Pokemon Sword and Shield

Isle of Armor Useful Characters and Their Locations

Isle of Armor Useful Characters.png

This is a list of useful NPCs (Non-Player Characters) and where to find them in the Isle of Armor expansion for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for information about NPCs who give Items, those who offer to trade Pokemon, Move Tutors, Shops, and more.

All Useful Character Guides
Useful Characters Icon SwSh.pngSword & Shield Useful Characters Icon IoA.pngIsle of Armor Useful Chraracters Icon CT.pngCrown Tundra

List of Useful Isle of Armor Characters and Where to Find Them

Character/Facility Area Location
Cram-o-matic Fields of Honor Right side room of the Master Dojo
Max Soup NPC Fields of Honor Master Dojo Kitchen
Master Dojo Upgrades Fields of Honor Honey in the Master Dojo
(After receiveing Kubfu)
Move Tutor
(New Moves)
Fields of Honor Boy to the right in the Master Dojo
Following Pokemon Fields of Honor Girl in the Master Dojo Kitchen
Bike Customization
(Bike Lady)
Fields of Honor In front of the Master Dojo
Ingredients Seller
Berry Grocer
Watt Trader
Fields of Honor Outside of the Master Dojo
Diglett Trainer Fields of Honor Next to the bridge near the Master Dojo
Isle of Armor Pokedex Evaluation Fields of Honor Researcher in Armor Station
Digging Pa Training Lowlands Warm-Up Tunnel Exit
Digging Ma The Isle of Armor Random Locations
EV Resetter
(Lady Clear)
Workout Sea Island south of the Master Dojo
Galarica Cuff Maker Workout Sea Island south of Stepping-Stone Sea
Girl who shows unseen Pokemon
(Costs 100 W)
The Isle of Armor Random Locations
Girl who sells Apricorns
(Costs 100 W)
The Isle of Armor Random Locations

Once Per Day NPCs (Post-Game)

Character/Facility Location Information
Mustard Master Dojo Can be challenged to battle
Avery/Klara Master Dojo Can be challenged to battle
Hop Master Dojo Will show you unseen Pokemon for your Pokedex

Additionally, once per day after you clear the main story, Gym Leaders from the Galar Region will appear in various locations on the Isle of Armor and can be spoken to for a bit of dialogue.

Where to Find All Gym Leaders

Pokemon Obtained from NPCs

Can Trade Multiple Times in Random Locations

On the Isle of Armor, you will meet NPCs who will offer to trade Pokemon in various locations. If you are searching for a specific Pokemon, take a look around for NPCs who will offer to trade. Once you've traded, the NPC will disappear, but if you find them again they will trade for the same Pokemon.

Tradable Pokemon

Obtainable Pokemon Required Pokemon

Receivable Pokemon

Receivable Pokemon When and Where
Automatically after the first trial
(You can only choose 1)
Should you Choose Bulbasaur or Squirtle?
After completing the three trials
Best Nature for Kubfu | How to Get the Best Kubfu
After the story
Interact with the Porygon in the Master Dojo's right room and say "Yes"

Receivable Items

Items Obtained in the Story

Received Item When Received
Armor Pass On purchase of the Expansion Pass
Isle of Armor Pokedex Upon arriving to the Isle of Armor
Style Card After your first battle with your rival
Exp. Charm After arriving at the Master Dojo
Dojo Uniform After your first battle with Mustard
Rival's League Card After the third trial
Mustard's League Card After clearing one Tower of the Two Fists
Mustard's Rare League Card After the final battle with Mustard

All of these items will be automatically received as you progress the Isle of Armor story.

The Isle of Armor Story Walkthrough

Items Received After the Story

Received Item Received Location
Rival's Rare League Card Potbottom Desert
Rival's T-shirt
(Avery/Klara 4-ever)
Girl on left side of the Master Dojo

The Isle of Armor Post-Game Content

Items With Requirements

Received Item Received Location
Mark Charm
Replica Gold Crown
Fields of Honor
Researcher in Armor Station
※Completing the Isle of Armor Pokedex
Clothing Set
(W X F X G Set)
Fields of Honor
Man in Armor Station
※Purchased for 3000 Pokedollars

Related Links

The Isle of Armor

The Isle of Armor Atoll.pngAll About The Isle of Armor DLC
StoryGuideIcon.pngStory Walkthrough DLCPokemonIcon.pngIsle of Armor Pokedex
IsleofArmorMap.pngIsle of Armor Maps HowtoGetKubfu.pngHow to Get Kubfu
Pokemon SnS - Cram-o-Matic.pngCram-o-Matic Pokemon SnS - Max Soup.pngMax Soup
Tower of Waters Icon.pngTowers of Two Fists Post-Game Content Icon.pngPost-Game Content
Diglett CollectingAll Diglett Locations Dojo UpgradesAll Dojo Upgrades
Max Mushroom Icon.pngFinding Max Mushrooms Best Style for Urshifu Icon.pngBest Style for Urshifu
Digging Pa.pngDigging Pa Digging Ma.pngDigging Ma

New Features

Tips & Tricks

Game Information


8 Anonymous11 months

Also, it's possible for more than one Regina to be active, even on the same screen. I had a Weezing trade AND a Meowth trade at the bridge between Training Lowlands and Focus Forest. Basically, if you don't want her trade, find another of her or the apricorn girl and buy, then search again.

7 Anonymous11 months

Whoever wrote the section on the trade girl didn't do their research, trading with her will not make the next encounter the same pokemon for trade. In ADDITION, buying from the Apricorn girl will make Regina move. So, if you don't want what Regina is offering, buy 4 apricorns for 100w and find Regina in her new location and new trade.


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