Pokemon Sword and Shield

All Preorder and Early Purchase Bonuses for the Expansion Pack

Isle of Armor Pre-order Bonuses

Pre order bonuses often sweeten the deal for games or DLC you've already decided to buy, or might even be the tipping point for some.

Here you can find all pre order and early purchase bonuses for the Isle of Armor expansion for Pokemon Sword and Shield.

DLC Release Date and Price

Isle of Armor coming June 17!

Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra.png
You'll need to hurry if you want to buy the Expansion pack before the release of Isle of Armor, though you will still be able to get some bonuses even if you buy it after release.

For details on buying the DLC itself, you can check here:

All About the Expansion Pass DLC

Pre-Order Bonuses

No Pre-Order Bonuses!

The bad news is, there are no Pre-Order bonuses available for the Expansion Pack. The good news is you can get the Early-Purchase bonuses if you buy the DLCs before 7:59 AM (PDT) on Monday, August 31.

Early-Purchase Bonuses

Leon's Cap and Matching Tights

Pokemon SnS - Isle of Armor - Pre-prder Bonus 1.jpg

Availability Period
Start End
June 17th, 2020 (The Isle of Armor release time) 7:59 AM (PDT) August 31st, 2020

If you buy the Expansion Pass before 7:59 AM (PDT) August 31, you can get Leon's iconic crown cap and some sweet tights to match it!

Rock both for that complete "Champion" look!

Keep in mind that this outfit will not be available until The Isle of Armor DLC is released, so even if you've purchased the Expansion Pass ahead of time, you'll need to wait for the game to come out on June 17th. The window to claim this prize is fairly short, so don't miss out!


Leon's Look Sport Cap

Patterned Tights

How to Get In-Game

1 Press X in-game to open the menu and choose Mystery Gift
2 Select the "Get a Mystery Gift" option.
3 Choose to "Get via Internet".

Pikachu and Eevee Uniforms

Pokemon SnS - Isle of Armor - Pre-prder Bonus 4.jpg Pokemon SnS - Isle of Armor - Pre-prder Bonus 5.jpg
Pikachu Set Eevee Set

How to Get In-Game

1 Press X in-game to open the menu and choose Mystery Gift
2 Select the "Get a Mystery Gift" option.
3 Choose to "Get with Code/Password to connect to the internet".
4 Enter the code you got when buying the DLC.

The awesome-looking Pikachu and Eevee uniform have no deadlines attached to them, but can be received as soon as you buy the Expansion Pass, regardless of when you do it.

Note: The code will be sent to the email tied to your Nintendo account, so check there if you bought the DLC but haven't gotten the uniforms yet!

List of All Mystery Gift Codes

Plushie Set (Japan Only)

Japan Preorder Bonus Plushies

Buy at Pokemon Centers for Limited Goods

Available From Jan 18, 2020

If you live in Japan or visited during the time they were available, you could get a limited plushie set when pre-ordering the Expansion pack directly at one of the Pokemon Centers.

The set contained plushies of Bede, Bea, Nessa, Marnie and Allister.

Related Links

The Isle of Armor

The Isle of Armor Atoll.pngAll About The Isle of Armor DLC
StoryGuideIcon.pngStory Walkthrough DLCPokemonIcon.pngIsle of Armor Pokedex
IsleofArmorMap.pngIsle of Armor Maps HowtoGetKubfu.pngHow to Get Kubfu
Pokemon SnS - Cram-o-Matic.pngCram-o-Matic Pokemon SnS - Max Soup.pngMax Soup
Tower of Waters Icon.pngTowers of Two Fists Post-Game Content Icon.pngPost-Game Content
Diglett CollectingAll Diglett Locations Dojo UpgradesAll Dojo Upgrades
Max Mushroom Icon.pngFinding Max Mushrooms Best Style for Urshifu Icon.pngBest Style for Urshifu
Digging Pa.pngDigging Pa Digging Ma.pngDigging Ma

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2 Anonymousover 4 years

I wish there could be more items, or they could give a Pokemon as a mystery gift as well

1 Anonymousover 4 years

But I want the plushies :< will they not be available in other countries soon?


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