Pokemon Sword and Shield

List of Status Restoring Moves

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List of Status Restoring Moves - Pokemon Sword and Shield.png

This is a list of status restoring moves in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to learn more about these moves, their interaction with abilities, items, and their effects in battle.

Moves that Restore Status Conditions

Moves Type Effect
Aromatherapy Pokemon Grass Image The user releases a soothing scent that heals all status conditions affecting the user's party.
Burn Up Pokemon Fire Image To inflict massive damage, the user burns itself out. After using this move, the user will no longer be Fire-type
Flame Wheel Pokemon Fire Image The user cloaks itself in fire and charges at the target. This may also leave the target with a burn
Flare Blitz Pokemon Fire Image The user cloaks itself in fire and charges the target. This also damages the user quite a lot. This may leave the target with a burn
Fusion Flare Pokemon Fire Image Brings down a giant flame. This move's power is increased when influenced by an enormous lightning bolt
G-Max Sweetness Pokemon Grass Image A Grass-type attack that Gigantamax Appletun use. This move heals the status conditions of allies.
Heal Bell Pokemon Normal Image The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal the status conditions of all the party Pokemon
Jungle Healing Pokemon Grass Image Healing power radiates around the area and heals both the user and its ally Pokémon, restoring their HP and curing them of any status conditions.
Psycho Shift Pokemon Psychic Image Using its psychic power of suggestion, the user transfers its status conditions to the target.
Purify Pokemon Poison Image The user heals the target's status condition. If the move succeeds, it also restores the user's own HP.
Pyro Ball Pokemon Fire Image The user attacks by igniting a small stone and launching it as a fiery ball at the target. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Rest Pokemon Psychic Image The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and heals any status conditions.
Sacred Fire Pokemon Fire Image The target is razed with a mystical fire of great intensity. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Scald Pokemon Water Image The user shoots boiling hot water at its target. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Scorching Sands Pokemon Ground Image The user throws scorching sand at the target to attack. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Sparkling Aria Pokemon Water Image The user bursts into song, emitting many bubbles. Any Pokemon suffering from a burn will be healed by the touch of these bubbles.
Steam Eruption Pokemon Water Image The user immerses the target in superheated steam. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Uproar Pokemon Normal Image The user attacks in an uproar for three turns. During that time, no Pokemon can fall asleep.

What are Status Restoring Moves


These moves cure the user or the target from status conditions. In addition to these moves, all damaging Fire-type moves will thaw out a Frozen target.

List of Moves that Inflict Status Conditions

Abilities that Restore Status Conditions

Ability Description
Healer May heal an ally's status conditions.
Hydration Heals status problem if it is raining.
Immunity Prevents the Pokemon from getting poisoned.
Limber The Pokemon is protected from paralysis.
Natural Cure All status problem heal when the Pokemon switches out.
Pastel Veil Prevents Pokemon and it's teammates from being Poisoned. Also cures Poison from Pokemon entering the battlefield.
Shed Skin The Pokemon may heal its own status problems.
Vital Spirit Prevents the Pokemon from falling asleep.
Water Bubble Halves damage from Fire-type moves, doubles power of Water-type moves used, and prevents burns.
Water Veil Prevents the Pokemon from getting a burn.

Items that Restore Status Conditions

Item Effect
Antidote ImageAntidote A spray-type medicine for treating poisoning. It can be used to lift the effects of being poisoned from a single Pokemon.
Aspear Berry ImageAspear Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from being frozen on its own in battle.
Awakening ImageAwakening A spray-type medicine used against sleep. It can be used once to rouse a Pokemon from the clutches of sleep.
Big Malasada ImageBig Malasada The Alola region's local specialty-fried bread. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokemon.
Burn Heal ImageBurn Heal A spray-type medichine for treating burns. It can be used to heal a single Pokemon suffering from a burn.
Casteliacone ImageCasteliacone Castelia City's specialty, soft-serve ice cream. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Cheri Berry ImageCheri Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from paralysis on its own in battle.
Chesto Berry ImageChesto Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from sleep on its own in battle.
Full Heal ImageFull Heal A spray-type medicine that is broadly effective. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokemon.
Heal Powder ImageHeal Powder A very bitter medicinal powder. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Ice Heal ImageIce Heal A spray-type medicine for treating freezing. It can be used to thaw out a single Pokemon that has been frozen solid.
Lava Cookie ImageLava Cookie Lavaridge Town's local specialty. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Lum Berry ImageLum Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from any status condition during battle.
Lumiose Galette ImageLumiose Galette A popular treat in Lumiose City. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Max Revive ImageMax Revive A medicine that can be used to revive a single Pokemon that has fainted. It also fully restores the Pokemon's max HP.
Old Gateau ImageOld Gateau The Old Chateau's hidden specialty. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Paralyze Heal ImageParalyze Heal A spray-type medicine for treating paralysis. It can be used to free a single Pokemon that has been paralyzed.
Pecha Berry ImagePecha Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from poisoning on its own in battle.
Persim Berry ImagePersim Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from confusion on its own in battle.
Pewter Crunchies ImagePewter Crunchies Pewter City's famous crunchy snack. They can be used to heal all status conditions of a single Pokémon.
Rage Candy Bar ImageRage Candy Bar Mahogany Town's famous candy. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Rawst Berry ImageRawst Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from a burn on its own in battle.
Revival Herb ImageRevival Herb A terribly bitter medicinal herb. It revives a fainted Pokemon and fully restores its maximum HP.
Revive ImageRevive A medicine that can be used to revive a single Pokemon that has fainted. It also restores half of the Pokemon's max HP.
Shalour Sable ImageShalour Sable Shalour City's famous shortbread. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.

Related Links

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
Moves by Type
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SteelSteel FairyFairy NormalNormal
Moves by Category
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Dynamax Moves
Max Moves G-Max Moves
Moves by Effects
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Moves that Make Contact Moves that Do Not Make Contact Moves that Block Attacks
Status Restoring Moves Moves that Forces a Switch Sound-Based Moves
List of Priority Moves


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