Pokemon Sword and Shield

Getting to the 6th Gym (Part 6) - Walkthrough

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Getting to the 6th Gym

This is the story guide and objectives list for obtaining the 6th Badge (Ballonlea - Circhester) in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on to learn which Pokemon the trainers in this location have, as well as other useful walkthrough information.

Getting to the 5th Gym Getting to the 7th Gym

Things to Do Before Getting to the 6th Gym

Sword: Raise a Water or Fighting-type Pokemon to at least Lv. 40

Example Water-type Example Fighting-type
Gyarados ImageGyarados Drednaw ImageDrednaw Falinks ImageFalinks Timburr ImageTimburr

Before taking on the 6th Gym challenge, you should raise a Water or Fighting-type Pokemon up to Lv. 40. Both of these types will be super effective on the 6th gym leader of Pokemon Sword, so having one of these on your team will make victory a sure thing.

Shield: Raise a Fire or Fighting-type to at least Lv. 40

Example Fire-type Example Fighting-type
Vulpix ImageVulpix Growlithe ImageGrowlithe Falinks ImageFalinks Timburr ImageTimburr

Before taking on the 6th Gym challenge, you should raise a Fire or Fighting-type Pokemon up to Lv. 40. Both of these types will be super effective on the 6th gym leader of Pokemon Shield, so having one of these on your team will make victory a sure thing.

Getting to the 6th Gym - Story Walkthrough


Ballonlea Items and Obtainable Pokemon

Ballonlea Objectives
1 Exit Ballonlea Stadium and speak with Opal
2 Return to Hammerlocke together


Hammerlocke Items and Obtainable Pokemon

Hammerlocke Objectives
1 Speak with Bede and Opal
2 Head east (right) and speak to Sonia
3 Continue east (right) and speak with Hop
4 Head east (right) toward Route 7

Route 7

Route 7 Items and Obtainable Pokemon

Getting to the 7th Gym (Part 7) - Walkthrough

Route 7 Objectives
1 Continue east (right) and battle with Hop
2 Head northeast (up and right) to pass through the tunnel and head to Route 8

Hop's Pokemon

Pokemon Lv. Type
Trevenant ImageTrevenant 34 Grass Type Ghost Type
Heatmor ImageHeatmor 34 Fire Type
Snorlax ImageSnorlax 35 Normal Type
Boltund ImageBoltund 35 Electric Type
Rillaboom ImageRillaboom
(If you chose Scorbunny)
37 Grass Type
Inteleon ImageInteleon
(If you chose Grookey)
37 Water Type
Cinderace ImageCinderace
(If you chose Grookey)
37 Fire Type

Route 8

Route 8 Items and Obtainable Pokemon

Route 8 Chart
1 Head north (up) and go west (left) once you dead-end
2 After going down the stairs, go down the ladder to the northeast (upper right)
3 Climb the ladder immediately to the east (right), and proceed north (up)
4 After going down the stairs, climb the night ladder, and go down the northeast (upper right) ladder
5 Climb the ladder to the east (right), and go down the ladder to the northeast (upper right)
6 Proceed north (up) and head west (left) at the dead-end
7 Continue west (left) and go north (up) at the next dead-end, then continue northeast (up and right)
8 Go northeast (up and right) until you reach a ladder, and climb down it. Climb up the stairs to the east (right) and then climb the ladder
9 Pass through the tunnel, and continue along the road until you reach Circhester

Route 8 Map and Obtainable Pokemon


Circhester Items and Obtainable Pokemon

Circhester Objectives
1 Head north (up) and enter the Stadium
2 Continue to the reception in the very back and speak with the NPC here
3 Sword: Challenge the Gym Leader Gordie
Shield: Challenge the Gym Leader Melony

Stage 1 Pitfall Locations

▼ Goal▲ Start

Stage 2 Pitfall Locations

▼ Goal▲ Start

Stage 3 Pitfall Locations

3-1 Pitfall Map
▼ To Map 3-2
▲ Start
3-2 Pitfall Map
▼ Goal
▲ From Map 3-1

Circhester Gym Leader: Gordie's Pokemon (Sword Exclusive)

Pokemon Lv. Type
Barbaracle ImageBarbaracle 40 Rock Type Water Type
Shuckle ImageShuckle 40 Bug Type Rock Type
Stonjourner ImageStonjourner 41 Rock Type
Coalossal ImageCoalossal 42 Rock Type Fire Type

How to Beat Gordie

Circhester Gym Leader: Melony's Pokemon (Shield Exclusive)

Pokemon Lv. Type
Frosmoth ImageFrosmoth 40 Ice Type
Galarian Darmanitan ImageGalarian Darmanitan 40 Ice Type
Eiscue ImageEiscue 41 Ice Type
Lapras ImageLapras 42 Water Type Ice Type

How to Beat Melony

Related Links

Story Walkthrough Guides
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Getting to the 1st Gym Getting to the 2nd Gym
Getting to the 3rd Gym Getting to the 4th Gym
Getting to the 5th Gym Getting to the 6th Gym
Getting to the 7th Gym Getting to the 8th Gym
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Post Game Content and Walkthrough
Story Related Pages
Rival BattlesRival Battles Gym BattlesGym Leader Battles
Post Game ContentHow to Beat Champion Leon
Galar Gym Challenge
Gym Challenge Category Banner.pngList of Gym Challenges


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