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The Isle of Armor Wild Area Maps and Pokemon Locations

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This guide contains maps of Raid Dens around the Isle of Armor's massive Wild Area. Learn what Pokemon are found in each area, and other useful characters who appear around The Isle of Armor!

All Wild Area Guides
Isle of Armor Wild Area Maps Icon.pngIsle of Armor Maps Crown Tundra Maps Icon.pngCrown Tundra Maps
Wild AreaWild Area Overview Raid BattlesRaid Battle Guide
Raid BossesAll Raid Bosses WeatherWeather Guide
How to Farm Watts Icon.pngHow to Farm Watts

Wild Area Maps

All Items and Important Locations

Click for a full list of items and important areas you can find across The Isle of Armor!

16 Areas in the Isle of Armor

Click each of the links below for a full list of Pokemon available in each weather!

No Snow or Snowstorm

Unlike the main Wild Area and the Crown Tundra, you won't find any snowy weather while exploring the Isle of Armor.

Area Recommended Pokemon & Raids
Fields of Honor.pngFields of Honor
Soothing Wetlands.pngSoothing Wetlands
Forest of Focus.pngForest of Focus
Challenge Beach.pngChallenge Beach
Courageous Cavern.pngCourageous Cavern
Loop Lagoon.pngLoop Lagoon
Stepping-Stone Sea.pngStepping-Stone Sea
Insular Sea.pngInsular Sea
Honeycalm Island.pngHoneycalm Island
Honeycalm Sea.pngHoneycalm Sea
Potbottom Desert.pngPotbottom Desert
Warm-Up Tunnel.pngWarm-Up Tunnel
Training Lowlands.pngTraining Lowlands
Challenge Road.pngChallenge Road
BrawlersBrawlers' Cave
Workout Sea.pngWorkout Sea

There are 16 areas in the Isle of Armor's Wild Area, which each have a set group of Pokemon which can appear. There are some Pokemon which can only appear in certain areas and as Raid Bosses, so be sure to check the list before going on the hunt for a specific Pokemon.

Related Links

The Isle of Armor

The Isle of Armor Atoll.pngAll About The Isle of Armor DLC
StoryGuideIcon.pngStory Walkthrough DLCPokemonIcon.pngIsle of Armor Pokedex
IsleofArmorMap.pngIsle of Armor Maps HowtoGetKubfu.pngHow to Get Kubfu
Pokemon SnS - Cram-o-Matic.pngCram-o-Matic Pokemon SnS - Max Soup.pngMax Soup
Tower of Waters Icon.pngTowers of Two Fists Post-Game Content Icon.pngPost-Game Content
Diglett CollectingAll Diglett Locations Dojo UpgradesAll Dojo Upgrades
Max Mushroom Icon.pngFinding Max Mushrooms Best Style for Urshifu Icon.pngBest Style for Urshifu
Digging Pa.pngDigging Pa Digging Ma.pngDigging Ma

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