Pokemon Sword and Shield

List of Battle Items and Held Items

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Competitive Battle Guide

This page lists all Battle Items and other Held Items in Pokemon Sword and Shield, the Isle of Amor, and the Crown Tundra DLCs. If you would like to know the effects of items that can be used for useful effects during Battle, as well as find out where they can be found, see the list below.

List of Trainer-Activated Battle Items

These battle items are selected by a trainer from the Items menu during a single turn of a battle. As with other items used in this way, they can't be used during competitive play, such as Ranked Battle and in the Battle Tower.

Item Effect
Ability Capsule ImageAbility Capsule A capsule that allows a Pokemon with two Abilities to switch between these Abilities when it is used.
Ability Patch ImageAbility Patch When used on a Pokémon, its Ability will change to its species’ Hidden Ability, if it has one.
Dire Hit ImageDire Hit An item that raises the critical-ratio greatly. It can be used only once and wears off if the Pokemon is withdrawn.
Guard Spec. ImageGuard Spec. An item that prevents stat reduction among the Trainer's party Pokemon for five turns after it is used in battle.
Poke Doll ImagePoke Doll A doll that attracts the attention of a Pokemon. It guarantees escape from any battle with wild Pokemon.
X Accuracy ImageX Accuracy An item that sharply boosts the accuracy of a Pokemon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokemon is withdrawn.
X Attack ImageX Attack An item that sharply boosts the Attack stat of a Pokemon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokemon is withdrawn.
X Defense ImageX Defense An item that sharply boosts the Defense stat of a Pokemon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokemon is withdrawn.
X Sp. Atk ImageX Sp. Atk An item that sharply boosts the SP.Atk stat of a Pokemon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokemon is withdrawn.
X Sp.Def ImageX Sp.Def An item that sharply boosts the Sp. Def stat of a Pokémon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokémon is withdrawn.
X Speed ImageX Speed An item that sharply boosts the Speed stat of a Pokemon during a battle. It wears off once the Pokemon is withdrawn.

List of Held Battle Items

These items are held by a Pokemon to be take effect automatically when a certain condition is fulfilled. Held Battle Items can be used during competitive play, such as Ranked Battle and in the Battle Tower.

Item Effect
Absorb Bulb ImageAbsorb Bulb An item to be held by a Pokemon. It boosts Sp.Atk if hit with a Water-type attack. It can only be used once.
Adamant Orb ImageAdamant Orb A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Dialga. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Steel-type moves when it is held.
Adrenaline Orb ImageAdrenaline Orb If held by a Pokemon, it boosts Speed when intimidated.
Air Balloon ImageAir Balloon An item to be held by a Pokemon. The holder will float in the air until hit. Once hit, this item will burst.
Assault Vest ImageAssault Vest An item to be held by a Pokemon. This offensive vest raises Sp.Def but prevents the use of status moves.
Big Root ImageBig Root An item to be held by a Pokemon. It boosts the amount of HP the holder recovers from HP-stealing moves.
Binding Band ImageBinding Band An item to be held by a Pokemon. A band that increases the power of binding moves used by the holder.
Black Belt ImageBlack Belt Am item to be held by a Pokemon. This belt helps the wearer to focus and boosts the power of Fighting-type moves.
Black Glasses ImageBlack Glasses An item to be held by a Pokemon. A pair of shady-looking glasses that boost the power of Dark-type moves.
Black Sludge ImageBlack Sludge An item to be held by a Pokemon. It gradually restores HP to Poison-type Pokemon. It damage any other type.
Blunder Policy ImageBlunder Policy Raises Speed sharply when a Pokemon misses with a move because of accuracy.
Bright Powder ImageBright Powder An item to be held by a Pokémon. It casts a tricky glare that lowers the opposing Pokémon's accuracy.
Cell Battery ImageCell Battery An item to be held by a Pokemon. It boosts Attack if hit with an Electric-type attack. It can only be used once.
Charcoal ImageCharcoal An item to be held by a Pokémon. It’s a combustible fuel that boosts the power of Fire-type moves.
Choice Band ImageChoice Band An item to be held by a Pokemon. This curious headband boosts Attack but only allows the use of one move.
Choice Scarf ImageChoice Scarf An item to be held by a Pokemon. This curious scarf boosts Speed but only allows the use of one move.
Choice Specs ImageChoice Specs An item to be held by a Pokemon. These curious glasses boost Sp.Atk but only allow the use of one move.
Damp Rock ImageDamp Rock An item to be held by a Pokemon. It extends the duration of the move Rain Dance when used by the holder.
Dragon Fang ImageDragon Fang An item to be held by a Pokémon. This hard and sharp fang boosts the power of Dragon-type moves.
Eject Button ImageEject Button An item to be held by a Pokemon. If the holder is hit by an attack, it will be switched out of battle.
Eject Pack ImageEject Pack Enables Pokemon with a lowered stat to switch out of battle.
Electric Seed ImageElectric Seed An item to be held by a Pokemon. It boosts Defense on Electric Terrain. It can only be used once.
Eviolite ImageEviolite A mysterious Evolutionary lump. When held by a Pokemon that can still evolve, it raises both Defense and Sp.Def.
Expert Belt ImageExpert Belt An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a well-worn belt that slightly boosts the power of supereffective moves.
Flame Orb ImageFlame Orb An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's a bizarre orb that will afflict the holder with a burn during battle.
Float Stone ImageFloat Stone An item to be held by a Pokemon. This very light stone reduces the weight of a Pokemon when held.
Focus Band ImageFocus Band An item to be held by a Pokémon. The holder may endure a potential KO attack, leaving it with just 1 HP.
Focus Sash ImageFocus Sash An item to be held by a Pokemon. If the holder has full HP, it will endure a potential KO attack with 1 HP. The item then disappears.
Grassy Seed ImageGrassy Seed An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts Defense on Grassy Terrain. It can only be used once.
Grip Claw ImageGrip Claw An item to be held by a Pokemon. It extends the duration of multi-turn attacks like Bind and Wrap.
Griseous Orb ImageGriseous Orb A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Giratina. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Ghost-type moves when it is held.
Hard Stone ImageHard Stone An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a durable stone that boosts the power of Rock-type moves.
Heat Rock ImageHeat Rock An item to be held by a Pokemon. It extends the duration of the move Sunny Day when used by the holder.
Heavy-Duty Boots ImageHeavy-Duty Boots These boots prevent the effects of traps set on the battlefield.
Icy Rock ImageIcy Rock An item to be held by a Pokemon. It extends the duration of the move Hail when used by the holder.
Iron Ball ImageIron Ball An item to be held by a Pokemon. It lowers Speed and allows Ground-type moves to hit Flying-type and Levitating holders.
KingKing's Rock An item to be held by a Pokemon. When the holder successfully inflicts damage, the target may also flinch.
Lagging Tail ImageLagging Tail An item to be held by a Pokemon. It is tremendously heavy and makes the holder move slower than usual.
Leek ImageLeek An item to be held by Farfetch'd. This very long and stiff stalk of leek boosts its critical-hit ratio.
Leftovers ImageLeftovers An item to be held by a Pokemon. The holder's HP is slowly but steadiily restored throughout every battle.
Life Orb ImageLife Orb An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of moves, but at the cost of some HP on each hit.
Light Ball ImageLight Ball An item to be held by Pikachu. It's a puzzling orb that boosts its Attack and Sp. Atk stats.
Light Clay ImageLight Clay An item to be held by a Pokémon. Protective moves like Light Screen and Reflect will be effective longer.
Luminous Moss ImageLuminous Moss An item to held by a Pokemon. It boosts Sp.Def if hit with a Water-type attack. It can only be used once.
Lustrous Orb ImageLustrous Orb A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Palkia. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Water-type moves when it is held.
Magnet ImageMagnet An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a powerful magnet that bootst the power of Electric-type moves.
Mental Herb ImageMental Herb An item to be held by a Pokemon. The holder shakes off move-binding effects to move freely. It can be used only once.
Metal Coat ImageMetal Coat An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a special metallic film that can boost the power of Steel-type moves.
Making Onix or Scyther hold this and then trading them will cause them to evolve.
Metal Powder ImageMetal Powder An item to be held by Ditto. Extremely fine yet hard, this odd powder boosts the Defense stat.
Metronome ImageMetronome An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts moves used consecutively but only until a different move is used.
Miracle Seed ImageMiracle Seed An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a seed imbued with life force that boosts the power of Grass-type moves.
Misty Seed ImageMisty Seed An item to be held by a Pokemon. It boosts Sp.Def on Misty Terrain. It can only be used once.
Muscle Band ImageMuscle Band An item to be held by a Pokemon. This headband exudes strength, slightly boosting the power of physical moves.
Mystic Water ImageMystic Water An item to be held by a Pokémon. This teardrop-shaped gem boosts the power of Water-type moves.
Never-Melt Ice ImageNever-Melt Ice An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's a heat-repelling piece of ice that boosts the power of Ice-type moves.
Normal Gem ImageNormal Gem A gem with an ordinary essence. When held, it strenghens the power of a Normal-type move one time.
Pixie Plate ImagePixie Plate Ån item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a stone tablet that boosts the power of Fairy-type moves.
Poison Barb ImagePoison Barb An item to be held by a Pokémon. This small, poisonous barb boosts the power of Poison-type moves.
Power Herb ImagePower Herb A single-use item to be held by a Pokémon. It allows the holder to immediately use a move that normally requires a turn to charge.
Protective Pads ImageProtective Pads An item to be held by a Pokémon. These pads protect the holder from effects caused by making direct contact with the target.
Psychic Seed ImagePsychic Seed An item to be held by a Pokemon. It boosts Sp.Def on Psychic Terrain. It can only be used once.
Quick Claw ImageQuick Claw An item to be held by a Pokémon. This light, sharp claw lets the bearer move first occasionally.
Quick Powder ImageQuick Powder An item to be held by Ditto. Extremely fine yet hard, this odd powder boosts the Speed stat.
Razor Claw ImageRazor Claw An item to be held by a Pokemon. This sharply hooked claw increases the holder's critical-hit ratio.
Making Sneasel hold this and then trading them will cause them to evolve.
Red Card ImageRed Card An item to be held by a Pokemon. When the holder is hit by an attack, the attacker is removed from battle.
Ring Target ImageRing Target An item to be held by a Pokémon. Moves that normally have no effect will land on a Pokémon holding it.
Rocky Helmet ImageRocky Helmet An item to be held by a Pokemon. If the holder is hit, the attacker will also be damaged upon contact.
Room Service ImageRoom Service Lowers the user's speed during Trick Room.
Rusted Shield ImageRusted Shield It is said that a hero used this shield to halt a terrible disaster in ancient times. But it's grown rusty and worn.
Rusted Sword ImageRusted Sword It is said that a hero used this sword to halt a terrible disaster in ancient times. But it's grown rusty and worn.
Safety Goggles ImageSafety Goggles An item to be held by a Pokemon. These goggles protect the holder from both weather-related damage and powder.
Scope Lens ImageScope Lens An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a lens for scoping out weak points. It boosts the holder's critical-hit ratio.
Sharp Beak ImageSharp Beak An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a long, sharp beak that boosts the power of Flying-type moves.
Shed Shell ImageShed Shell An item to be held by a Pokemon. This discarded carapace enables the holder to switch out of battle without fail.
Shell Bell ImageShell Bell An item to be held by a Pokemon. The holder regains a little HP every time it inflicts damage on others.
Silk Scarf ImageSilk Scarf An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a sumptuous scarf that boosts the power of Normal-type moves.
Silver Powder ImageSilver Powder An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a shiny silver powder that will boost the power of Bug-type moves.
Smooth Rock ImageSmooth Rock An item to be held by a Pokemon. It extends the duration of the move Sandstorm when used by the holder.
Snowball ImageSnowball An item to be held by a Pokemon. It boosts Attack if the holder is hit with an Ice-type attack. It can only be used once.
Soft Sand ImageSoft Sand An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a loose, silky sand boosts the power of Ground-type moves.
Soul Dew ImageSoul Dew A wondrous orb to be held by either Latios or Latias. It boosts the power of Psychic- and Dragon-type moves when it is held.
Spell Tag ImageSpell Tag An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's a sinister, eerie tag that boosts the power of Ghost-type moves.
Sticky Barb ImageSticky Barb An item to be held by a Pokémon. It damages the holder every turn and may latch on to Pokémon that touch the holder.
Terrain Extender ImageTerrain Extender An item to be held by a Pokémon. It extends the duration of the terrain caused by the holder's move or Ability.
Throat Spray ImageThroat Spray Raises Sp. Atk when a Pokémon uses a sound-based move.
Toxic Orb ImageToxic Orb An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's a bizarre orb that will badly poison the holder during battle.
Twisted Spoon ImageTwisted Spoon An item to be held by a Pokémon. This spoon is imbued with telekinetic power and boosts Psychic-type moves.
Utility Umbrella ImageUtility Umbrella An item to be held by a Pokémon. This sturdy umbrella protects the holder from the effects of weather.
Weakness Policy ImageWeakness Policy An item to be held by a Pokémon. Attack and Sp. Atk sharply increase if the holder is hit with a move it's weak to.
White Herb ImageWhite Herb An item to be held by a Pokemon. It will restore any lowered stat in battle. It can be used only once.
Wide Lens ImageWide Lens An item to be held by a Pokemon. It's a magnifying lens that slightly boosts the accuracy of moves.
Wise Glasses ImageWise Glasses An item to be held by a Pokemon. This thick pair of glasses slightly boosts the power of special moves.
Zoom Lens ImageZoom Lens An item to be held by a Pokemon. If the holder moves after its target moves, its accuracy will be boosted.

List of Memories

Silvally can hold a Memory to change its type using its Ability RKS System. Silvally's signature move Multi-Attack will also change type depending on the Memory it holds.

Item Effect
Bug Memory ImageBug Memory A memory disc that contains Bug-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Dark Memory ImageDark Memory A memory disc that contains Dark-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Dragon Memory ImageDragon Memory A memory disc that contains Dragon-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Electric Memory ImageElectric Memory A memory disc that contains Electric-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Fairy Memory ImageFairy Memory A memory disc that contains Fairy-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Fighting Memory ImageFighting Memory A memory disc that contains Fighting-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Fire Memory ImageFire Memory A memory disc that contains Fire-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Flying Memory ImageFlying Memory A memory disc that contains Flying-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Ghost Memory ImageGhost Memory A memory disc that contains Ghost-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Grass Memory ImageGrass Memory A memory disc that contains Grass-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Ground Memory ImageGround Memory A memory disc that contains Ground-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Ice Memory ImageIce Memory A memory disc that contains Ice-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Poison Memory ImagePoison Memory A memory disc that contains Poison-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Psychic Memory ImagePsychic Memory A memory disc that contains Psychic-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Rock Memory ImageRock Memory A memory disc that contains Rock-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Steel Memory ImageSteel Memory A memory disc that contains Steel-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
Water Memory ImageWater Memory A memory disc that contains Water-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.

List of Drives

The typing of Genesect's signature move Techno Blast will change depending on the Drive it is currently holding.

Item Effect
Burn Drive ImageBurn Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes FIre type.
Chill Drive ImageChill Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes Ice type.
Douse Drive ImageDouse Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes Water type.
Shock Drive ImageShock Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes Electric type.

Other Held Items

Item Effect
Amulet Coin ImageAmulet Coin An item to be held by a Pokemon. It doubles any prize money received if the holding Pokemon joins a battle.
Cleanse Tag ImageCleanse Tag An item to be held by a Pokemon. It helps keep wild Pokemon away if the holder is the head of the party.
Lucky Egg ImageLucky Egg An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's an egg filled with happiness that earns extra Exp. Points in battle.
Smoke Ball ImageSmoke Ball An item to be held by a Pokemon. It enables the holder to flee from any wild Pokemon encounter without fail.

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