Genshin Impact

Invasive Fish Wrangler Event Guide

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - Invasive Fish Wrangler Event Guide

Invasive Fish Wrangler is a Co-Op fishing event for Genshin Impact 5.4. See the event release date, how to play, and all rewards in this guide!

Invasive Fish Wrangler Schedule

Fish Wrangler Point Limit Unlock Date

Point Limit Unlock Date
1000 March 5, 2025
2000 March 7, 2025
3000 March 9, 2025

The maximum Wrangler Points that a player can get on the first day of the event is 1000 and increases by 1000 every two days twice until it reaches 3000.

How to Play Invasive Fish Wrangler

Play in Fish-Off Mode or Co-Op Mode

Genshin Impact - Invasive Fish Wrangler - Fish-Off mode
There are two Modes available in Invasive Fish Wrangler; Fish-Off Mode in which players compete for Action Points, and Co-Op Mode where players work together to accumulate points.

Fish-Off Mode

In Fish-Off Mode, players are paired with a PVP match-making system, matching players evenly against each other based on their Accumulated Points, which results in fair competitive play between different anglers.

Co-Op Mode

This event can also be done in Co-Op Mode where players can work together to catch different fish at double the time. This allows both players to reap the rewards of their fishing bounties while reducing the work needed.

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Throw Fishing Nets to Catch Fish

Every challenge in the Invasive Fish Wrangler event requires you to throw fishing nets to catch fish using an Action Point system. The more fish you acquire, the more Wrangler Points it nets and the higher your score.

Three Types of Nets

Genshin - Different Wrangler Net Sizes
You can switch between small, medium, and large nets during the challenge. Using the right size net for the right size fish can increase chances of success, so remember to match your net with your target!

Using Nets Cost Wrangler Points

Genshin - Wrangler Points for Nets
At the start of the challenge, you are automatically given 1000 Wrangler Points. Using a net will cost 5/20/60 Wrangler Points depending on the net size, so make each net throw count!

Capture the Bejeweled Unihornfish for A Large Amount of Points

Genshin - Invasive Fish Wrangler Bejeweled Unihornfish

Use Medium Net for the Bejeweled Unihornfish

During the challenge, Anglertides will occur, and the chance for a Bejeweled Unihornfish can appear! Using a Medium Net helps with capturing this fish, which gives you 2500 Wrangler Points.

Different Fish are Worth Different Points

Genshin - Different Fish Sizes Mean Different Points
There are many different types and sizes of fish that appear during the challenge, each worth a different amount of Wrangler Points. The larger the fish size, the more points you get!

All Fish Types and Points

Fish Size and Type Points Rewarded
Huge Fish
Genshin - Bejeweled Unihornfish Bejeweled Unihornfish
Large Fish
Medium Fish
Small Fish

Random Challenge Buffs for Each Challenge

Genshin - Different Challenge Buffs
Every time you start a challenge, a challenge buff with corresponding conditions will be chosen at random and applied to the stage. Pay attention to these buffs as completing their objectives can let you collect more points!

List of All Challenge Buffs and Effects

# Stage Buff & Effects
Genshin - FisherFisher's Frenzy

A green-glowing Frenzied Marvelfish will appear in the fishing zone. For 15s after catching this fish, your small/medium nets will enter a Frenzy state. During this period, when you successfully catch fish of these sizes with the corresponding net, action points gained will continue to increase with each successive catch, up to a maximum of 4x/3x their original value.
While this effect is active, catching the Frenzied Marvelfish again will not provide any more buffs.
Genshin - One Worth Five One Worth Five

A gold-glowing Multiplier Marvelfish will appear in the fishing zone. Catching this fish will grant you 5x the amount of action points you would get for catching an ordinary fish of the same size.
Genshin - Random Marvel Random Marvel

A red-glowing Surprise Marvelfish will appear in the fishing zone. For 10s after catching this fish, you will randomly gain one of the following 3 buffs:
1. Automatically quick-throwing small nets without using action points.
2. Throwing 2 extra nets when you throw a medium net.
3. Using half the amount of action points as usual when you throw a large net.
While the effect is active, catching the Surprise Marvelfish again will not provide any more buffs.

Invasive Fish Wrangler Event Information

Invasive Fish Wrangler Event Details

Genshin Impact - Invasive Fish Wrangler Event

Event Start March 5, 2025
Event End March 17, 2025
How to Unlock Adventure Rank 20
Complete Prologue: Act 3 - The Song of the Dragon and Freedom
Genshin - Primogem Image Genshin - Mora Image Genshin - Hero Genshin - Sanctifying Unction Image

What is the Invasive Fish Wrangler?

The Invasive Fish Wrangler is an upcoming fishing event that requires you to catch various types of fish in exchange for rewards.

Other Current & Upcoming Events

How to Unlock Invasive Fish Wrangler

Complete Archon Quest Prologue Act 3

Genshin Impact -  The Song of the Dragon and Freedom Quest Guide
To unlock Invasive Fish Wrangler, you must complete the Prologue Act 3 Archon Quest, Song of the Dragon and Freedom and reach at least Adventure Rank 20!

Prologue Act 3 Archon Quest Guide

Complete A Very Fishy Encounter Unlock Quest

To start the event, talk to Jala by the beach on Fort Charybdis Ruins and complete the event quest, A Very Fishy Encounter!

Invasive Fish Wrangler Event Rewards

Total Invasive Fish Wrangler Event Rewards

All Invasive Fish Wrangler Event Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem x420 Genshin - Mora Icon Mora x120,000 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x2
Genshin - Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop Icon Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop x6 Genshin - Chapter of an Ancient Chord Icon Chapter of an Ancient Chord x6 Genshin - Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea Icon Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea x6
Genshin - Sanctifying Unction Icon Sanctifying Unction x6 Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Icon Mystic Enhancement Ore x8 Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x12

Wrangler Point Rewards

Points Rewards
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1

Special Action Rewards

Objectives Rewards
Take part in a Fish-Off Mode challenge 1 time(s)
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1
Mora Mora x20,000
Catch a total of 10 small fish using the small net
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1
Mora Mora x20,000
Catch a total of 10 medium fish using the medium net
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1
Mora Mora x20,000
Catch a total of 10 large fish using the large net
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1
Mora Mora x20,000
Catch a total of 1 super large fish
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1
Mora Mora x20,000
Catch a total of 5 Marvelfish
Genshin - Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish Furnishing x1
Mora Mora x20,000

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