Switch unusable, significantly limiting Wash Rotom's potential. However, Ground-type Pokemon will immediately be ousted by Hydro Pump, so it's recommended to use a Pokemon with a resistance to Water-type moves as well.

Best Pokemon to Use

Pokemon Description
Pokemon SWSH - Lanturn ImageLanturn Ranking: ★★★★★
・Its ability Volt Absorb provides immunity to Electric-type attacks
・It can learn Volt Switch itself to turn the tables
Pokemon SWSH - Quagsire ImageQuagsire Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Its Ground typing provides immunity to Electric-type attacks
・Its ability Water Absorb provides immunity to Water-type attacks
Pokemon SWSH - Gastrodon ImageGastrodon Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Its Ground typing provides immunity to Electric-type attacks
・Its ability Storm Drain provides immunity to Water-type attacks

Grass-type Pokemon

Grass-type Pokemon can not only deal super effective damage to Wash Rotom, but they can also take its attacks with 1/2x or less damage.

Best Pokemon to Use

Pokemon Description
Pokemon SWSH - Ferrothorn ImageFerrothorn Ranking: ★★★★★
・Its effectiveness can't be diminished with Will-o-Wisp
・Its high Defense make it a welcome addition to any team
Best Ranked Battle Build for Ferrothorn
Pokemon SWSH - Rillaboom ImageRillaboom Ranking: ★★★★☆
・Has a good balance of Base Stats
・Can use the powerful attack Drum Beating
Best Ranked Battle Build for Rillaboom

Related Links

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4 Anonymousover 4 years

Transform him into another form and then back

3 Kirkover 4 years

Hello, on Choice scarf move set, there is an error in options : shadow ball has never been a counter for bisharp (which resists it...) and rotom-w has plenty of other options against it (I do not think bisharp likes voltswitch, or will-o-wisp if you're afraid of Sucker Punch).


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