Pokemon Sword and Shield

Current Max Raid Events

Tier List / Doubles Tier List / Movesets / Rental Teams
✬ Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Shiny Rewards:
Meloetta | Manaphy | Enamorus | Keldeo | Meltan
Competitive Battle Guide

Max Raid Events Banner.png

Max Raid Events are usually announced so players can participate and get special Pokemon for a limited time. Read on to learn more about the current Max Raid Event happening in Pokemon Sword and Shield!

Current Max Raid Event: Gigantamax Urshifu!

Battle Gigantamax Urshifu!

Pokemon Sword and Shield Max Raid Urshifu.png
Start June 17, 2022
End June 19 2022

Get Rare Items as Rewards

From June 17 to 19, Urshifu Rapid-Strike Style and Urshifu Single-Strike Style will appear in Max Raid Dens!

Rewards range from EXP Candy XL to Armorite Ore and Dynite Ore, so don't miss your chance to battle Gigantamax Urshifu!

Past Max Raid Events

Past Max Raid Slim.png

Check out our list of past Max Raid Events and see which Pokemon were available to encounter and catch!

List of Past Max Raid Events

What Are Max Raid Battles?

Max Raid Events with friends.jpg
Max Raid Battles allow you to team up with three other trainers to take on a wild Dynamax Pokemon. You can encounter other trainers online or through a local connection and hang out together in the Wild Area. As soon as you have found three other players to team up with, you are ready to join in a Max Raid Battle!
How to Win Max Raid Battles!

Pokemon Sword and Shield Related Guides

Wild Area and Raid Strategy

Pokemon Sword and Shield - List of Wild Areas and RaidsWild Area and Raid Strategy

The Crown Tundra Maps

Crown Tundra Wild Area Maps
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The Isle of Armor Maps

Isle of Armor Wild Area Maps
Isle of Armor - Fields of Honor Map and PokemonFields of Honor Isle of Armor - Soothing Wetlands Map and PokemonSoothing Wetlands Isle of Armor - Forest of Focus Map and PokemonForest of Focus
Isle of Armor - Challenge Beach Map and PokemonChallenge Beach Isle of Armor - BrawlersBrawlers' Cave Isle of Armor - Loop Lagoon Map and PokemonLoop Lagoon
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Isle of Armor - Training Lowlands Map and PokemonTraining Lowlands Isle of Armor - Challenge Lowlands Map and PokemonChallenge Road Isle of Armor - Courageous Cavern Map and PokemonCourageous Cavern
Isle of Armor - Workout Sea Map and PokemonWorkout Sea

The Isle of Armor Wild Area

All Wild Area Maps

Rolling FieldsRolling Fields Dappled GroveDappled Grove West Lake AxewellWest Lake Axewell
AxewAxew's Eye GiantGiant's Seat South Lake MilochSouth Lake Miloch
East Lake AxewellEast Lake Axewell Watchtower RuinsWatchtower Ruins Motostoke RiverbankMotostoke Riverbank
Stony WildernessStony Wilderness Bridge FieldBridge Field Dusty BowlDusty Bowl
GiantGiant's Mirror GiantGiant's Cap Lake of OutrageLake of Outrage
Hammerlocke HillsHammerlocke Hills North Lake MilochNorth Lake Miloch

All Raid Boss Locations

Pokemon SWSH - All Raid Boss Locations
Location of Each Raid Boss by Generation


4 Anonymousalmost 4 years


3 Anonymousover 4 years

Other Gigantamaxes have been taken off.


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