Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Surprise Trade Online

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Surpise Trade
You will never know who you might trade with through the new feature Surprise Trades in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield! Read on to find out more.

All Trading Pages
Local and Online Trading Online Surprise Trading Pokemon Trading Board

Surprise Trades - Overview

Y-comm has several features, such as Link Battles, and trading Pokemon. A stamp that will pop up at the left of your screen might be an indication that another player is looking for somebody to connect with.


Membership with the Nintendo Switch Online (paid) service is required to participate in Link Trades and Link Battles using the Internet. Surprise Trades are all conducted over the Internet, so the service is required to use this feature.

Surprise Trades - Trading Pokemon

Go to different places, and see if you can get a Surprise Trade. You will not know what Pokemon you are getting until you actually receive them!

Trading a Pokemon is very easy. You just need to select a Pokemon from your boxes that you are willing to trade and voila! A trading partner will be found automatically as you continue on your adventure.


The game will keep trying to match you with a trading partner in the background, so there is no need to wait for a match.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Related Links

New Features
Max Raid Battles Poke Jobs
Pokemon Camp Surprise Trades
Changing Natures with Mints Auto-save
Changing Your Uniform Wild Area and
Raid Strategy
Changing Nicknames of Traded Pokemon Customizing Your
League Card
Differences Between the Versions Pokemon HOME


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