Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Download the Crown Tundra DLC Update

The Crown Tundra Expansion.png

This is a guide on How to Download the New Update (The Crown Tundra DLC expansion) for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Learn how to download the update with just the press of a few buttons.

How to Download the Crown Tundra DLC Update

Go to HOME Menu

HOME Menu.jpg

To download the new update - Crown Tundra DLC expansion, press the HOME button and select Pokemon Sword or Shield from the menu. Then, press the + button on your Nintendo Switch, which is on the upper left side of the right controller.

Software Update

System Information.jpg

After pressing the + button, a new page will appear. Then, you will see the software information of Pokemon Sword or Shield. To start the update, tap the Software Update tab from the selection listed. It will ask you for an internet connection, connect your Nintendo Switch to the internet to start the update.

You can view the download status via HOME Menu. Take note that the download will pause if you are playing a game that uses communication features, or if other game starts downloading.

Download Time

Download Time.jpg

Downloading the update may take some time, but it also depends on how good your internet connection is. Once your download is complete, you can then start playing the second new location added to the Galar region - The Crown Tundra!

Related Links

The Crown Tundra DLC

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